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Thu Jan 31st, 2013 @ 10:52am

Lieutenant Tre Boid

Name Tre Boid

Position Ship's Counselor

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Betazoid
Age 41
Date of Birth 29FEB2336
Place of Birth Rixx, Betazed
Nicknames/Aliases Cory calls him Imzadi. His patients usually call him ‘Doc’ or ‘Counselor’, though on one ship he was known as “The Negotiator”. For one thing in his former profession as a peace-keeper, he went by the alias Tre Sunter.

Physical Appearance

Height 5'4
Weight 130
Hair Color Brown, greying
Eye Color Dark grey, almost black
Physical Description Tre is short, but well-built and fairly graceful. He has a slight bit of pudge that matches his rather round face, but he’s well within height weight requirements, and keeps his strength up as well. His hair is almost non-existent, wrapping around just above his ears, with considerable skin able to be polished on top. Tre also has a small mole on the right side of his face.


Spouse Cory Pomerantz
Children None
Father Lon Boid
Mother Galmorra Boid (Deceased)
Brother(s) Malk Boid
Sister(s) Kestra Boid
Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview Tre Boid is a fairly quiet introspective man, who has seen a great deal of things he cares not to relive, but it has helped him to be a better psychiatrist and a better person. He is the oldest of three, and grew up as the protector, but also more like a parent and babysitter at times, so he has an almost mothering feel at times. He is very good at talking with people, and helping them to realize what the problems are, and how to help it. He is not as good at fixing his own problems, but Cory, his Imzadi helps immensely.
Strengths Telepathy, dealing with problems specifically associated with telepathy, negotiations, psychological counseling, physiopsychology, and generally talking with people.
Weaknesses Command, and he’s a pushover of a department head. Can be a heavy drinker if someone doesn’t stop him, but has no paper record as an alcoholic.
Ambitions Have kids eventually with Cory, reconcile his sister Kestra with the rest of the family, hopefully make Captain at some point, though he never expects a command.
Hobbies & Interests Spending time with Cory, cooking, racquet-ball and parrises squares. Keeping up on both psychology and medical journals.
Likes Walks in the moonlight, red wine, good food, conversation, holodecks, instrumental music, silence, and Cory.
Dislikes Family drama, the Dominion, Cardassians, the Dominion, war, and recounting his own experiences with the war.
Linguistic Abilities Tre speaks fluently in Federation Standard, and can speak conversationally and understand Klingon and some Jem’Hadar.

Personal History

Personal History Tre Boid was born to Lon and Galmorra Boid, members of the 7th house of Betazed. Lon was a psychiatrist and Galmorra an officer with the Betazoid Peacekeepers. Growing up Tre was kept up to high expectations, especially as Galmorra increased in her rank and reputation with the Peacekeepers. At 5 years old, Tre’s little brother Malk was born, and he helped take care of Malk often when his parents were busy. He continued this trend after he was 7 and his sister Kestra was born, although Kestra was always a little different a little more of a handful.

Perhaps it was his fate, or perhaps it was the problems his sister had with telepathy, but Tre Boid was always interested less in the Peacekeepers like his mother wanted, and more in psychiatry and psychology. However, he made a deal with his mother and the Peacekeeper Corps. He would serve as a Peacekeeper until he got he became a board certified psychiatrist.
The Peacekeepers had an initial year-long training program, which taught psychology, negotiations, and telepathic warfare. Tre Boid was not the best at the telepathic warfare side, but did secure himself a place as a crisis negotiator with the global peacekeeper entity. He spent his first year outside of training on Darona at the prison. The planet of Darona was a nice change, but Tre didn’t like dealing with prisoners psyches. It was one of the darkest place’s he’s ever been mentally.

After graduating from medical school and doing residency in psychiatry, Tre stayed with the Peacekeepers, once again going to Darona for a few years to study them more intently. After three years on Darona, Tre transferred back to Betazed where he served as a crisis manager and short term patient hold psychiatrist. Tre stayed in this position for nine years before the Dominion attacked Betazed. While the Peacekeepers are the defensive force of Betazed, they were in no means prepared for a full planetary assault, and had spent hundreds of years simply acting as a global police force. They were easily crushed.

Tasked with keeping care of his patients, most of whom were in crisis, Tre did his best to get them evacuated from Rixx as the battle raged. Those that were better at the tactical aspect of Peacekeeping stayed behind in the city, and many of them died during the invasion. With a herd of unstable patients with him, Tre came across a young Starfleet Petty Officer named Cory Pomerantz who was on liberty when the invasion started. Pomerantz helped Tre herd his patients up to the Loneel Mountains where the refugees hid.

As a Peacekeeper, Tre helped with the resistance as best he could. Cory also helped, being a security Master-at-Arms. The two were a pretty close pair, sharing each other’s thoughts and concerns about things. With most of the refugees being telepathic, and Cory being Human, Tre served as a translator for things that were communicated telepathically. As they worked together daily, they found themselves in love, soul-mates, Imzadi.

During his time as a refugee, Tre also came into contact with his estranged sister Kestra. She had gone off to Starfleet after failing out of Peacekeeper school, and no one but their father had heard anything from her. She informed him that their mother had passed during the initial invasion, something she herself had learned from the grapevine. It was a rocky reunion, but one that might eventually come to something.

Following the war, the invasion of Betazed and the harrowing battle for Betazed that mentally scarred Tre for life, Tre and Cory got married. Due to Starfleet paperwork, Cory did not take the name Boid. As well with Starfleet, the war over and many survivors stretched to the limits mentally, it was clamoring for already qualified psychiatrists, and Tre needed a change in scenery.

Tre Boid entered OCS older than most Officer Candidates do, but he passed without too much difficulty. Once commissioned, he was placed on Starbase 131, as was Cory. The happy couple stayed on the starbase for four years before they were both transferred to the USS Zeebrugge. Life hasn’t been very interesting since Tre joined Starfleet, and if he has his choice, it’ll stay that way. They are now transferring to the USS Arizona, where new adventures will await.
Education Medical Doctorate with specialization in Psychiatry, University of Betazed.

Professional History

Service Chronology 2375 - OCS
2375-2379 - Starbase 131
2379-2387 - USS Zeebrugge
Service Record

Medical Information

Medical Profile Slightly elevated liver enzymes, mildly hypertensive, probably needs reading glasses.
Psychological Profile Studies ruled out diagnosis of Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder following the war. Some symptoms do still exist, such as recurring nightmares, though Betazoids are much more resilient against mental trauma.

