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Thu Jan 31st, 2013 @ 10:52am

Senior Chief Petty Officer Cory Pomerantz

Name Cory J. Pomerantz

Position Security Investigations Specialist

Rank Senior Chief Petty Officer

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 46
Date of Birth 13MAY2331
Place of Birth New Kiev, Kessik IV
Nicknames/Aliases Tre refers to him as Imzadi often, or occasionally Pommy just to annoy him. Most people on duty refer to him by his rank.

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10
Weight 158lbs
Hair Color Brown, greying
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Though not very tall, Cory has a presence about him, with square shoulders and a stout frame. He’s got the body of a man who grew up in rough climates and worked his entire life. Well defined muscles, calloused hands, and years of wear and tear on his weathered skin.


Spouse Tre Boid
Children None
Father Ivan Pomerantz
Mother Laura Williams Pomerantz
Brother(s) James Pomerantz, Cody Pomerantz
Sister(s) Oxana Pomerantz
Other Family Mikael Pomerantz - Uncle

Personality & Traits

General Overview Cory is a career enlisted man, and Security at that. He’s done his time as a simple Master-At-Arms, and has served as Security Investigations Officer as well. Cory is no nonsense, straight laced and fair. Off duty, he’s a little more laid back, but just as likely to dress someone down out of uniform as in uniform. It’s often that he has to be held back by his much more laissez-faire husband when off-duty.
Strengths Security Investigations, leadership, dealing with young enlisted and new officers. Marksman in standard phaser rifles and hand phasers. Has a good head on his shoulders common sense wise.
Weaknesses Can get very jealous at times, not very sociable, maybe a little bit of an anger issue. Not very intellectual.
Ambitions COB
Hobbies & Interests Adventure, training, order and discipline, a little bit of studying of tactics and investigations. Oh, yeah, and Tre.
Likes Adventure, training, order and discipline, a little bit of studying of tactics and investigations. Oh, yeah, and Tre.
Dislikes Philosophy, cooking, banana peppers, milk, chaos, disorder and Dominion.
Linguistic Abilities Fluent in Federation Standard, knows some Russian, Polish and Jem’Hadar. Mainly curses.

Personal History

Personal History Cory and Cody Pomerantz were born on the same day, Cory five minutes before his younger brother. They were the first of four that Ivan and Laura Pomerantz would have, and rumor has it, they were the most trouble. Unlike most twins who grow up inseperable, Cory and Cody were complete opposites. Their demeanor alone could distinguish the two without looking for the few physical characteristics.

Cory was rambunctious, a trouble-maker at times, but mainly he was just adventurous, and on Kessik IV, that was not a very good thing. The area of the colony they lived on was nice, rustic, but it was filled with dangers for those not paying attention. More than once Cory nearly found himself falling off a cliff or drowning in a stream. Often times, Cody was behind with a book, or threatening to tell on Cory for doing stupid things.

When Cory and Cody were seven, and their young sister Oxana was four, things changed for the Pomerantz family. Ivan had been unable to maintain a job for over a year, and finances weren’t looking too good. Ivan’s brother, Mikael, or more often Uncle Misha, ran a terraforming company, and needed people to help terraforming. Ivan took the offer and he and the family packed up and left the quiet colony of Kessik.

Their first terraforming job was on a P-Class planet, and Cory quickly found out that he couldn’t disobey the rules and leave for adventures, having nearly died of exposure their first week. Rules became important to Cory, at least the ones that made sense. As well, Uncle Misha took the effort to keep the boy busy helping with little projects here and there on the project.
Cory grew into a responsible young man, helping with the project, and helping with his younger siblings. Cody also grew up, but as an intellectual whose head was always in a PADD of some sort. Cody got a full scholarship to the Vulcan Science Academy, but Cory had no such ambitions in life. He had no real desire to stay on the frozen rock they had spent most of his life terraforming, but he didn’t know what to do. Uncle Misha recommended Starfleet, and Cory took him up on the suggestion.

Cory Pomerantz started Starfleet at 18 years old, intending to become an engineer. However, when Cory failed to score high enough for engineering, he was placed in security, and perhaps for the better. Crewman Recruit Pomerantz entered Master-at-Arms A-School and found he enjoyed security. Following A-School, Crewman Apprentice served on the USS Virgo as a Master-at-Arms.

Pomerantz served three years on the Virgo, obtaining the rate of Petty Officer 3rd Class before applying to Security Investigations C-School. He waited another year before he was accepted into C-School. Following C-School, he had a seven year service obligation, but didn’t mind. He was going to do something more interesting for a change.

Following C-School, Cory was transferred to Rigel IV. Rigel IV worked him very hard, keeping many cases open at once. It was the best way for him to be baptised by fire into the investigations world. Six years later, Cory was transferred to the USS Laibok, where things were much more sedate.

In early 2374, Cory was sent from the USS Laibok down to the surface of Betazed to help deal with a crisis from some crewmen on liberty. While Pomerantz was investigating, the Laibok left orbit, and a few hours later, disaster struck. Betazoid was invaded by the Dominion.

During the initial invasion, Cory met up with a young psychiatrist and his patients, Tre Boid. He helped them get to the safety of the mountains. Once there, Cory was met with some difficulty, on a planet full of telepaths, he couldn’t tell what anyone was saying. What he had initially thought was just silent contemplation was actually a hive of arguing and yelling, plotting and planning, and he couldn’t hear any of it. The only person who took the time to explain things was Tre Boid.

Over the time they were stuck as refugees, Cory and Tre helped in the resistance, with Tre helping translate some things for Cory. It was over this time that they developed a close relationship, even fell in love. Falling in love with Tre was something that Cory never expected, he had never spent much time looking at anyone emotionally, but Tre was different. He was competent in his job, as well as caring, and funny. The two had a connection that no one could break, and with that connection as Imzadi, Cory also got a small touch of what telepathy is like. He could hear Tre, and found that very useful, though he preferred speaking aloud still.

Following the war, Cory and Tre got married. Cory kept his name because of Starfleet paperwork, and was delighted to see Tre join Starfleet, though as an officer. They were both stationed on Starbase 131, where Cory underwent some counselling for his experiences on Betazed, and also earlier in the war.

After four years on the Starbase, Cory and Tre were transferred to the USS Zeebrugge, and Cory promoted to Senior Chief Petty Officer, where he was given CPOIC status of the Security and Tactical Department. They served together on the Zeebrugge with honor for eight years, before Cory was transferred to the USS Arizona in line to become Master Chief Petty Officer, and Tre dutifully followed behind.
Education Starfleet Basic Training
Starfleet Master-At-Arms A School
Starfleet Security Investigations C School

Professional History

Service Chronology 2359 - Starfleet Basic Training, Andoria
2359 - Starfleet Master-at-Arms A School, Northern Wastes Andoria
2359-2363 - USS Virgo - Master-at-Arms
2363-2364 - Starfleet Security Investigations C School, Vulcan
2364-2372 - Rigel IV station - Security Investigations Officer
2372-2374 - USS Laibok - Security Investigations Officer
2375-2379 - Starbase 131 - Chief Petty Officer of Security Investigations
2379-2387 - USS Zeebrugge - Chief Petty Officer In-Charge Security and Tactical Department
Service Record

Medical Information

Medical Profile Replaced right knee, replaced left elbow, removed spleen and appendix.
Psychological Profile Ask his husband, he's the shrink.

