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Thu Jan 19th, 2012 @ 1:03pm

Lieutenant Xylia Lischka

Name Xylia Michele Lischka

Position Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Terran
Age 27
Date of Birth 19 April 2359
Place of Birth Vienna, Austria, Earth

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11"
Weight 147 lbs
Hair Color Light Brown
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Xylia is considered to be on the taller side with an athletic build due to years of training, running and her love for sports. Thick honey-brown hair comes to rest just below her shoulder blades, waving ever so slightly at the ends, but when on duty, she prefers to wear it in a neat bun. On her down time, it's worn down or in a ponytail, depending on what activity she is partaking in. She has hazel eyes that tend to change colors depending on what she's wearing. Her skin is slightly tanned, and there are no visible marks that the eye can see. She has been considered to be rather top heavy and curvy, but she tends to over-look that, thinking herself to be proportionate for her height and build. And more importantly, she speaks with a slight German accent, which gets thicker when she's annoyed or angry.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Stefan L. Lischka
Mother Adele K. Lischka (Deceased)
Brother(s) N/A
Sister(s) N/A
Other Family English Bulldog - Apollo
Labrador Retriever - Chance

Personality & Traits

General Overview
Strengths - self motivated and determined
- team player and works well with others
- hardworking
- punctuality
Weaknesses - easily annoyed by stupidity
- junk food
- shopping
Ambitions To get the job done.
Hobbies & Interests - History
- music
- playing the piano
- Astrology
- sports
- shopping
- reading
- holodeck programming
Likes - boxing
- Parrises Squares
- organization
- rain
- sunsets
- the stars
- days off
- the moon
- chocolate
- laid back people
- holodeck programming
- working out
- animals
- shopping
- swimming
Dislikes - arrogance
- disorganization
- idiots
- bad hygiene
- insensitivity
- bugs
- snakes
- failure
- selfishness
- laziness
- people who abuse animals
- Romulans
Linguistic Abilities Spoken/Written/Read:

- Federation Standard
- Vulcan
- Klingon
- Cardassian
- English
- German
- Spanish
- French
- Turkish
- Serbian
- Hungarian
- Austro-Bavarian

Personal History

Personal History Born on April 19, 2359, Xylia M. Lischka was the apple of her parents eyes. She came as a surprise to her childless parents, both of them in their mid-forties, but she was a more than welcome addition to their family. Owners of a small tavern, Stefan L. and Adele K. Lischka made sure life for her was everything she could ever hope it to be. Though they weren't terribly wealthy, they had enough money to pay the bills and keep a roof over their heads, but their main priority was to make sure Xylia got the best education available.

She thrived in school, soaking in all the knowledge she was being taught by her teachers and what she read in books. She took a shine toward history and astrology instead of playing with children her age. When she found free time, that was spent with her mother learning how to play the piano. She never found herself to be particularly fond of the instrument, but it made her mother happy, so she stuck with it.

As she grew older still, roughly twelve years old, more of her focus was drawn to sports. Her more favored one being soccer. Most girls her age were playing with makeup or begging their parents to take them shopping, she preferred the chance to get dirty.

When Xylia was fifteen years old, her mother died at the age of fifty-six. It wouldn't have been so bad if she hadn't been the one to walk in and find her. The sight that greeted her would forever be etched in her memory. Her father, distraught and grief stricken, began spending more time at the tavern than with her.

At seventeen, she made the choice to leave home and join StarFleet, leaving her father behind with the promise that she would one day return.
Education Growing up, Xylia went to public school until she joined the Star Fleet Academy at 17.

