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Fri Oct 14th, 2011 @ 1:57am

Lieutenant JG Andreus Kohl

Name Andreus Kohl

Position Assistant Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Argelian
Age 30
Date of Birth Second measure in the fourth cycle of Symphonic, the year of Duva (Old Argelian Calendar)
Place of Birth Temple of Whereness, Revith, Argelius II

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1"
Weight 186 lbs
Hair Color Honey brown
Eye Color Sapphire
Physical Description Kohl considers it his duty as an officer to appear as a paragon of wellness and health. Great vanity, paired with a lack of interest in competitive sporting activities, has motivated Kohl to maintain the physical fitness regime drilled into him at the Academy. Because the regime is relatively strict, he allows himself the occasional (bordering on the frequent) overindulgence in anything sweet or savoury or alcoholic. Aesthetically: he has aquiline facial features softened by a wicked curl to his lips, a strong jawline, and sapphire eyes that see right through you. His frame is lean and athletic, more like a jogger than a marathon runner.


Spouse Accessing...
Children None
Father Elbon Kohl
Mother Imogen Kohl
Brother(s) Riordan Kohl
Sister(s) None
Other Family Accessing...

Personality & Traits

General Overview Generally, Andreus Kohl makes a good first impression. From his diplomatic training, he still remembers the the right things to say, the charming small talk, and he can turn on a smile that you will feel in your reproductive organs. The more he gets to know a person, the less he'll feel the need to try so hard. If he deems a person worthless from the start, said person can expect a chilly greeting.

As the eldest son of well-regarded civil servants, Andreus can come across as haughty. He speaks much like his mother speaks; his mannerisms are all his father. While an aristocratic bearing comes to him naturally, it's not in his character to be arrogant per se. He considers himself a wanderer, an eternal student. He is absolute in the convictions that he does have. Everything else, he questions. He is never afraid to voice either opinion, even when they contradict.

In professional and social situations alike, Andreus can speak at length about the philosophical anguish of right to bear arms as easily as the gossip he overheard from the nurses in Sickbay. When the topic of conversation turns back upon Andreus --his own personal life, his own history-- he tends towards aloof silence unless backed into a corner.

Back home, during his youth, it was oft said that Andreus' heart beat too strongly. He was sensitive to the emotional states of others, and greatly affected by reversals of fortune in his own life. He felt no need to filter the expression of his emotions, which would appear in strong contrast to those who know Kohl casually as a Starfleet officer today. Within the confines of his specific duties and regulations, Kohl comports himself as a restrained and precise individual. When he interacts outside his specified Starfleet roles, he has a tendency towards over-emoting to balance against the long hours of restraint.
Strengths honest, wry sense of humour, fast runner, logic comes naturally, believes in pacifism as an ideal
Weaknesses lack of tact, says strange things, fidgeter, fears his depth of emotion, secretly loves the feeling of bone snapping beneath his palm
Ambitions To have a home that fits.
Hobbies & Interests designing replicator food programs, martial arts (Trill Gin'keu, Andorian kick-boxing, Terran Capoeira), sky swimming, live music (as a spectator and loud applauder), economic evaluations, sculpting
Linguistic Abilities Federation Standard, Argelian, Vulcan (passably), Romulan (almost passably)

Personal History

Personal History "MY EARLIEST MEMORIES of Starfleet are indistinct images. Flashes, basically. Raised goblets and raucous laughter. Ankle-high leather boots. Arcs of phaser fire, the colour of fresh persimmon..."

Wiser beings have written that there are only two kinds of officers in Starfleet: those who serve for the duty and those who live for the adventure. Throughout Andreus Kohl's three consecutive applications to Starfleet Academy, his diligent studies suggested the characteristics of duty. He was born of Argelius II, but he was raised by a Gallamite and a Tiburonian -- a loving couple who were biologically incapable of reproducing with one another. Because of the obligations of his parents, duty was as familiar to Andreus as hot suppers. His mother served as Administrator in charge of Revith City; his father was employed as Special Projects Officer to the United Federation of Planets Embassy. As inspired as Andreus was by his parents' devotion to their city and to their world, he sometimes spoke of needing to serve broader purposes. A planet wasn't big enough for him to believe in. He spoke of the responsibilities of a galactic citizen: to defend and to explore. To find something, anything, that was new.

