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A few things

Posted on Tue Aug 16th, 2011 @ 7:20pm by Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries

greetings everyone,

i'd like to take a few minutes to say a few things before we get into the 'meat and potatoes' of our current mission. first and foremost i would like to apologize for my silence in the last few weeks. for those unaware of the happenings of my life, i've been dealing with a number of personal issues that have left me in a rather depressive state and thus not really active in anything outside of work. to those who have been inquired about my absence and have just generally been supportive, i appreciate your thoughts and concerns. and though i am no where near 100% in terms of mental stability i believe i am well enough to return to active simming.

secondly, i'd like to thank those who have continued on with the mission despite these abrupt 'pauses'. it is no lie when i tell you that the arizona is one of the best sims in this fleet for the very reason that you all make it that way. i hope that you all continue to bless us with your greatness.

thirdly, with the away mission currently taking place i will be hosting afternoon tea for those of you remaining aboard! anyone who wishes to participate please let me know... and as always to anyone who i've yet had the pleasure of posting with my proverbial door is usually open.

warm regards,


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