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Mon Sep 12th, 2011 @ 1:43pm

Lieutenant JG Shoshanah Sima

Name Shoshanah Sima

Position Head Nurse

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Trill
Age 28
Date of Birth Nov 8, 2358
Place of Birth Trill

Physical Appearance

Height 5 ft 8 in
Weight 130 lbs
Hair Color curly brownish red
Eye Color blue
Physical Description Shoshannah is average build with the typical trill spots on her forehead and body.


Father Seris Damori
Mother Yada Damori
Brother(s) Sham Damon
Sister(s) Tindra Damon
Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview
Strengths Compassion and knowledge.
Ambitions To one day become a starship Captain.
Hobbies & Interests Shoshanah loves to read. In her spare time Shoshanah can be found with a book in her hands. She also loves to sing songs and is learning to play the flute.
Likes Shoshanah likes to learn new things.
Dislikes She dislikes people who look at her funny, she is very self conscious about her appearance.
Linguistic Abilities Federation Standard, Klingon, Vulcan, Bajoran, French, Spanish

Personal History

Personal History Shoshanah was born on Trill to Seris and Yada Damon (her last name being Damon before being joined). Shoshannah also has two siblings. An older brother named Sham and a younger sister named. Tindra. Shoshannah was the middle child. Shoshanah was always interested in helping people. From the time she was little she was always wanting to help her mother who was a doctor at the clinic on Trill. When Shoshanah was 12 she was sent to Earth to go to School there. While there Shoshanah learned to speak 2 earth languages. French and Spanish. Shoshanah stayed on Earth until she graduated from High school at age 18. The separation from her family was a hard one for Shoshanah but it was also a time of discovery of herself.

When Shoshanah graduated from high school in the top 50% of her class, she had decided that she wanted to be a nurse. So Shoshanah went Back to Trill where she went through her 4 years at the University and took Nursing. It was also at this time that Shoshannah went though her training to prepare her for a Symbiot. Shoshannah didn't know who or when she would receive one, but she had volunteered when she was younger and was now able to get her training in.

When Shoshanah was finished she decided that she didn't just want to help the Trill species with her nursing but all species so she joined Starfleet and after graduating from Nursing school in the top 50% of her class, Shoshanah went back to earth and enrolled in the academy. During her 4 years at the academy, Shoshanah worked in the academy's sickbay. She was able to study the other species. She made some friends but as it always is in Starfleet, Shoshanah's new friends weren't around very long.

After her 4 years, Shoshanah was called back to Trill to received Sima, her Symbiot. Shoshannah was the only one in her family to be joined and it was hard at first for her family to accept that she wanted to do this. After staying on Trill for 4 months to get used to having a Symbiot, Shoshanah was transferred to the USS McCoy, a Medical ship where she worked on her nursing skills for 8 months. After 8 months Shoshanah was promoted to Ensign and transferred to the USS Aultman another medical ship Shoshanah served as temporary head nurse while the original head nurse was on leave. It was a time for learning for Shoshanah on how to give orders. There were times when Shoshanah had to pull herself in because there were times when she thought she knew more then the doctors. Part of it was due to the knowledge that Shoshanah had gained when she joined with Sima.

One of Sima's prior hosts was a doctor and so that gave Shoshanah more medical knowledge then a regular nurse needed. After her year on the USS Aultman, Shoshanah was promoted again to LT(jg). She was then given orders to join the USS Arizona as the Head nurse there since the previous head nurse had to leave.


Sima is 240 years old. Sima had a total of 6 hosts before Shoshanah. 3 males and 3 females. Between the 6 hosts Sima has a total of 11 children so far. 5 boys and 6 girls. They also had offspring which is uknown at this time. Sima's first host was a male. His name was Ravi. Ravi was a scientist. He fathered a boy child during the time he had Sima. Ravi was killed in an explosion while doing an experiment in his lab. He was 50 when he died. He had carried Sima since he was 20.

Sima's second host was female, her name was Yasmin. She was 25 when she took Sima She was also a scientist and was working near where Ravi was. She really wasn't supposed to take Sima but since there wasn't time to get the host that was supposed to take Sima, Yasmin took Sima. By the time the real host was able to take Sima it was too late. Yasmin carried Sima till she died at age 75. Yasmin had 2 children. a boy and a girl.

Sima's third host was also female. She took Sima when Yasmin died. Her name was Aislinn. Aislinn was 25 when she took Sima. Aislinn was a musician. She had learned to play the piano from Earth and loved it. She could also play some of the instruments from Trill. Aislinn was traveling to earth to play in a concert when her transport was attacked by Romulans. Aislinn was able to survive long enough for the transfer of Sima into the fourth host. Aislinn was 55 when she died. Aislinn had one child a girl.

Sima's fourth host was a male. He was lucky to have been close enough to get to Aislinn before she died to take Sima. His name was Mason and he was a doctor. He was 30 when he took Sima. During his time as host, Mason married and 3 children two boys, twins and a girl. Mason stayed on Trill as a doctor and was able to carry Sima until he died of old age at 85.

The next host for Sima was also a male. His name was Alban. He took Sima at the age of 20. He was going to school to became a diplomat. Sima and Alban were together for 50 years until he died at the age of 70. He had 2 children both girls. During his time alive Alban helped bring peace to three warring factions.

Sima's 6th host was a female. Her name was Kyla. She was unique in that she was only 16 when she became host to Sima. She wasn't supposed to be Sima's host but at the time of Alban's death, only Kyla was around. Kyla happened to be helping to take care of Aiden before his death and when he died unexpectedly while on his last diplomatic mission, only Kyla was available to accept the Symbiot or Sima would have died. By the time Sima and Kyla got to Trill it was too late to change hosts or it would kill both Kyla and Sima. Kyla was learning to be a nurse. After she graduated from High school she went onto nursing school and then worked in the Trill clinic most of her life. Kyla married at age 24 and had 2 children a boy and girl. Kyla lived till she was age 64 when she started having health problems. It was at this time that Shoshanah was called to Trill to be there for when Kyla passed on. A month after Shoshanah's arrival, Kyla died. Shoshanah was given Sima and is still Sima's host today.
Education Shoshanah graduated from Trill University after taking her four years of nursing school. She graduated in the top 50% of her class. She then wanted to be in Starfleet and went to San Francisco and did her for years at the academy and graduated in the top 30% of her class.

Professional History

Service Chronology
Service Record Upon graduating from the academy, Shoshanah had to go back to trill for 4 months. She then got her first assignment aboard the USS McCoy as a cadet and worked as a nurse. After 8 months, Shoshanah was promoted to Ensign and transferred to the USS Aultman, another medical ship where she took on the task of temporary head nurse. After her year the original head nurse came back and Shoshanah was promoted to LT(jg) and transferred to the USS Arizona.

Medical Information

Medical Profile
Psychological Profile

