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Wed Feb 13th, 2013 @ 12:28pm

Ensign Soraya Xel

Name Soraya Xel

Position Operations Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Trill (Joined)
Age 24
Date of Birth December 19th, 2363
Place of Birth Trill

Physical Appearance

Height 5'5" (165 cm)
Weight 130 lbs. (59 kg)
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Green
Physical Description


Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview
Hobbies & Interests
Linguistic Abilities

Personal History

Personal History Xel's joining to Soraya Wren had been particularly trying. Xel had barely survived the stab wound which killed Relkin and severely damaged the symbiont pouch. Even commandeering the fastest vessel in orbit at the time, a variant Klingon bird of prey, the trip from H'atoria to Trill was almost too long.

Soraya herself had been on the list, but only two days prior to the joining, had been completely unaware just how soon her life would change. So Soraya had been plucked from her duty, returned to Trill, and implanted with the Xel symbiont as soon as it arrived. Two weeks in the hospital ensuring she didn't reject the symbiont, and that she was able to walk without tripping constantly and such, she was shipped off to her new assignment.

Previous hosts (incomplete):

Relkin Xel - Captain, Starfleet. Male. Serving in a diplomatic capacity inside Klingon space. Killed in action, 2387, age 48.

Lora Xel - Doctor, civilian. Female. Death by natural causes, 2364, age 94.

Professional History

Service Chronology
Service Record 2380 - Enrolled Starfleet Academy, San Francisco, California, Earth
2384 - Graduated from Starfleet Academy, with high honors
2384 - Ensign, Operations Officer, assigned Starbase 67
2385 - Sabbatical, Trill for Symbiosis consideration
2386 - Returned to duty, Starbase 67
2387 - Joined to the Xel symbiont
2387 - Ensign, Operations Officer, assigned USS Arizona

Medical Information

Medical Profile
Psychological Profile


Notes Yes, I have lots of work to do on my bio. I'm just getting it in it's spot for now with the rough outline I have.