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Thu Jan 26th, 2012 @ 9:37am

Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries

Name Anastasia Shantoa DeVries

Position Executive Officer

Rank Lieutenant Colonel

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Terran
Age 35
Date of Birth 26 July 2350
Place of Birth Dahkur Province; Bajor
Nicknames/Aliases Stace; Vandy; Valkyrie; Divine One

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 155 lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description


Spouse Sébastien M. DeVries [deceased]
Children Lukas S. DeVries; 23
Kristin A. DeVries; 23
Reece S. DeVries; 9
Anja M. DeVries; 3
Father Gregory T. Vandergrift [deceased]
Mother Leann M. Sumrak [deceased]
Other Family Ex-Husband: Rupert M. Banks; 41
Aunt/Uncle: John D. & Martha K. [DeCleir] Sumrak
Aunt/Uncle: Michael J. & Kimberly A. [Sumrak] Mittelstaedt
Aunt/Uncle: Barclay B. & Mariedith N. [Galiano] Vandergrift
Aunt/Uncle: Christian H. & Elizabeth C. [Smith] Vandergrift
Cousin: Thomas M. Vandergrift
Cousin: Kiara R. Sumrak-Brandel
Cousin: Marianne D. Mittelstaedt
Cousin: Tiffany L. Mittelstaedt
Cousin: Denise M. Mittelstaedt

Personality & Traits

General Overview
Strengths ... can operate exceedingly well under extremely harsh conditions, known to be completely honest and upfront concerning any situation despite the personal feelings of those involved, possesses a firm and avid sense of loyalty ...
Weaknesses ... vastly stubborn, unable to refuse a challenge, prone to violence, doesn't know when to shut up ...
Ambitions ... to retire from service at a rank higher than when she entered ...
Hobbies & Interests ... holodeck battle scenarios, military history, crime and mystery novels, painting, drawing ...
Likes ... laughter, sunsets, rain, music, painting, practical jokes, foreign cultures, strawberry milkshakes, alcohol, debates ...
Dislikes ... those in the medical profession, the color pink, idiotic and otherwise unintelligent people, seafood, crybabies ...
Linguistic Abilities Spoken: Federation Standard; Klingon; Bajoran; Romulan; Cardassian
Written: Federation Standard; Klingon; Bajoran; Romulan; Cardassian
Read: Federation Standard; Klingon; Bajoran; Romulan; Cardassian; Vulcan

Personal History

Personal History When former Federation Marines Gregory and Leeann Vandergrift headed to Bajor in 2345 they had no idea the horrors life would have in store for them. Driven on nothing but a promise of long ago, the two risked everything to slip into the Cardassian Occupation to find their dear friend, Kensi Meni, and bring her out alive. Their trek sent them to Colar Mountain, a mountain located in the Dahkur Province and home to one of Bajor's resistance strongholds. Seeing the pain and suffering the war was causing, Gregory and Leeann made the decision to remain and fight alongside Meni and the others.

The years were long and difficult for all but hope was once again achieved for the three of them when Meni gave birth to her daughter Suva in 2349. A hope that continued to shine when Leeann gave birth to her own daughter Anastasia in 2350. Realizing that the middle of a war zone was not the place for children, Gregory tried desperately to secure a way to get both the girls off Bajor and back to Earth. He continued to try for five years.

Within those five years, Anastasia and Suva were starting to build what would be a life-long bond. A bond that was put to test when the sudden attack of Cardassians on their camp left them both orphaned. Confused and scared, the children took off towards the Bestri Woods and remained on the run until 2358 when Cardassian soldiers rounded them up and sent them to one of Bajor's many forced-labor camps.

As members of the camp, Anastasia and Suva remained untouched for the better part of a year until the new Gul arrived bringing with him a look of fear that to them had never been seen before. Gul Dulhae was a powerful Cardassian man with no respect for anyone other then himself and he took great pleasure in harassing all those underneath him. It was within months he also took a liking to Suva, a liking that boiled Anastasia's blood. Often protesting his actions towards her friend, Anastasia soon became the center of many of Dulhae's physical attacks ... attacks that went unanswered until 2362.

It was a quiet night when a young twelve-year-old Anastasia woke to find Suva missing. Her belongings gone ... every trace of her erased. Furious, she demanded to know of her best friend's whereabouts. Demands that got her taken to a remote area outside the camp where the Cardassians decided to silence her. A fight that she attempted to counter ... an attempt that failed.

