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Wed Mar 16th, 2011 @ 8:20am

Petty Officer 2nd Class Wally Ruiz

Name Wally Ruiz

Position Master-at-Arms

Rank Petty Officer 2nd Class

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 24
Date of Birth November 1, 2362
Place of Birth Lexington, Kentucky, North American Continent, Earth
Nicknames/Aliases 'Ru'

Physical Appearance

Height 6'3"
Weight 245lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Humanoid, tall and stocky. No discernible distinguishing marks.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Todd Ruiz
Mother MayBeth Ruiz
Brother(s) Greg Ruiz
Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview
Strengths Likes
Stone carving, old Earth space history, checkers, food and hanging out with his friends.
Weaknesses Inexperience and youth.
Ambitions To gain a commission eventually like his brother Greg did.
Hobbies & Interests Stone carving, checkers, old Earth space history, reading ancient Earth books in the 'Sci-Fi' genre.
Likes Ability to quell tension between two parties, thinking through problems.
Dislikes Boot Camp, being away from home, standing guard in the Brig.
Linguistic Abilities Federation Standard, Spanish, Spanglish.

Personal History

Personal History Childhood
Wally was a very happy kid blessed with parents that were well-to-do, able to provide Wally and his brother with whatever they needed or wanted whenever they needed it or wanted it. Additionally, both parents ensured the two boys experienced as much as they possibly could. During summer vacations, Wally and his brother were able to tag along with their mother, MayBeth, on her many reporting jobs. By the time Wally entered High School, he had already been to every continent on Earth, visited the 'Dark Side' of Luna, even been to Risa, Vulcan and Alpha Centauri. Wally enjoyed this thoroughly, however his brother found spending time with their father more enjoyable, and spent every moment he could at the Shipyards with their father when not with MayBeth. It was during an expedition to Egypt that Wally found his talent in carving stone.

Teen Years
As with all boys 'coming of age,' Wally became increasingly interested in the opposite gender. His studies at school now suffered from his increased interest in girls, and his marks became increasingly poorer. Wally didn’t care, though; he knew his Mom or Dad could get him on in either of their professions. During this same time, his brother Greg was a star athlete, exceedingly popular with the girls and guys alike, beloved by all the professors and faculty members and always close to the top of his class in academics. This, of course, made Wally rebel even more. As hard as Todd and MayBeth tried to turn Wally, he was destined to live his own path.
Once Greg graduated and got accepted to Starfleet Academy, Wally's parents set him down and explained to him that he would have to make his own path in the universe, that they could do nothing for Wally career-wise. This was a huge wake-up call for Wally, as well as his brother making it into the coveted Academy. He buckled down and did his best in school, but it was already too late. By the time he graduated, there was nothing he could go into without first proving himself elsewhere first.

Starfleet Boot Camp
Wally initially entered Boot Camp thinking it would be an easy course and with the mind-set that he would remain a 'face in the crowd.' Fortunately, he was wrong on both accounts. The course kicked his butt physically and mentally, and apparently the Drill Instructors saw something in Wally; they made him one of four student leaders. During the course, Wally's body and mind became sharp and disciplined, and his natural leadership skill were being honed, tempered and tested. He graduated with high marks.

Advanced Individual Training
A.I.T was a bit different than what he expected. He had expected things to calm down a bit, that this would be more of a college course, so to speak, than Boot Camp. He was way off. For the next two months, it was as close to Boot Camp as one could get without being in Boot Camp. Again, he was placed in a Leadership position as Platoon Sergeant. By the time he graduated in October, he had earned the coveted 'Red Rope,' or senior enlisted student, the highest ranking student of a student body of more than 1000 enlistee's. Shortly after graduation, he was assigned to the USS Swiftsure as a Security Crewman.

U.S.S. Swiftsure
Once on the USS Swiftsure, Wally had expected his life to be much like his life in Boot and AIT. Again, he was proven wrong. Not only were things a great deal more relaxed, Wally found himself with free time and even days off. Of course, this didn’t bother him, but what did was that although he had made several accomplishments and strides forward in his life and career, non of it mattered anymore. He was the low man on the proverbial totem pole and just another face in the crowd of more than 700 officers and enlisted personnel. After serving for two years on this ship in relative time, he received several promotions, earning the rank of Petty Officer Third Class. Once his tour was over on the USS Swiftsure, he transferred to the carrier ship USS Drew Roche, being assigned as the Chief Armor's Mate.

U.S.S. Sentinel
After only one month on the USS Drew Roche, Petty Officer Ruiz ran into an old friend from the USS Swiftsure, Chief Petty Officer Briana McCartney. She and Major Moss, the Marine Commanding Officer of the USS Swiftsure, kidnapped him and took him with them to the USS Swiftsure. 'Ru' served with distinction for more than a year on the USS Sentinel, gaining valuable experience and doing a great deal of growing up. At the end of his tour, he was reassigned to the USS Arizona.

Professional History

Service Chronology
Service Record 2379: Enlists into Starfleet ranks regular on June 12. Achieves the rank of Platoon Sergeant for Third Platoon, 1st Squadron, 8th Fleet. Graduates on August 1, 2379

August 1, 2379: Reports to A.I.T. for Specialized Security training. Again made Platoon Sergeant. Graduates with a 'Red Rope' on October 1, 2379.

2379: Reports to the USS Swiftsure as a Security Crewman on October 22nd.

2380-2382: The USS Swiftsure was reported missing with all hands early in 2380. The ship reappeared early in 2383 in orbit of Earth after a temporal jump of 3 years. **Details classified**

2383: After the USS Swiftsure re-emerges, Wally is promoted to Crewman.

2384: Promoted to Crewman First Class.

2385: Promoted to Petty Officer Third Class and transferred to the USS Drew Roche. After only a month, force-transferred to the USS Sentinel.

2386: Promoted to Petty Officer Second Class and transferred to the USS Arizona.

Medical Information

Medical Profile
Psychological Profile

