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Award Presentation

Posted on Sun Feb 27th, 2011 @ 8:30am by Captain Nathan Cowell MD

Lieutenant Commander Jonathon Mantell (Jordan) has, throughout the course of the mission, provided us with posts of excellent quality and depth that give us a good look into the inner workings of the character that is Jack. Never sacrificing his creativity in the face of brevity, he constantly strives to put out a product that is of the utmost detail. His never-ending dedication to quality brings great credit upon himself, the Arizona, and the community at large. In recognition for his continued efforts aboard the Arizona, I hereby award him the Honor of Excellence.

Major Anastasia DeVries (Lyn) has, during the course of this first mission, performed in a manner consistent with the highest excellence that can be sought after in a player. She is a constant source of inspiration and guidance, not only from the Command Staff but her fellow players as well. Her dedication to the Arizona and to all those who serve her brings great credit upon herself, the simulation, and the community at large. Because of her tireless efforts, I hereby award her the Medal of Honor.

Lieutenant Aiden Roberts (JP) has, during the course of this first mission, shown himself to be a character among characters. His personal style and flagrant disregard for the status quo of human behavior is both refreshing and captivating to read. His ability to construct posts that draw a reader into the twisted, womanizing world of Aiden Roberts with an effortless feel to it is a skill very few people possess. In recognition for his efforts, I hereby award him the Cross of Distinction.

While Lieutenant Roberts' actions don't necessarily reflect great credit upon himself or the Arizona in a tangible way, they do bring a unique dynamic to the world we play in that can never be replaced or taken for granted. Well done!

Lieutenant Junior Grade Thomas Beliard (Jeremiah), having recently eclipsed the one month mark in his service to the Arizona, has in this short time proven himself to be a valued and enthusiastic member of the crew. His efforts to reach out and become more than a name on the manifest despite his lesser role in the Science department bring great credit upon himself, the Arizona, and the community at large. In recognition for his continued efforts to be one of the gang, I hereby award him the Newcomer Award.

Lieutenant Junior Grade Thomas Beliard (Jeremiah) has, in the service of the USS Arizona, showed himself to be nothing if not a sponge as he interacts with the crew and hones the skills associated with participation in the simulation we all share. His constant work toward improvement and his drive and dedication to the game itself bring great credit upon himself, the Arizona, and the community at large. In recognition for his continued efforts toward self-improvement and participation, I hereby award him the McCoy Cluster.

Lieutenant Junior Grade Xylia Lischka (Ginger) has, during the course of this first mission, made every possible effort to be available to every member of the crew, in one manner or another, for the purpose of interaction and character development. She has constantly sought people out and engaged them in joint posting endeavors not only to get them involved but to move the plot along. Her unending passion for interaction with the crew brings great credit upon herself, the Arizona, and the community at large. In recognition for her continual efforts to socialize and engage others in the story, I hereby award her the Decoration for Gallantry.

Lieutenant Junior Grade Three of Seven (Ray), during the course of this first mission, has posted with a consistency and quality that has been both engaging and enlightening to those who read his works. Never sacrificing quality, he has participated in this simulation with consistency without once sacrificing depth of character, depth of detail, and personal creativity. His unyielding drive to construct contributions to the story of the utmost quality brings great credit upon himself, the Arizona, and the community at large. In recognition for his continued efforts to provide nothing short of outstanding quality, I hereby award him the Honor of Excellence.

Lieutenant Rixx (Shannon) has, through the course of the mission, added a unique flair to this game. His posts vary from serious to whimsical but in all things they are of a consistently high quality. In thanks for his service to the USS Arizona, I hereby award him the Captain's Star.

S'anra (Jake), one of only two civilian characters aboard the USS Arizona, has taken great pains to make the character of S'anra both unique and deep without sacrificing quality of posts or realism of character. For service beyond the scope of S'anra's initial reason for being among the crew, I hereby award the Captain's Star.

Congratulations to everyone who received an award!


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