Bruised, battered and bleeding, Anastasia was discarded by the Cardassians. No longer having the will or urge to fight, she prayed for a quick death. A prayer that was intercepted by a rebel group of Bajorans who rescued her and carried her to safety. It was another five days before Anastasia could stand on her own, the various scars would remain as a reminder of the events that occured. Loosing all hope she had for her friend's life, she thanked her savior, Dieter, for his help and left the camp at once ignoring all protests she received.

It wasn't until three years later that an aggressive Anastasia, now a Bajoran Freedom Fighter, came across someone she swore she would never see again - Kensi Suva. The reunion was anything but happy as Suva described to Anastasia the life she had led since they last saw each other and the events she had to deal with. Further alarming Anastasia, Suva announced the birth of her son, Gerlach. Nodding her understanding, the two of them vowed to stay together.

Once again, the duo reigned terror amongst the Cardassians and brought back many dreams for Bajorans alike. A partnering they endured until the battle at Janir where Suva was one of hundreds murdered. Pulling the lifeless, eye widened, blood soaked body from the wreckage, Anastasia made a silent sworn promise to somehow someway get Gerlach off the planet forever.

A year later in 2366, Anastasia succeeded in something her parents had failed at sixteen years earlier ... she had gotten herself and Gerlach off Bajor and on a transport back to Earth. Arriving in San Francisco was a culture shock of enormous proportions as she had never seen her parents' native homeworld. Contacting the only person's name she could remember her parents talking about, Anastasia came face to face with her uncle - Christian Vandergrift.

Moving Anastasia and the young Gerlach with him to his house in Oregon, Anastasia was thrilled at the chance of having a family again and in no time fell in love with both Christian and his wife Elizabeth. Helping her further her education by the time 2368 rolled around, Anastasia was more then ready to depart for StarFleet Marine Academy. Entrusting Gerlach into their hands, she departed.

Professional History

Service Chronology 2368 - Cadet 1st Year - General Studies Cadet - StarFleet Academy
2369 - Cadet 2nd Year - Marine Cadet - StarFleet Marine Academy
2370 - Cadet 3rd Year - Marine Cadet - StarFleet Marine Academy
2371 - Cadet 4th Year - Marine Cadet - StarFleet Marine Academy
2372 - 2nd Lieutenant - Sniper - U.S.S. Franklin NCC-62762
2373 - 1st Lieutenant - Assistant Squad Leader - U.S.S. Victory NCC-5371 A
2375 - Marine Captain - Intelligence Analyst - StarFleet Marine HQ
2376 - Major - Intelligence Analyst - StarFleet Marine HQ
2377 - Major - Executive Officer - U.S.S. Phoenix NCC-79621
2377 - Lieutenant Colonel - Executive Officer - U.S.S. Phoenix NCC-79621
2379 - Colonel - Commanding Officer - Starbase U974-S
2380 - Colonel - Commanding Officer - Starbase 11
2380 - Lieutenant Colonel - Company Commander - U.S.S. Lancelot NCC-74410 A
2381 - Commander - Executive Officer - U.S.S. Lancelot NCC-74410 A
2381 - Lieutenant Colonel - Executive Officer - Starbase 11
2383 - Colonel - Commanding Officer - U.S.S. Atrius NCC-0980 C
2385 - Colonel - Commanding Officer - U.S.S. Mischief NX-713
2386 - Major - Chief of Security - U.S.S. Arizona NCC-77021
2386 - Lieutenant Colonel - Chief of Security - U.S.S. Arizona NCC-77021
2386 - Lieutenant Colonel - Executive Officer - U.S.S. Arizona NCC-77021
Service Record The adjustment to StarFleet Marine Academy was a slow and rough process for the young Cadet Vandergrift as many of her past memories influenced her, more often in the wrong direction than to be desired. Putting to use the tactics and skills she learned on Bajor, Anastasia excelled beyond the greatest expectations in reconnaissance, insertion/extraction and demolitions. With her mind slowly starting to adapt to the environment and people around her, Anastasia also reopened the closed locked door of friendship and welcomed others inside.

One of the first to take that step was Cadet Mackenzie Lorenzino, a trigger happy New York City native, who willingly forced Anastasia into his small crowd. Joining him there she also met Cadet Tyler Miller, a quiet yet brilliant Betazoid and Cadet Kyena Liri, a Bajoran who too had survived the Cardassian Occupation. Through them, Anastasia grew to be outgoing.

While close to both Mackenzie and Tyler, her closest friend was no doubtly Liri - as the two women shared countless experiences about their lives growing up. Overall their friendships never buckled in the remaining years they shared before graduation.