Professional History

Service Chronology
2377 - 2378Cadet 1st YearGeneral Studies CadetStarFleet Academy
2378 - 2379Cadet 2nd YearSecurity CadetStarFleet Academy
2379 - 2380Cadet 3rd YearSecurity CadetStarFleet Academy
2380 - 2381Cadet 4th YearSecurity CadetStarFleet Academy
2381 - 2383EnsignSecurity Officer U.S.S. Dextrous NCC-54871
2383 - 2385Lieutenant JG Assistant Chief of Security U.S.S. Dextrous NCC-54871
2385 - 2386Lieutenant JG Assistant Chief of Security U.S.S. Ponce NCC-15744
2386 - 2386Lieutenant JG Assistant Chief of SecurityU.S.S. Arizona NCC-77021
2386 - 2386Lieutenant Assistant Chief of Securit yU.S.S. Arizona NCC-77021
2386 -Lieutenant  Chief of SecurityU.S.S. Arizona NCC-77021
Service Record - passed the entrance exam on her first try
- joined Starfleet Academy at 17
- chose Security as her area of specialization early on
- joined the boxing team, swim team and volley ball team and played Parrises Squares
- three time Boxing champion 2377, 2378 and 2380
- Record: 77 knock outs, 61 technical knock outs and 10 losses
- no disciplinary problems
- earned the nickname ‘Slugger’ and ‘Jugs McSlugs’ during her Academy days
- member of Red Squad
- graduated at 21 with honors

Starfleet Sports:
Parrises Squares (First, Second, Third and Fourth year)
Swim Team (Second, Third and Fourth year)
Volleyball (Third and Fourth year)
Boxing (First, Second and Fourth year)

* Took General Studies courses throughout her entire first year *
Professor Richard Balen (First year (Earth History))
Professor Vladimir Kovanovich (First year (Starfleet History))
Commander Sharon Timmons (Second and Third year (Tactical Analysis))
Commander Mike Thompson (Fourth year (Tactical Analysis))
Commander Hrithrarr (Fourth year (Advanced Tactical Training))
*** Recommended by Captain Juan Ramirez ***
Admiral James Prichard (Third year (Advanced Hand-to-Hand Combat))
Combat Admiral Owen Paris (Second, Third and Fourth year (Survival Strategies))
Professor Walter Horne (Second, Third and Fourth year (Xenolinguistics))
Captain Xon (First, Second, Third and Fourth year (Interspecies Protocol))

Training Cruise:
USS Valiant (NCC-74210) - Captain Juan Ramirez

Proudest Moment:
During her Academy days, there were many things for her to be proud of, making it impossible to narrow it down to a single moment. Being recommended to join the Advanced Tactical Training Course by her Training Cruise Captain, becoming a member of Red Squad, becoming a three time boxing champ, her boxing record and most of all... graduating from Starfleet Academy with honors.

Least Proudest Moment:
In her second year at the Academy, her least proudest moment was being knocked out by Admiral J.R. Jennings, the Director of Educational Services and earning the nickname Jugs McSlugs from her peers.

Service Record:
Ensign - Security Officer - U.S.S. Dextrous NCC-54871
Freshly graduated from Starfleet Academy at twenty-one, Xylia’s first assignment was on the USS Dextrous as a newly promoted Ensign. As a Security Officer, she learned the intricate ins and outs of starships, weapons systems, sensor analysis and all the rest of the rigmarole that was included in her duties.

Lieutenant JG - Security Officer - U.S.S. Dextrous NCC-54871
After her second year on the U.S.S. Dextrous, Xylia was promoted to Lieutenant JG after she, and a fellow crewman, uncovered a plot to assassinate the Second Officer during a shore leave. Her skills as a Security Officer quickly came into play, and she used her superior boxing skills to take the opponent out, while the other used his training in the field as well. It was brought to the attention of the Captain and while in the field, she received the promotion to Lieutenant JG on the spot and awarded a Medal of Valor.

Turning the medal down as a pointed reminder that it was her duty, even on shore leave, to protect and serve the members of the crew.

Lieutenant JG - Assistant Chief of Security - U.S.S. Ponce NCC-15744
During her second tour, she served aboard the U.S.S. Ponce. It was here that her skills as a Tactical Officer came into play when the Ponce came under attack by a Romulan vessel. It was with a steady hand while the Ponce took blow after blow that she took critical time in analysing the shield and weapon arrays on the Romulan ship. While the rest of the Ponce scrambled to react to the situation, the young Lieutenant JG lined up a devastating series of photon torpedoes and deadly pinpoint phaser fire which neutralized the Romulan vessel. It was after the battle that she was put in for the position of Assistant Chief of Security, but not without a price as the acting Assistant Chief had died during the combat. Her departmental promotion was bittersweet.

Lieutenant JG - Assistant Chief of Security/Tactical Officer - U.S.S. Arizona NCC-77021
Presently serving on board the Arizona.

Medical Information

Medical Profile She has no medical problems to speak of.
Psychological Profile

