
  • 4 Mission Posts

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Thu Jan 27th, 2011 @ 2:18am

Rh'sul i'Kihai

Name Rh'sul i'Kihai

Position Propulsion Specialist

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Romulan
Age 40
Date of Birth
Place of Birth Kihai on east continent of Romulus

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6"
Weight 130
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Thin, tall and striking. Narrow long face, small chin and lips that are generally very stern. Straight hair, cut in a more "stylish" fashion than the typical Romulan. Thin eyebrows with only minor Romulan indentation. Very strong nose, but not unattractive. Slender torso with very well defined muscles. Vertical scar running from left clavicle to rib cage. Strongest feature are large black eyes, she's commonly seen with black eye makeup that makes her look very striking.


Spouse None
Children Hell no
Father T'sanvarak
Mother Rh'ravak
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) Rh'tiselk (political officer on numerous Romulan vessels)
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Stern, somewhat introverted, sees the world in shades of grey. This was not always the case. Before her perceived betrayal by the Tal-Shiar, she was very "by the book" and thought the ideals and motivation of the Romulan Star Empire was be-all, end-all of morality. However, after a slight, her vengeful nature led to her betrayal of the Tal-Shiar at a grave cost. She realizes that leadership doesn't equate true power (or intelligence) and she uses the tools she has to get what she wants. She's loyal to those she thinks really have her back, but she's very slow to trust and depend on others.
Strengths Motivation, drive, persistence, unemotional approach to stress and problems. Math.
Weaknesses Vengeful, motivations are often driven by anger/rage and underlying sense of inequality due to her much more successful Tal-Shiar sister, Rh'Tiselk. She doesn't handle strong emotions well, which generally come out as anger and rage.
Ambitions Vengeance. Eclipsing her sister.
Hobbies & Interests Hand to hand combat sport, cuisine, language
Likes Music, microtechnology, propulsion engineering, math, logic
Dislikes Psychology, ambiguity in tasks and missions
Linguistic Abilities Romulan, English, some Vulcan

Personal History

Personal History Born several years after her older sister, she spent a good deal of her childhood being compared with her sister. Her father was a prominent senator who was assassinated when she was 11 by a rogue competing Senator. Her youthful anger at the obvious, but unpunished, injustice led her to pursue a career in Romulan law enforcement, most notably the Tal-Shiar. Both her and her sister grew a keen distrust of the Romulan Imperial Fleet as they progressed in school. Her sister also chose the Tal-Shiar path, and being naturally better, her young career was often eclipsed by her more successful sister who was selected as a political officer serving over 5 Romulan captains in a 10 year period. She was selected as a propulsion technology analyst who often pursued dangerous prohibited technology under the auspices of the less sexy "scientific" intelligence sector of the Tal-Shiar.

After 10 years in intelligence analysis, she moved to the research and development division where she was free to explore rapid pulse energy technology. After a 5 year project, a senior Tal-Shiar agent stole comprehensive research on Veron T enhancements she'd invested almost her entire reputation in. The agent professed the plans were actually his and smeared her name across Romulan intelligence, citing her research as "inadequate" and questionable. Her reputation plummeted when she had no research to report at the culmination of her allotted time period, and she was left little room for recourse.

She was then transferred back to intelligence analysis, a slap in the face and obvious demotion. For the next 5 years, she pursued illegal weapons technology "off the books" of the Tal-Shiar, much in vengeance. Knowing she could be executed for such treason, she chose to conduct business in a remote colony. During the final business transaction, she became ill and could not turn to the Romulan Star Empire for help because she would reveal her illegal operations.
Education Romulan Star Empire Basic Education Course, Advanced Psychological Warfare Course- Intelligence Track, Initial Romulan Star Intelligence training, Star Empire Engineering Weapons Course, Tal-Shiar Basic Combat Course, Tal-Shiar Indoctrination

Professional History

Service Chronology Romulan Star Empire- Tal-Shiar
- Intelligence Analysis Department, special technologies flight
- Research and Development Division
- Intelligence Analysis Department, special weapons flight
Service Record Rogue Tal-Shiar Agent

Medical Information

Medical Profile Moderately healthy with mild rheumatic disease associated with proton antibodies. Contracted unknown illness on distant colony.
Psychological Profile Introverted with strong judging personality traits. Unemotional demeanor with deconstructed coping mechanisms.

