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Fri Oct 25th, 2024 @ 4:26pm

Lieutenant JG James Goodwin

Name James Samuel Goodwin

Position Chief Flight Control Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Terran
Age 26
Date of Birth April 4th (Unsure of Stardate)
Place of Birth USS Proteus, orbiting Earth
Nicknames/Aliases n/a

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2"
Weight 178 lbs.
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description James is a handsome young man with intense eyes and a confident smile. He wears his dark hair trimmed short and keeps himself and his uniform well groomed and neat.

He moves with a swagger usually reserved for those in command, though he does have a barely noticable limp, as one of his legs is just slightly shorter (by 1 cm) than the other, the result of a complication at birth. He's also got a small scar from a childhood accident that runs up through his left eyebrow, ending a few centimeters higher on his forehead.


Spouse n/a
Children n/a
Father Cmd. Samuel James Goodwin
Mother Dr. Sofia Goodwin
Brother(s) Lt. Christopher Goodwin (Deceased)
Sister(s) n/a
Other Family n/a

Personality & Traits

General Overview James Goodwin is a very personable and confident young officer, competitive, with a good sense of humor. He has a reassuring manner, and often uses jokes and sarcasm as an emotional defense when things get tough.
Strengths Once he's familiar with it, James has a knack for knowing the way a ship should "feel" when its powered up. Its not in any way a psychic ability, but rather a natural talent that he attributes to the fact that during the first six years of his life he never left an artifical enviroment to go planetside. In any event, while far from precise, this skill is something James has come to trust.

James is an exceptional pilot, outflying several upperclassmen during his freshman year at the Academy, and was ranked 2nd in his class in his graduating year.
Weaknesses He is a terrible shot with a hand-held phaser, just barely passing the minimum requirement at the Academy to pass his officer's exams. James also has an aversion to heights, though he has been trying to work through it using holodeck therapy sessions.

He misses his brother terribly, and James does not like to talk about his loss. James has agreed, however, to consult the Ship's Councelor on the matter at his new posting. (See Background)
Ambitions While content with his position as a starfleet helmsman for now, James definitely has aspirations to eventually sit in "the big chair" someday.
Hobbies & Interests Besides piloting ships of all sizes, James enjoys martial arts, specifically judo - which is a fairly non-lethal combat form, old-earth heist holovids, cooking, and members of the opposite sex, though not always in that order.
Likes - Chocolate Chip Cookies
- The feel of freedom behind the controls of a starship
- Popular Bajoran music
Dislikes - Being called "Jimmy"
- Vulcans (Has a hard time dealing with their lack of a sense of humor)
Linguistic Abilities Human, some-Bajoran, some-Vulcan, and like most Starfleet Officers, some-Klingon, mostly curse-words.

Personal History

Personal History James Samuel Goodwin was born aboard the USS Proteus while it was under construction in the shipyards near Earth. His father is an a member of Starfleet's Elite Engineers Corp, and his mother, a reknowned Warp-Drive specialist. The two are quite dedicated to their work, perhaps too much so, to the point that James's mother was actually assisting his father in the installation of the Proteus's warp core when she went into labor with James. At the time, his brother Christopher was two years old.

The boys spent most of their childhood aboard starships and starbases. As a matter of fact, James was six years old before ever going down to a planet's surface. (Which happened to be Bajor) He was eight before ever visiting Earth.

James and his brother were both good-natured and well behaved for the most part, and they had little difficulty learning to get along with others aboard the various ships and starbases where their parents visited and worked.

Christopher was unsurprisingly gifted in the technical aspects of engineering, considering who his parentage.

James, however, seemed destined for other avenues. Engineering, as a whole, didn't interest him, much to his parent's dismay. People did. His natural charm drew people in, and being a bright boy, he often used this to his own advantage. In any event, he showed great promise both physically and intellectually, and both boys were enrolled and accepted into Starfleet Academy without the need for their parents to exert any of their influence.

The Goodwin boys did well at starfleet, with Christopher entering the Engineering program, and James entered the Academy's Flight School. Just as his brother and parents understood machinery and schematics at a level most Engineers could never comprehend, James found he had an instinctive understanding of telemetries, navigation, thrust and spacial relationships, at times surprising both his teachers and fellow students with his skill and insights.

Upon graduation, the boys were separated as they were each assigned to different ships, Christopher taking a position as an Engineer aboard the USS Andres, and James as a Junior Flight Control Officer aboard the USS Calico, a ship that was only a few months from being retired. James stayed with the majority of the crew and was given a promotion when they were reassigned to the USS Grayson, a medical relief ship.

Jack enjoyed the post, did well there for the next few months, and probably would have remained content to stay with the ship indefinitely if he had not made the aquaintence of a young ensign named Karyn Drenn. She was young Betazoid woman, an aspiring medical officer who was quite gifted in her field...and coincidentally the daughter of the ship's Captain.

Noting James's interest in his daughter, Captain Drenn did what most fathers would consider doing in that situation before the romance got out of hand. He pulled a few strings at Starfleet and arranged a transfer and promotion for Jack to Chief Flight Control Officer aboard the USS Arizona.

Tragically, just two days before leaving the Grayson, James recieved word from his parents that his brother Christopher had been killed in an explosion aboard the Andres while trying to complete some emergency repairs.

James requested and recieved a leave of absence to go home and pay his respects to his brother and spend time with his family. Recently James has returned to active duty, and is eager to meet his new crew...
Education "Home-schooled" aboard numerous Starfleet vessels that his parents were working on, usually by way of Holodeck exercises, until he and his brother joined Starfleet Academy.

Professional History

Service Chronology - Starfleet Academy
- USS Calico - Junior Flight Control Officer
- USS Grayson - Flight Control Officer
- Transfered to the USS Arizona as Chief Flight Control Officer
Service Record

Medical Information

Medical Profile James Goodwin is in good physical condition for a person who engages in a regular, intensive exercise regimine. As noted in his bio, he has a barely noticable limp, as one of his legs is just slightly shorter (by 1 cm) than the other, the result of a complication at birth.
Psychological Profile Overall, James is a fairly well-adjusted, slightly overconfident officer who masks moments of pain and indecision with humor and a penchant to delve into his work. He is bright, quick-thinking, and generally good decisions in moments of crisis.

Specifically, he is in a reasonably good mental state, but currently dealing with a good deal of grief over his brother's passing. Deemed fit for duty, James has been "advised" to seek out the Ship's Councelor aboard the Arizona for a one on one consultation process.

