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Fri Oct 25th, 2024 @ 4:29pm

Chief Petty Officer Paul Kheldar

Name Paul Aaron Kheldar

Position Quartermaster

Rank Chief Petty Officer

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 34
Date of Birth 11/21/2352
Place of Birth Philadelphia / Pennsylvania / Earth
Nicknames/Aliases 'Gunny'

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7"
Weight 166 lbs.
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Short yet well built, Paul keeps himself in peak physical condition. He has a stocky but strong build, and his hair is kept cut short; he's been bald before but enjoys a little stubble. He's usually found clean shaven, and eschews his uniform whenever possible. He is fond of shorts in any weather and casual clothing like t-shirts and well-worn jeans. A grin is usually found on his face, and he has a playful glint in his deep hazel eyes.


Father Aaron Kheldar
Mother Claire Kheldar
Brother(s) Benjamin Kheldar
Sister(s) Erin Kheldar
Brooke Kheldar
Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview Paul would like to describe himself as humorous, though others may beg to differ, but he enjoys a good laugh. He keeps friends close but is wary of relationships after his fiance broke off their marriage after his first shipbound deployment with Starfleet. He is a determined NCO and, even though boring at times, loves what he does. He understands the importance of the background work that goes into keeping a unit (and especially a starship) running after years serving as a quartermaster and armorer. While sometimes quirky he has a close relationship with his family, growing up as the youngest of all of his siblings. He is a hard worker and has a deep sense of justice that often guides his actions.
Strengths - organization
- humor (contested)
- determination
Weaknesses - stubborn
- often makes brash decisions
- wary of intimate relationships
Ambitions Paul has enjoyed a fair amount of success in the Marine Corps but loves what he does. He is fine to continue moving steadily up the non-com ranks, possibly with aspirations as a Chief of the Boat one day.
Hobbies & Interests - archery
- holodeck organized sports (football, soccer)
- bowling
- reading, specifically mysteries and old war novels
Likes - spending time at the bar
- hard work
- shore leave
- spending time with his family
Dislikes - hot-headed individuals
- stuck-up officers
- inexperience
Linguistic Abilities Capable of speaking only Galactic Basic, basically English.

Personal History

Personal History Paul Kheldar was born about forty five minutes outside one of Pennsylvania's most noted cities, Philadelphia. His father was a retired Starfleet engineer, serving as a quartermaster and his mother at home as a stay-at-home mom. He enjoyed a fun childhood, growing up as the youngest of four. His siblings, two older sisters and his brother, the oldest, had a fun bond, and Paul was known as the trickster and joker of the bunch. Despite his quirky outside he excelled in school and sports, playing as a linebacker through high school. This developed his smaller-build, and helped him to achieve success when he graduated and enlisted in the Starfleet Marine Corps.

Paul became engaged to his girlfriend, Elaine, before leaving for his deployment on the Georgia, but after only seventh months on the new ship going without contact to her for weeks-on end she broke off their engagement, leaving the young Marine wary of intimate relationships. He perked up, though, relying on humor and fellowship with friends to fill the gap in his life. Throughout his Starfleet career he maintained a close relationship with his family and friends back at home.
Education High school education - GED
Starfleet Marine Corps Boot Camp Graduate
Starfleet Logistics and Supply Training Course Graduate
SNCO Training Graduate

Professional History

Service Chronology 2370: Enlisted, Starfleet Marine Corps - Graduated Boot Camp
2371: Graduated, Starfleet Logistics and Supply Training
2371: Assigned, USS Israel - Armorer's Assistant - Private First Class
2372: Promoted, Lance Corporal
2373: Transferred, USS Georgia - Armorer - Corporal
2375: Transferred, USS Gemini - Armory Commander - Sergeant
2381: Transferred, Starfleet Marine Corps to Starfleet Navy - Rank transferred to Petty Officer 1st Class
2381: Assigned, USS Helvetica - Quartermaster - Petty Officer 1st Class
2384: Promoted, Chief Petty Officer
2386: Transferred, USS Arizona - Quartermaster - Chief Petty Officer
Service Record Paul enlisted in the Marine Corps immediately after graduating high school. His chosen MOS was Logistics and Supply, where he studied supplies and how to effectively move troops and the essentials to the places they needed to be. He passed through boot camp and his MOS' training and was assigned as the Armorer's Assistant aboard the USS Israel, where he serviced phaser rifles and pistols there in addition to requisitioning weapons for the troops and supplying all weapons to members of the crew. Paul was a natural at hard work, and after years of shooting civilian phasers with his father back home he was familiar with the basics of the weapons. He learned to take orders, and slowly moved his up the ranks before entering service as a non-commissioned officer and being transferred to the Nebula-class USS Georgia.

Assigned as a Corporal, Paul received a newfound level of not only respect but responsibility in his posting. He was assigned as a full Armorer, where he served as not only an armorer but also learned the trade of assigning rooms to all incoming crew and guests in addition to supplying the crew with any and all of their needs. Paul's proficiency with organization and ability to work well with other coupled with his people skills sent a strong message to Command that the young Corporal held potential, and the Marine Corp soldier was shifted to a full Marine Corps vessel which he could finally call home, the USS Gemini. Here, boosted up to the rank of full Sergeant, he served as the Armory Commander, and was able to supply troops for live action. This valuable experience added his personal know-how in the way of assigning items and armor to soldiers who were facing real danger. Paul learned to take efficiency and organization to a new level, and served for a full six years on the Marine Corps vessel with distinction from the Commanding officer and MEU Sergeant Major.

His skills in the way of logistics now proven for real, Paul left the Gemini as a Sergeant with a commendation from his Captain and a spotless disciplinary record. He was a stubborn man, but he always got the job done, and this shone clearly through on his past services. Upon leaving the Gemini he made the difficult career choice to transfer from the Marine Corps over to the Starfleet Navy. He returned to Earth to take the basic required courses and once completing these courses his rank was changed to the naval grade of Petty Officer 1st Class.
After leaving Earth once more Paul was transferred to the USS Helvetica, where he finally took on the reins as Ship's Quartermaster, a new and unique role for him. Assigned with the supply needs of over three hundred crew members, he took to heart the background jobs that were fulfilled by members of Marine Corps and Starfleet staff everywhere. Often it was the infantry and tactical officers who received all the glory, while the Quartermaster who supplied him his bed and rifle was forgotten. Paul intended to change that, and made close friendships with the different members of not only the Marine detachment but also the ship's crew. Paul reached the rank of Chief Petty Officer at this stage in his career after completing Senior Non-Commissioned Officer Training, taking on the nickname of 'Chief' to his shipmates. He finished out his tour on the Helvetica before once more being cycled off, moving to the Prometheus-class USS Arizona under the command of Commodore Nathan Cowell. Paul is ready to take on a new vessel, and for the first time a dedicated tactical warship, with vigor and serve as their Quartermaster to the best of his ability; Paul's spirits are high and his expectation set at maximum as he moves on to a new and exciting chapter in his life.

Medical Information

Medical Profile "2378: JULY 28 - Lieutenant Commander Matthew Vries Medical Log

The patient, Sergeant Paul Kheldar, reported to sick-bay complaining of a dislocated shoulder. The shoulder was set and pain-killers were administered before he was sent on his way."

"2386, USS Helvetica - USS Arizona: PAUL KHELDAR TRANSFER LOGS

Gunnery Sergeant Paul Kheldar is deemed of good health, passing his physical with flying colors."
Psychological Profile

