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Tue Apr 26th, 2011 @ 6:43pm

Lieutenant Dravic Rixx

Name Dravic Rixx (MIA)

Position Chief Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Hermaphrodite
Species Chameloid
Age ~300
Date of Birth June 5, 2358
Place of Birth Unknown
Nicknames/Aliases Dravic has over 100 aliases, used in different regions/sectors as well as different decades. Starfleet Intelligence should be contacted for further inquiries as to Lt Dravic Rixx known aliases.

Known as Stretch on the USS Arizona.

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0"
Weight 210
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Gold
Physical Description As a Chameloid, Dravic can change his physical appearance at will, however the form he feels the most comfortable in, is described above. Dravic also bears many scars on his hands and face, whether these are real or a product of his shifting abilities no one has been able to determine to this day.

Rixx physically appears to be about 29 years old, and his Starfleet service record still reflects his false birthdate as his true date of birth has yet to be determined.


Spouse Unmarried
Children None
Father Reginald Allen Rixx - 77, Earth (Adopted)
Mother Katarina Llorente Rixx, 60, Earth (Adopted)
Brother(s) Lt Cdr Richard Rixx, 32 - USS Washani
Sister(s) Silvia Llorente Rixx, 27 - Scientist
Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview Dravic is a very blunt and forward person. Many people have described him as rude and gruff. The term "Bastard" has also been used to describe him on more than one occasion.

In terms of Morality(using the D&D Scale), Dravik would be defined as Neutral Good, with a tendency to wander back and forth across the line into Law and Chaos as he feels it is necessary.
Strengths Dravic's seems to function as a "human" Universal Translator, he has the unique ability to be able to pick up the syntax and grammar of a language almost immediately, making him very useful in diplomatic situations.
Weaknesses Dravik has a massive weakness for redheads, while he has been around women of all races and levels of beauty, even a mildly attractive redhead will be his kryptonite, and would most likely make him do or say anything to get somewhere with said redhead.
Ambitions Dravic would like to command his own vessel one day, on a deep space exploration mission into unexplored regions of the galaxy. He intents to one day find his homeworld.

Dravic has never met another member of his species and has an over whelming desire to meet one, and learn about his people, as well what happened that caused him to be abandoned as a child.
Hobbies & Interests Dravic found at a young age, that he could understand Binary, and as a result had a knack for machine's. He has developed a love for fixing machines that no one else could.

Dravic is also an avid studier of other cultures, and has grown to like certain aspects of many cultures, including the warrior nature of Klingons, the logic of the vulcans, and ruthless cunning of the Romulans.
Linguistic Abilities Federation Standard - Read/Write/Speak
See "Strengths" for a list of Spoken Languages.

Personal History

Personal History Revised: 28 July, 2385

Annotations: The personal history file of Lt Dravic Rixx has been removed temporarily, at the Order of Starfleet Intelligence. A full History file will be provided as soon as Intelligence and Personnel are able to abbreviate and compile the excessive document.

Professional History

Service Chronology After he turned 16, Lt Rixx spent just over 4 years, attempting to gain entry to Starfleet Academy after he was discovered to be of a race that has only been encountered once in the History of the Federation, and never before inside Federation space. However, his adoptive parents provided documentation indicating that regardless of race, under Federation Law, Dravic Rixx was a Federation Citizen.

After his eventual admission to Starfleet, Rixx was admitted to the Engineering program, where he would eventually graduate as Salutatorian of his class, second only to a Bynar pair.

Instructors recommended Rixx attend an advanced class and extend his time at the Academy for an additional year, which he grudgingly accepted. At the end of the Year, he was chosen, along with 3 other Engineering students, to be assigned to the USS Hornet on a Deep Space Exploration mission to the Regions "south" of the Taurus Dark Cloud on an extended 'Cadet Cruise' of sorts. Rixx was granted the rank of Ensign, and left for what was supposed to be a 2 year assignment to the Hornet.

In February of 2383, The USS Falcon, another ship in the Task Group the Hornet had been assigned to, had lost several of their Engineer's to accidents. Rixx was transferred, terminating his 'Cadet Cruise', and beginning his active career in Starfleet.

Upon completion of the Deep Space Mission, Rixx was transferred to the Saratoga, with the Recommendation, to assume duties as the Chief Engineer, however, the Commanding Officer balked at having such a junior officer as his Chief Engineer, and instead promoted the Lt who was serving as Asst Chief Engineer to LtCdr and Chief Engineer, Rixx was promoted to LtJG and given the position of Asst Chief Engineer.

After approximately 10 months on the Saratoga, Rixx received mysterious orders to report to Starfleet Command. Upon arrival he was arrested and detained by Starfleet Intelligence. He had been discovered to have faked his "childhood" on Earth.

Rixx admitted to having lived many lives in the past, and vaguely outlined how he had assumed the identity of a small child in various different settlements and planets over the past 250 years. Despite the many questions that Starfleet Intelligence posed about his people, he was unable to answer them, as Rixx has never met another member of his own species. Explaining that much of the reason he moves around, and assumes new lives is his desire to one day find another of his kind. Reluctantly, Starfleet Intelligence determined that Rixx was not a threat to the Federation, but has kept a watchful eye on him.

Rixx returned to his position on the Saratoga, but was subjected to the non-stop questions, and probings of the Saratoga's Intelligence Officer. Rixx eventually requested a transfer from the Saratoga, to another ship where he could get a new start.

His request came across the right desk at the right time, as Admiral Marsdon contacted him directly, offering him the Chief Engineer position on the USS Arizona, assuming he would be willing to leave the Saratoga immediately. Rixx gladly accepted.
Service Record 2378 - Cadet 1, General Studies Cadet, Starfleet Academy
2379 - Cadet 2, Engineering Cadet, Starfleet Academy
2380- Cadet 3, Engineering Cadet, Starfleet Academy
2381 - Cadet 4, Engineering Cadet, Starfleet Academy
2382 - Cadet 4, Advanced Engineering Theories, Starfleet Academy
2383 - Ensign, Applied Engineering Principles, Cadet Cruise: USS Hornet
2384 - Ensign, Engineering Officer, USS Falcon
2385 - Lieutenant JG, Asst Chief Engineer, USS Saratoga
2385 - Prisoner, Starfleet Intelligence, Starfleet Command
2386 - Lieutenant JG, Asst Chief Engineer, USS Saratoga
2387 - Lieutenant, Chief Engineer, USS Arizona

Medical Information

Medical Profile Dravic Rixx is a unique individual, there are no baseline's available for comparison. Dravic appears to be hemaphroditic, as he can fully change his gender while shapeshifting. Lt Rixx is cleared for unrestricted Active Duty.

LtCdr Gina Vorana, USS Saratoga
Psychological Profile LT Dravic Rixx has an extended psychological profile, resulting from multiple orders to consult with a psychiatrist. Several senior officers have described Rixx as "as a unique blend of complete genious, a large helping of bastard, and the personality of a rock."

Despite these 'glowing' recommendations, Lt Rixx has no Psychological conditions that would preclude him from unrestricted active duty in Starfleet.

- Commander Ja'Rel, Starfleet Medical

