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Tue Jan 31st, 2012 @ 12:33pm

Lieutenant Commander Duncan Gofton

Name Duncan Alexander Gofton JD

Position Diplomatic Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 33
Date of Birth 24 August, 2354
Place of Birth Lochcarron, Scotland; Earth
Nicknames/Aliases Goffy

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2"
Weight 185 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Duncan Gofton is a of a medium build.


Spouse Divorced; single & unattached
Father Tavish Lachlan Gofton, Fisherman
Mother Beileag Moyra Gofton, School Teacher
Brother(s) Hamish Gofton, Fisherman
Ross Tavish Gofton, Fisherman
Archibald Suemas Gofton, School Teacher
Sister(s) Lieutenant Moira Isobel MacNamara, Medical Officer, USS Salisbury
Beitris Catriona Gofton, Dental Assistant
Other Family Ex-wife: Sandra Huntington, Attorney (married 2380-2382)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Speaks in a rather thick accent when he gets extremely excited, emotional or irate.
Strengths Conflict resolution; diplomacy; critical thinking; attention-to-detail
Weaknesses Quick to anger when aggrivated, Hemophobia (fear of blood), Iatrophobia (fear of doctors)
Ambitions To become a UFP Ambassador to Risa
Hobbies & Interests Chess
Dislikes Fishing, Marine life, Seaworthy boats, Marines
Linguistic Abilities Federation Standard; Romulan; Klingon; Cardassian

Personal History

Personal History Duncan Alexander Gofton was born to Tavish Lachlan Gofton, a fisherman and Beilag Moyra Gofton a school teacher in Lochcarron, Scotland on 24 August 2354. Duncan inspired to be a Starfleet Officer after reading biographies from famous Starfleet officers such as Captain James T. Kirk and Ambassador Spock. His father remained unsupportive of his dreams to leave Lochcarron. His mother encouraged in. Buying him various non-fiction and fictious novels based on Starfleet Officers.

Gofton expressed interest in intergalatic relations at a young age along with an interest to travel the stars above. He enrolled in Starfleet Academy in the fall classes of 2371. Gofton would graduate at the top twenty-five percent of his Starfleet graduation class of 2374.

From 2374 to 2375 he would be assigned on his first assignment after receiving the commission of Ensign on board the USS Istra as the Diplomatic Officer. Midway through his assignment he would be accepted into the Georgetown University's Law Studies programme. Duncan Gofton not wanting to temporarily leave Starfleet, he placed a special request a transfer to work as a Special Assitant to Judge Advocate General Representatives and Diplomatic Officers based at the Starfleet Diplomatic Bureau in Washington, DC during his studies at Georgetown University. In 2379 he graduated with a Juris Doctorate.

Duncan Gofton would put in a request to be transfered onboard a vessel the USS Mackenzie. He would be granted the posting and earn a promotion to Lieutenant JG in 2379.

In 2380, he would be reassigned to the USS Lancelot-A as a Diplomatic Officer until his promotion to the rank of full Lieutenant and as Assistant Chief Diplomatic Officer. He would become relatively close friends with Commander Jon Bastin. In 2382, he would put in a request for a transfer to Starbase 20 where he would be stationed as a Judge Advocate General Representative until receiving his placement aboard the USS Bonaventure NCC-26138. Gofton's assignment aboard would be incredibly short after being immediately reassigned to the USS Arizona.
Education Starfleet Academy
Law Studies; Georgetown University

Professional History

Service Chronology 2371-2372: Starfleet Academy, (General Studies) Cadet, 1st Year
2372-2373: Starfleet Academy, (Diplomatic Studies) Cadet, 2nd Year
2373-2374: Starfleet Academy, (Diplomatic Studies) Cadet, 3rd Year
2374-2375: Starfleet Academy, (Diplomatic Studies) Cadet, 4th Year
2375-2376: USS Istria (Diplomat's Aide), Ensign
2376-2379: Starfleet Diplomatic Bureau, Washington DC Branch (Diplomatic Aide), Ensign
2379-2379: USS Mackenzie (Diplomatic Officer/JAGR), Ensign
2379-2380: USS Mackenzie (Diplomatic Officer/JAGR), Lieutenant JG
2380-2380: USS Lancelot-A (Diplomatic Officer/JAGR), Lieutenant JG
2380-2381: USS Lancelot-A (Asst. Chief Diplomatic Officer/JAGR), Lieutenant JG
2381-2382: USS Lancelot-A (Asst. Chief Diplomatic Officer/JAGR), Lieutenant
2382-2384: Starbase 20 (JAG Representative), Starbase 20, Lieutenant
2384-2385: Starbase 20 (JAG Representative), Starbase 20, Lieutenant Commander
2385-2387: USS Bonaventure NCC-26138 (Chief Diplomatic Officer/JAGR), Lieutenant Commander
Service Record 2375: Graduated from Starfleet Academy - earned commission of the rank/rate of Ensign.
2379: Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade (JG).
2381: Promoted to the full rank of Lieutenant.
2384: Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander.

Medical Information

Medical Profile
Psychological Profile

