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Wed Mar 2nd, 2011 @ 3:09pm

Lieutenant JG Miomar Barr

Name Miomar Barr

Position Assistant Chief Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Betazoid
Age 30
Date of Birth 7/14/2356
Place of Birth Betazed
Nicknames/Aliases N/A

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1"
Weight 235
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Miomar Barr stands an even 6' 1" tall with short brown hair and piercing black eyes which set him as a member of the Betazoid. Casually dressed when not on duty, he wears loose fitting clothes to cover his muscle bound physique brought on by years of rigorous self-training to keep his body as sharp as his mind. He walks with an easy confidence and a relaxed gait, in no hurry to get to anywhere in particular, but able to get there when he wishes. His black eyes miss very little as he makes his way day to day, nor does his telepathy and empathy fail to pick up the nuances that the eyes can miss.


Spouse NA
Children NA
Father Garrett Barr
Mother Tiana Barr
Brother(s) Jacar Barr
Sister(s) N/A
Other Family Uncle Jaime Barr

Personality & Traits

General Overview A rather quiet man, Miomar prefers to use his mind rather than his mouth in most situations. He loves a crowd of people and never fails to have a smile for a friend. He spends many hours reading through Star Fleet manuals on engines, or can be found on a holodeck playing handball or some other games when not working out.
Strengths Always willing to help someone out, he learns rapidly, and he's a dependable team player.
Weaknesses He lets things get to him when he doesn't comprehend them within a short amount of time. He pushes himself to the point where if he doesn't get it, he lets other activities and projects fall to the side.
Ambitions He dreams of discovering a new concept for engineering one day and become an Admiral in Star Fleet Corps of Engineers
Hobbies & Interests Reading engine manuals, working out, playing handball, classical music studies, playing piano, and meditation.
Likes Miomar greatly appreciates honesty in others and will not tell a lie unless it will bring far more harm than good. He enjoys a good debate on engineering and has a competitive streak in that field, and a willingness to assist to teach otherwise about it as well. In his spare time, he discovered his love of classical music and applied himself to learning piano. It soothed his mind and calmed him, aiding in his meditation techniques. Miomar also spends many hours working out and playing handball when not reading technical manuals on engines. Despite his telepathy, Miomar prefers speaking with people and does his best to respect their privacy unless he feels his life may be in danger. Recently he has started playing holo chess, but is frustrated by the computer as he can get no reading from it.
Dislikes Miomar has a strong dislike for the Ferengi, not only because of their natural resistance to telepathy, but their unethical business dealing. He also abhors laziness in himself and encourages others to join him in a game of handball.
Linguistic Abilities English, Romulan, native language, Star Fleet Standard

Personal History

Personal History Miomar was born Third Son of the Seventh House - House of Courage on the planet Betazed on 7/14/2356. He expressed an interest in mechanics and engines from a young age, as well as classical music and playing the piano. In his early teens, he began to train his body into shape by both lifting weights, physical combat training, and playing fast action sports, such as handball.
Education Miomar Barr first developed his love of engines and engineering at the age of 13. His uncle had a problem with a vehicle and let Miomar help, showing him what tools were needed and how to use them. Seeing how quickly the boy took to it, his uncle made the recommendation that he direct his attention to engineering. Miomar was enrolled in a Betazed academy for advanced students and quickly immersed himself in dedicated study, making Dean's List in his first year. It was a position that he would hold and climb the ranks of his entire time there, finishing at the top of his class at the age of 17. Graduating, he joined Star Fleet and entered the Corps of Engineers. There, he decided not to specialize in any particular field and studied every aspect of ship engine. As a result of his intense study, his playing piano fell to the side.

Professional History

Service Chronology 2374-2375: Cadet, First Year; General Studies; Starfleet Academy
2375-2376: Cadet, Second Year; Engineering Studies; Starfleet Academy
2376-2377: Cadet, Third Year; Engineering Studies; Starfleet Academy
2377-2378: Cadet, Fourth Year; Advanced Engineering Studies; Starfleet Academy
2378-2381: Ensign; Engineering Officer; USS Fearless
2381-2384: Lieutenant Junior Grade; Engineering Officer; USS Hiroshima
2384-2386: Lieutenant Junior Grade; Assistant Chief Engineer; USS Yosemite
2386-PRES: Lieutenant Junior Grade; Assistant Chief Engineer; USS Arizona
Service Record

Medical Information

Medical Profile Had Zanthi fever, which caused him to lose control over the projective aspect of his empathy. He is prone to using his empathy for this reason.
Psychological Profile Miomar is well adjusted to working with others but would prefer to lead.