Fresh out of the Academy and holding the rank of 2nd Lieutenant, Anastasia was assigned to the U.S.S. Franklin NCC-62762 as a Sniper under the command of Major Joshua Reznik. In Reznik, Anastasia found her true mentor and the two became a close team who worked hard to restore the marine division onboard. The year she spent there was a fond one, a year she would later say was one of the best in her life. Receiving a promotion and new post, Anastasia found herself reassigned.

The reassignment brought the now 1st Lieutenant to the U.S.S. Victory NCC-5371-A and placed her as Assistant Squad Leader under the known hardcase Lieutenant Colonel Geoff Sahr. Sahr was a man of little words and bigger actions, one who accepted nothing less than 150% and enforced his ways with every fiber of his being. Anastasia grew to idolize him. It was also under his command that she would begin to see her first dose of real action as a member of StarFleet ... as the Dominion declared war on the Federation.

Although the Victory had taken damage throughout the war it wasn't until in late 2374 when the ship took it's worse blow yet. With the ship without primary power and bombarded with multiple hull breaches, Anastasia found herself in the middle of a ship wide panic. As the Marines tried to wade through the corridors another blow sent the group of officers flying, leaving many of them trapped underneath various parts of the ceiling and walls. Pulling herself out from behind the wreckage, Anastasia worked desperately to unbury her fellow crewmembers. Getting one out and realizing the deck would go if it was hit again she made the decision to evacuate - leaving the others behind ... including Sahr.

Once the conclusion of the Dominion War was confirmed, Anastasia and the remaining members of the U.S.S. Victory NCC-5371-A finally took the time to reflect back on the previous two years. Although Anastasia had been right in her decision many months prior, the feeling of guilt never left her and she requested transfer but not before getting promoted.

Marine Captain Vandergrift now found herself back at StarFleet Marine Headquarters where it appeared her knowledge from the Dominion War along with her knowledge of the Cardassian Occupation impressed someone as she was declared Intelligence Commander of the Headquarters Infantry Marine Force. It was also the first time since she left Bajor that Anastasia found herself in an uncomfortable situation.

Her Marines, who loved to refer to themselves as the "Holy Saviors", were a self-righteous cocky group who despised her being in command and her all together. Of course the hatred was never spoken outloud but it could be seen almost at once in their eyes. Anastasia suspected the ring leader of the group, Marine Captain Mic Pepperly, to be the one behind this hatred as it was no lie had it not been for her he would have had her job. Anastasia also suspected his two puppets 2nd Lieutenants Becca Fatone and Dena Fellowes to be in on it. She also noticed a bit more personal relationship between the two. Something Anastasia often found herself laughing at behind closed doors.

However hard the three of them made her life, Anastasia never let them get the best of her and she was often having to yell and fuss at them ... even once having to bust Pepperly down to Acting Cadet. Eventually they started to simmer down and cooperate with the others as a real team.

In mid 2376 the news that the Commander-in-Chief of StarFleet, Fleet Admiral William Wilson, was stopping by Headquarters and that a humongous party would be thrown was announced among the officers. While Anastasia herself wasn't real interested in the overall idea, she did attend the function - and was glad she did.

The party brought one of the greatest surprises to her since 2368, the reunion of two of her Academy friends, Mackenzie Lorenzino and Kyena Liri. The thrill of seeing them again was incredible and over large amounts of alcohol they caught up on years lost. Leaving the party, the three of them stumbled back towards Anastasia's quarters but halfway there Anastasia turned to go back, informing the others she left behind her assignment padd. With Mackenzie and Liri gone from sight and with her senses impaired, she never saw the figure come at her from the side and take her to the ground.

Waking up in Sickbay, Anastasia was informed that she had been assaulted by what witnesses could only describe as an intoxicated StarFleet officer. It took many months before JAG authorities were able to uncover who the mystery man was and their convict proved to be none other than the Commander-in-Chief himself. Deciding the only way she'd ever get over her trauma, she pushed the case to the limits and in the end forced the hand of Wilson's resignation.

A few months later after successfully leading a raid on an armed outpost and saving the officers onboard, StarFleet surprised Anastasia by promoting her to the rank of Major. The remaining year peaceful, she was excited when in early 2377 she was offered the Executive Officer position on the U.S.S. Phoenix NCC-79621. Upon destruction of the vessel in 2379 StarFleet granted the then Lieutenant Colonel a field promotion to Colonel and command of the newly opened Starbase U974-S.

Having established a successful command structure within the region to secure it's ongoing mission, Anastasia later requested a transfer to Starbase 11 and was awarded for her efforts by being handed command of the facility in hopes to replicate her previous work.

