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Purple Heart Awardees

Posted on Thu May 5th, 2011 @ 4:39pm by Captain Nathan Cowell MD

During the final battle of Mission 2: Renegades, it was written and is a matter of simulation canon that several of our player characters and player controlled NPCs received injuries serious enough to send them to sickbay. Because they risked their lives in the service of the Federation, it is only fitting that the following named individuals be awarded with the Purple Heart;

Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries
Lieutenant Xylia Lischka
Lieutenant Junior Grade Elizabeth Marion
Ensign Paul Akron

It is also a sad reality that some members of our crew did not survive the attack. While it is impossible to name and award each and every NPC who was killed, I do want to recognize the one player character who's life was lost in the service of his ship and the Federation.

Lieutenant Commander Aiden Roberts

All recipients have already been given the award as of this posting. Please be on the lookout for a joint post in the near future to address the death of our First Officer.

-Commodore Curmudgeon


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Category: Commendations