Upon his eventual admission to Starfleet Academy, it was smirkingly remarked that Cadet Andreus Kohl was in it for the adventure. He conducted himself as the epitome of hedonistic Argelian society. A personable and ambitious young man, Andreus served as mediator in team projects, he joked with professors in most of his lectures, and he had a tendency to wake up in the basic training barracks as often as in his own dormitory. This was in direct contrast with the documents in his Starfleet application, which had described Andreus' demeanor as being serious with but a dry sense of humour. Training to be a Starfleet Officer amid the flames of the Dominion War, it seemed one would never graduate. At the close of every semester, the war went on, and went on. Life during wartime, it did things to a person. Changed a person. One might think Andreus joined Starfleet for the duty, but stayed for the adventure.

Professional History

Service Chronology
Service Record "SOMEONE SAID: DIPLOMACY IS to do and say the nastiest thing in the nicest way."

Reading between the lines of the Academy's archive would suggest that Cadet Kohl's Counsellors were willing to afford him compromises. The Counsellors clearly understood his stated reasoning for majoring in Diplomacy to be transparent lies. Clearly, he just wanted to be his father. Clearly. But by the time Kohl was firmly settled in his career path, there was a war on. The Federation needed more diplomats, because the Federation needed more allies. Cadets weren't flushed out the way they once might have been. Unexpectedly, Kohl performed very well in his studies. He proved to be a satisfactory negotiator, he displayed the limitless patience required to put up with ambassadors, and all appearances suggested that he could comprehend and analyse every side of a multi-faceted conflict.

Come the time Ensign Kohl graduated from Starfleet Academy, the war was over. Kohl never got to exchange sardonic remarks with scheming Vorta. Rather, he was assigned to the Diplomatic Service entourage aboard Starbase 128, near the Romulan Neutral Zone. A prestigious posting to be certain. During Kohl's second year of service aboard the Starbase, Starfleet made overtures to obtain duranium from the Caldonians as part of the fleet's reconstruction efforts. The Caldonian Assembly requested Ensign Kohl, personally, to participate in the trade negotiations. A representative of the Caldonian Assembly alleged that he had read an article published by Kohl while at the Academy, and that he wished for Kohl's perspective in the negotiations. It should have been the first star in the brilliant constellation of Kohl's career. At the least, it should have been a spectacular zenith that Kohl would have spent the rest of his career striving to repeat. In the end, the negotiation was nothing but failure. The reasons are unclear in the duty logs of history, but there are rumours to be found in the personal logs. Some say Kohl offered sexual favours to the one of the Caldonian representatives. Others say Kohl's mother had business dealings on the Ferengi Market Exchange with another of the Caldonian representatives. Some simply said Kohl's father pulled strings for a son who wasn't ready for it.

"I NEVER REALISED the self-indulgent pleasure of mediation technique until I used it on officers with a sense of entitlement about their personal quarters and storage space and holodeck hours."

Re-assigned to the USS Bellerophon --through a series of relief missions offering no need for a diplomatic officer-- Kohl did not wait long before requesting a transfer. His every request was denied. Left adrift in the stagnant pool that was his career, Kohl tackled the problem sideways: he was approved for an academic leave of absence from Starfleet. He studied technology. Again, his career motivations were plainly transparent, in his desperate attempt to run away from his people-focused career. Building on his Academy training in starship systems, Kohl studied LCARS design, energy distribution, and artificial intelligences at the Daystrom Research Institute. He also studied monogamous relationships for the first time, and was married to a Federation Security deputy. For over a year, marriage and career were an easy fit. And then Strafleet decided it was time for return on its investment in Kohl.

Based on his aggregate skills and experiences, Kohl was assigned to the USS Atrius as a junior Operations Officer. With little responsibility, he was afforded few opportunities to be impressive, or even to be a failure. He followed orders. He did his duty, and that was enough for a while. He spent his days operating the transporter and resolving disputes between scientists competing for use of the shipboard sensor palettes. He transformed protocols into instinct and muscle memory.

Towards the close of 2385, the Atrius become heavily involved in the Federation's relief effort on Tzenkethi-occupied Bactricia. In the beginning, Kohl was assigned to the planet to coordinate the provision of aid supplies to the Bactricians. Being away from the ship and its holo-communicators, the estrangement in Kohl's marriage first began to show. After the Atrius' Starfleet presence settled and rooted in Bactricia, Kohl became called upon to perform repairs, to provide first aid, and eventually to raise arms to defend his fellow officers. He knew such things were expected of him, but it was a different thing to clutch a phaser every sunrise and every sunset for days and days and days on end. When Strafleet decided to transfer Kohl out of Bactricia, off of the Atrius, and beyond the quadrant itself, Kohl didn't fight it. He'd had enough of fighting.

Medical Information

Medical Profile
Psychological Profile