Unfortunately for StarFleet Headquarters, however, this move only lasted six months before the Colonel took a voluntary demotion to Lieutenant Colonel in order to go to the aid of her dear friend and former Phoenix Commanding Officer, Captain Sébastien M. DeVries by joining his crew onboard the U.S.S. Lancelot NCC-74410 A as it's Company Commander - a mistake that later proved to be fatal as Anastasia had been corrupted by the taste of command and found herself having a hard time adjusting to a lesser role - though a one more suited by a long shot.

Seeking a means to rectify the situation and rid herself of all her angst, Anastasia willingly left the marines and crossed over to the naval branch in order to be granted permission to once again serve as a command officer aboard a starship. Now, wearing the pips of a Commander, Anastasia assumed the role of Executive Officer aboard the Lancelot - a position she carried out until her transfer back to Starbase 11.

For the better part of the next two years Anastasia served the starbase and it's crew with a sense of dedication and purpose that most had come to respect and often tried to duplicate - an action that cemented the decision Brigadier General Brett J. Michaels had been contemplating for several months. Initiating his idea through the necessary channels at StarFleet Command the Lieutenant Colonel was once again given her own starship and the rank that came with it.

Surprised and a bit restless, Anastasia eventually took command of the newly commissioned U.S.S. Atrius NCC-0980 C during the fall of 2383 and would remain with that ship and crew until 2385 when the Colonel was yet again called forth by StarFleet in hopes of taking on a new project - a prototype starship known as the U.S.S. Mischief.

Relinquishing command of the Atrius to her Executive Officer, Anastasia assumed the helm of the Mischief in early 2385 and began a series of test missions in order to determine the capability of the new vessel and her underlying possibilities. Unfortunately though due to error assumed by the Colonel the Mischief was eventually lost during a mission in late 2385 and therefore Anastasia was once again demoted to the rank of Major and reassigned to a role outside of command.

Medical Information

Medical Profile '… it was onboard the U.S.S. Victory NCC-5371-A in the midst of the Dominion War when 1st Lieutenant Vandergrift was seriously injured during an isolated hull breech. Injuries included a collapsed lung, two fractures of her right leg below the knee, broken right hip, two broken ribs and a scalp laceration. She recovered at 100% and was returned to duty ...'

'... following the Commander-in-Chief's party at StarFleet Marine Headquarters in mid 2376, Marine Captain Vandergrift was assaulted and beaten by a then unknown assailant. Other injuries included a right eyelid laceration which extended to the lateral canthus, as well as a complex right forehead laceration, with avulsion-type lacerations. Her right forearm also had a midshaft radial and ulnar forearm fracture. She was returned to active duty ...'
Psychological Profile '... following a hard and difficult life on Bajor during the Cardassian Occupation, Cadet Vandergrift while having spent the past couple years of her life on Earth, still prefers Bajoran customs and traditions. Her quiet reserved nature is undoubtedly due to the fact she has suffered a great deal of personal trama and is afraid to let people get near her. Counseling sessions are recommended ...'

'... 2nd Lieutenant Vandergrift, having found a home onboard the U.S.S. Franklin NCC-62762, seems to be a high spirited individual due to the extensive support from her commander Major Joshua Reznik. Still choosing to follow Bajoran customs and traditions she is now also celebrating many Earth ones ...'

'... having the pleasure of meeting 1st Lieutenant Vandergrift while she was still a Cadet, it is safe to say her time onboard the U.S.S. Victory NCC-5371-A during the Dominion War was anything but productive. Not only suffering extensive physical injuries, Anastasia sustained major mental injuries as well. The death of Lieutenant Colonel Geoff Sahr and the regret she has will take years for her to overcome even with the help of further sessions. Although her nightmares will become less frequent she will be prone to have sudden flashbacks which could render her unable to perform her duty for a brief time. However, I see no reason not to clear her active ...'

'... Marine Captain Vandergrift is highly dedicated and strong willed, having spent numerous hours to regain that which the Dominion took from her. Known to fly off the handle when her anger gets the best of her, there is denying her loyalty and compassion for those under her command ...'

'... administering brute force and little sympathy, Major Vandergrift has become one of StarFleet Marine Corps most precise and detailed officers. Seeking nothing but what she believes is right and letting nothing get in her way, she is generally perceived as a hardcase. However, taking a closer more personal look, the Major is also a sensitive individual, one who seeks and longs for deep friendship. Those who knew her previously have expressed concern admitting she is not who she use to be. And studying her and her record I would have to agree, although I believe her turn around is in her best interest. She will serve proudly anywhere the Federation sends her ...'

