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Fri Oct 25th, 2024 @ 4:27pm

Petty Officer 1st Class Randall Crane

Name Randall Crane

Position Anthropologist

Rank Petty Officer 1st Class

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 29
Date of Birth 2129
Place of Birth Hassaleh Colony
Nicknames/Aliases Randy

Physical Appearance

Height 6'5"
Weight 173
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description


Spouse Anne
Children N/A
Father Kendall (Deceased)
Mother Carrie (Deceased)
Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview
Hobbies & Interests
Linguistic Abilities

Personal History

Personal History Randall was born on 2129 on Hassaleh Colony. The colonists were far enough from any major hubs for Starfleet or the Earth Cargo Service so they quickly learned to take care of things on their own. At age 18, Randall joined the recently formed 129th MACO squad. Their initial job was to help provide security for the Chapin sector which included the Hassaleh Colony. As relations with the Romulan Star Empire worsened, the 129th was shifted to the border to try and keep the Romulans in check.

Once war broke out, he saw action in the early battles for control of Gatrai V and Vorle Prime as a member of the 129th infantry. In 2158, while onboard the Neptune for his 3 month shipboard rotation, he along with the rest of the crew disappeared during the Battle of Zoryana. The crew was declared MIA and presumed dead.

In 2385 the Neptune suddenly appeared in almost the same spot from which she disappeared. An official inquiry into the matter determined the vessel travelled through a temporal anomaly. The decision was made not to send the Neptune's crew back to their original timeline, but to allow them to remain in the present. Severely damaged, the Neptune was towed back to the Sol System by the USS Thunderbolt. Thanks to the efforts of both ship's engineering teams, the Neptune was able to make the entry into the Sol System under her own power.

By the time the Neptune returned to Earth, Randall decided to leave his MACO days behind which led to his posting on the Arizona, primarily as a historian as he was interested in the similarities between the current frontier and the frontier he grew up in.
Education MACO Basic Training:
New Mars

Professional History

Service Chronology Service Record
2147-2158: MACO, 129th Infantry

August-September 2158: MACO, USS-Neptune

Rank upon disappearance: Staff Sergeant

2158-2385: Temporal Anomaly

2385- Present: USS Arizona

Service Record Awards Received

* Purple Heart
* Romulan War Service Medal
* Sharpshooter Badge
* Bronze Star

Medical Information

Medical Profile
Psychological Profile Dr. Kimberly Nissim, counselor USS-Thunderbolt: 2385

At the request of Admiral Keni Thomas I have performed a standard psych eval on the Neptune's crew. All things considered, Randell Crane is handling the transition well. However, like many combat veterans he should be watched for signs of PTSD which may be complicated by suddenly finding himself over 200 years in the future. For now, I declare him to be in good mental health and competent to perform any duties required of him; with the stipulation that he check in with the nearest counselor, Starfleet or Civilian, within 2 weeks upon arriving at his new posting following retraining.

