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Sat Sep 3rd, 2011 @ 12:32pm

Darek Halsey

Name Darek Dominico Halsey

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 31
Date of Birth June 4th 2355
Place of Birth Station Bravo-Two-Zero/SP Orbital Station
Nicknames/Aliases "D" - First letter of both his first and middle names.
"Norsemen" - Nickname from his days at the academy due to his Nordic appearance and a string of Scandinavian space charter flight attendants he dated.
"Ariel 'Ari' Ruben" - Deep cover alias.
"Nobel 6" - Team designator from his time with SF:I as an infiltration specialist.
"Archer" - Nickname given to Darek by his team's handlers during a number of off the book sanctioned assassinations and abductions.

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1"
Weight 195 Lbs.
Hair Color Dirty Blonde
Eye Color Silver
Physical Description Darek is a large man in both height and stature, he is well muscled after hundreds of days and thousands of hours of field work in the service of the Federation.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Commander Mark Ezio Halsey (Deceased)
Mother Commander Mary Beth Halsey, MD (Deceased)
Brother(s) Gabriel Anthony Halsey
Sister(s) None
Other Family None listed, or known of. Appears some items in this section of the file have been redacted.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Darek approaches his target objectives in a gruff, no-nonsense manner, but maintains a light-hearted relationship with his colleagues and even with unlikly people he encounters. Darek has little patience for government bureaucracy or political maneuvering. A political realist, Darek maintains a cynical, jaded and sarcastic sense of humor about the covert, illegal, and often morally ambiguous nature of his work. At the same time, he is highly loyal and a staunch believer in the ideals his work ultimately protects. He is quickly angered by the casual slaughter of civilians or unarmed military personnel by his enemies. New to a ship or station his interactions with his commander(s) are relatively straightforward and respectful. At the same time, Darek does drop the occasional "smart" comment at particularly unusual or obtuse mission orders.
Strengths +He can take things and look at them from every angle before making a decision, but if the situation calls he can make on the spot calls.
+Smart, quick, perceptive.
+Holds to his morals and will do everything he can to up hold them.
Weaknesses -Has a problem trusting people.
-Has trouble opening up to others.
-Very strong dislike of certain groups and parties inside the Starfleet Intelligence community. Due to corruption and abuse of power by a large majority of Starfleet Intelligence and those with in it's departmental jurisdiction.
Ambitions His ambitions are to live another day, see another sun rise, and to die old; peacefully in his own bed. But he will take opportunity by the horns and pursue smaller goals in place of grander ambitions.
Hobbies & Interests Reading, relaxing, building sail boats in the holodeck, and training, training, training. Particularly his martial arts, and those skills which will keep him alive in the field as a Field Operative and CIO for Starfleet.
Likes -Read
Linguistic Abilities Well versed in Romulan and Vulcan, and a workable knowledge of Klingon and Cardasian.

Personal History

Personal History Darek Dominico Halsey was born, to two under cover SI operatives onboard a mars based freighter who were trying to work their way into the ranks of The True Federation (TTF). Darek from the minute he could walk was everywhere he could be, climbing, crawling under over and around things to find out anything he wanted. His parents both not wanting him to be raised on the freighter or mars and around the TTF, sent him with his older brother Gabriel to Earth to attend a private school on the East Coast of North America. Darek and Gabriel were put on to a shuttle craft and sent off to Earth, unbeknown to them their parents were both killed as the exited the shuttle facility by the TTF. Arriving on Earth both were spirited to their School by friends of their parents who would watch over them for the remainder of their young lives. School was a challenge for Darek but he pulled through, he was great in the physical areas of schooling. Martial Arts, sports, exercising, and shooting. But his academics were not as good; he was great with math, science, and social studies, but his reading, writing, and other skills were not what they could have been. Being the smart ass he was got into a number of minor scuffles during his school years, but nothing drastically bad. By the time he was 18 he had already completed all of his high schooling and two of his 4 college years. Deciding to go into Star Fleet specifically into the Intelligence and Spec Ops branch of the service. He entered Star Fleet as an enlisted person with Starfleet Intelligence and their CAG teams (Combat Applications Group). For two years he trained and specialized as an Infiltration specialist. His team CO seeing how smart and good at what he did nominated him for the next round of Academy Entrance Exams. Darek didn't know this untill an Academy rep came to get him from the "pin" (CAG teams base). It took Darek two tries to pass the exam but upon passing, due to his two years of previous service he was placed in to the academy as a Junior majoring in Intelligence and minoring in Foreign studies. Two years later he graduated middle of his class and was stationed aboard the SI ship Monitor. During his time on the Monitor he was taken under the wing of then Lieutenant Ben Parsons, who had been a member of the TTF cell that had killed his parents. Parsons and Darek became the best intel. gathering duo on board and were sent far and wide. 2373 rolled around and the conflict with the Dominion exploded. Darek and Parsons were put in charge of a CAG team that's mission was to move throughout out the GQ gather as much intel. and do as much damage to specific targets (Ship yards, etc). For the next 3 years Darek, Parsons, and the CAG Team operated behind enemy lines, they lost men and gathered as much intel. and followed their orders. Once the war was declared over Darek, Parsons and the team were recalled to Federation space and broken up. Darek was assigned to DS13 as its Assistant Chief of Intelligence. For five years he assisted in the routine and mundane duties of a "grounded" intelligence officer. During his fifth year DS13 was being decommissioned for a series of smaller stations and Darek heard the rumor that a vessel who was commanded by none less than his brother had an open CIO position. His brother selected Darek and he was transfered to the Starstrider. During his posting on the Starstrider, Darek would work and fight in some very lopsided conflicts and battles with the remainder of the Dominion and other species of the GQ. For 5 years he assisted his brother in patrolling their sector of the GQ; an Admiral Hunters had taken a keen interest in Darek during his ten years sense the Dominion conflict and transfered Darek to the USS Toronto to keep an eye on her CO. But despite Hunters best efforts Lee Valdez and Darek became close friends as Darek was moved into the XO position after having the Toronto taken over by a joint, Romulan and Klingon assault assisted by the traitor of an XO. Darek helped the crew resecure the ship. The crew of the Toronto was then ordered to the GQ and to turn the Intrepid-Class vessel over to another CO. But arriving in the GQ they were given the USS Venture a Galaxy Class vessel.

Professional History

Service Chronology 2368 Starfleet Intelligence, CAG team: Infiltration Specialist
2370 Starfleet Academy: Student
2372 SI vessel Monitor: Intelligence Officer/Infiltration Specialist
2373 CAG Team 25: Team XO
2375 DS13: Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer
2380 USS Starstrider: Chief Intelligence Officer
2385 USS Toronto: Chief Intelligence Officer & 2XO
2385 USS Toronto: Chief Intelligence Officer & XO
2385 USS Vanguard: Chief Intelligence Officer & XO
2386 USS Arizona: Chief Intelligence Officer & 2XO
Service Record

Medical Information

Medical Profile
Psychological Profile

