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Fri Oct 25th, 2024 @ 4:18pm

Lieutenant Braxin Dryht

Name Braxin Dryht MD

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Bolian
Age 66
Date of Birth March 18th, 2321
Place of Birth USS Corsair

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10
Weight 165 lbs
Hair Color Bald
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Braxin is an aging Bolian man who bears the atypical features of his race. In his case he has light, sky blue skin, though there are four small patches on either side of his face running perpendicular from his centered cranial and partial chest ridge.

Among humanoid species, Braxin is a frail, skinny man in his middle years. He has clearly lost the strength of his prime. Though Bolians don't tend to wrinkle until much later in their lives, years of field experience has left considerable wrinkles around Braxin's eyes, causing him a permanent squint. His face can be considered rather pointed, with prominent cheek bones, a slender nose and small lips. Braxin also bears a few scars. The most evident scar is a half-inch thick scar that runs from Braxin's left temple and stopping short an inch and a half away from his upper lip. The rest of his scars are mostly small scratches, burns, or nicks from many years as a field medical practitioner.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Chief Petty Officer (ret.) Harkin Dryht
Mother Maelor Assin-Dryht
Brother(s) Lieutenant Commander Firsen Dryht, elder brother, 71; currently an Intelligence Officer for Ambassador Podan T'Ross along the Cardassian-Breen border.
Sister(s) None
Other Family Commander (ret.) Turqin Dryht, Uncle, 97; former Strategist and Security Adviser to various members of the Federation Council

Personality & Traits

General Overview If there was one word that could hypothetically describe the complex man that Braxin and his colleagues consider him to be, it is a Bon Vivant; he bears a cheerful demeanour on the surface, but if pressed one would realize Braxin is as optimistic as a Jem'Hadar. Though Braxin was once a young, proud, and eager optimist hoping to rid the galaxy of famine and disease, his outlook on life has drastically changed with age. Much like a strong whiskey, Braxin has grown a tough shell with time.

But to delve further into the man, Braxin is first and foremost a man of appearances. He believes that, as a doctor, he should always bear a positive demeanour both in and out of work. And so he does, usually being the first to provide positive encouragement or crack a joke to break the pressure. However, for those who know Braxin better, many know that every time he does something, he always expects the worst. Essentially on the surface he is a sociable, respectable, and compassionate man who enjoys a good joke, but within himself and to those who know him, he is a cynical man in regards to himself.
Strengths To begin with the most practical of Braxian's strengths, he has forty-four years of medical experience ranging from battlefield practice to state-of-the-art medical research. But more important, Braxian has personal strengths that stem from his vast knowledge of medicine. With age has come a keen mind that is adept at solving conflicts in tough diplomatic situations. Braxian brings a calm though intense flare to his odd instances of diplomacy, usually meant to help justify saving a patient or staying behind enemy lines to save fallen comrades. And though induction isn't the most accurate of skills, Braxian has used it for the good of his practice from time to time.
Weaknesses However, Braxian Bon Vivant nature means that his foremost weakness is himself. Though some would consider it heroic that he would gladly throw himself in harms way for the good of others, it also portrays his willingness to sacrifice himself and his valuable expertise. Braxian also has a tendency to have a cold temper when things do not go according to plan, and his over-compassion with his work makes him get too involved, making his work haunt him to this day.

Finally, Braxian is an aging man. Though he is a doctor with a fair amount of battlefield training and experience, he is growing old. He is not prone to hostile or survival conditions and he is easily injured. He may know how to point a phaser or throw a punch, but he is useless is close quarters defense.
Ambitions To die knowing he had saved lives, or to live knowing that he was going to die knowing he had saved lives.
Hobbies & Interests He has a keen interest in traditionally made alcohol and modern adaptations of classic drama. He also thoroughly enjoys a good debate, usually of a political nature, due to his family's background in clandestine operations and politics.
Likes Medicinal journals, women, a good drink, a good play, debates, a warm and sunny beach, a good puzzle.
Dislikes Stupidity, arrogant officers, marines, the cold, synthehol, an unbeatable scenario, Shakespeare.
Linguistic Abilities Bolian/Federation Standard, Klingon, Romulan, Cardassian, Bajoran

Personal History

Personal History Braxin was born on the Earth year March 18th, 2321 to a Warp Field specialist, Chief Harkin Dryht, and a civilian researcher, Maelor Assin-Dryht aboard the Excelsior class USS Corsair. Braxin was one of the few children born aboard the USS Corsair while it was on its two-year, deep space exploration mission in the area of space which is now known to be the Tzenkethi border. Of course as history tells us the Tzenkethi were not discovered for nearly twenty or so more years, but it is worth noting.

A little after Braxin's second birthday the Corsair arrived home to Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards for a six month repair and refit cycle, allowing Braxin's parents a chance to be transferred off the Corsair to raise their young child. Braxin's father, Harkin, had to return to duty, but the family was settled enough on Earth that they survived during his absence. Starfleet even allowed Harkin and Maelor to coordinate their shore-leave and vacation times accordingly like many other Federation personnel, allowing Braxin the chance to see his mother and father as much as possible.

When Braxin was fifteen years old, his family relocated to Bolarus with the retirement of his father and mother from their respective fields. Already, Braxin's keen interest in the fields of general science was showing through, taking a keen interest in experimental exobiology, carbon humanoid biology, and basic medicine. It all came to a head when Braxin was accepted to the Federation Institution of Science on Bolarus. He studied for four years to attain a successful degree in Carbon Humanoid Biology. It was clear what Braxin's path was going to be from this point on since, before graduation, he had applied to the Denobulan Institute of Medicinal Studies for a chance of practicing medicine. He was accepted shortly after graduation, and he pursued an education at the Phlox School of Medicine. During his extensive studies at the Phlox Medical facilities, Braxin had a chance to assist top Federation medical officials as a graduate assistant in many key experiments and demonstrations. An experiment of note was assisting one Dr. Orbin Saul with the implementation of an experimental heart into a human patient in 2347, which was one of the first times a fully functional organic-cybernetic cross was used in the maintenance of a human anatomical system. He continued his studies at Phlox School of Medicine until he gained his Medical Degree.

Braxin was not finished with his education yet. He had the chance to study under one Dr. Marissa Kelstrom, a leading expert in the field of Medicinal Genetics Studies. Essentially the field studied inherent genetic defects in most carbon-based humanoid lifeforms, such as genetic causes for severe and currently incurable maladies. Under the tutelage of Kelstrom, Braxin took four years to spend on elegant Earth in Paris at the Federation University of Medicine. After four years of intense research and one of the hardest papers Braxin has ever had to create, he graduated with a Doctorate in Medicinal Genetics Studies. Braxin was one of the first individuals to achieve a successful Doctorate in this field.

After finally completing his extensive medical education in 2352, Braxin took up residence as a surgeon on a fringe colony known as Dorvan V. Initially in 2353, Braxin was a member of a small group of surgeons working in the city known as Cochrane's Pride. Cochrane's Pride had one of the largest Federation Hospitals in the region, so Braxin was never lacking work in his field. During the waning years of the Cardassian conflict, Braxin and the Hospital were put to test with loads of Starfleet casualties fighting to keep the Cardassians at bay. This was Braxin's first experience with battlefield medical practice. However even the Cardassian conflicts didn't keep him away. He stayed at his post as a general surgeon until the death of Dr. Aegis Prosemett after a fatal shuttle accident, when Braxin took the post of Chief Surgeon in 2361. He held this post until 2366, when Braxin decided that he relished the work of a battlefield medical practitioner.

It only took him one year and he managed to survive the first Borg incursion while doing so, but Braxin completed his basic training and completed the Civilian to Medical Officer Transition Program at Starfleet Medical in 2368. He was given a field commission as a Medical Officer, with an immediate posting aboard the USS Crazy Horse.

The Crazy Horse saw its fair share of action during the two years Braxin was stationed there. Continuous Cardassian skirmishes, a potential Borg threat and a run-in with a rogue Klingon Bird-of-Prey were among the most prominent of the nine engagements the Crazy Horse had within two years of active service. However, Starfleet called Braxin elsewhere, with a promotion to boot.

Before and during the Second Federation-Klingon War, Braxin was stationed as Assistant Chief Medical Officer at a Federation Front-line Hospital on Archanis IV. Braxin served as an emergency surgeon, and during re-locations of the Hospital, Braxin had to test his combat skills. During a Klingon siege in 2372 Braxin was reported to have at least five confirmed Klingon kills before he managed to pack up the last of the medical gear and retreat with security forces. This was one of four engagements Braxin actively participated in during the conflict, and it gained him valuable combat expertise which he would continue to use to his advantage.

At the start of the Dominion War, Braxin was called to service in the void once again. During the War, Braxin served as Assistant Chief, and later Chief Medical Officer aboard the Galaxy-class USS Challenger. Initially serving with the 9th Fleet, Braxin saw action during the Battle to Retake Deep Space Nine. Later, the Challenger was assigned to the 5th Fleet along the Bolian front, and he was able to defend his home and save the people doing it as Chief Medical Officer for the remainder of the war. Braxin continued to serve as Chief Medical Officer of the Challenger until 2379.

Braxin took a brief leave from active service for a year in the periods of 2380-2381 to be an Visiting Fellow and lecturer in Experimental Genetic Medicine at Starfleet Academy.

After this brief stint, Braxin took a position as Chief Medical Officer aboard the USS Intrepid. It was a fairly lax assignment, which was what Brax needed after nearly a decade of conflict. It was a uneventful, three-year, deep space cartography mission which lacked in conflict. His most recent position aboard the Yamaguchi saw a little bit more conflict, however, specifically along the Breen border. Constant Breen incursions into neutral space near the Federation border caused the Yamaguchi quite a few casualties up to this present day.
Education 2339-2343 - Federation Institution of Science, Bolarus IX, Degree in Carbon Humanoid Biology
2344-2348 - Denobulan Institute of Medicinal Studies, Graduate of Phlox School of Medicine with MD
2349-2352 - Federation University of Medicine, Paris, Earth, Doctorate in Medicinal Genetics Studies
2367-2368 - Starfleet Basic Training, San Francisco, Earth; Civilian to Medical Officer Transition Program, Starfleet Medical

Professional History

Service Chronology
Service Record 2353-2366 - Surgeon (circa. 2361), Chief Surgeon (circa. 2366), Federation Medical Hospital, Cochrane's Pride, Dorvan V
2369-2371 - Medical Officer, USS Crazy Horse
2371-2372 - Assistant Chief Medical Officer, Federation Front-line Hospital, Archanis IV
2373-2379 - Assistant Chief Medical Officer (circa. 2374), Chief Medical Officer (circa. 2379), USS Challenger
2380-2381 - Visiting Fellow in Medicine, Starfleet Academy
2382-2385 - Chief Medical Officer, USS Intrepid
2385-2387 - Chief Medical Officer, USS Yamaguchi
2387-present - Chief Medical Officer, USS Arizona

Medical Information

Medical Profile Multiple superficial wounds to face, torso, and left leg - no lasting side effects. No known severe medical conditions.
Psychological Profile Over a decade of intense conflict, multiple deaths within the medical field. Perfectionist nature makes him vulnerable to depression.


Notes If you need a sample post, e-mail me and I can provide you with one. Cheers!