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  • 1 Personal Logs

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Sat Jun 11th, 2011 @ 3:44pm

Lieutenant Serran

Name Serran

Position Surgeon

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Vulcan
Age 53
Date of Birth 2242
Place of Birth Vulcan

Physical Appearance

Height 6'3"
Weight 182lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Serran has dark, close-cropped hair. Dark skinned with no visible scars. Slim but solid build.


Spouse Suliah, 48
Children N'Reth, son, 14
T'Sola, daughter, 112
Father Volar
Mother Valaran
Sister(s) N'Tal, 139
Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview Stoic, introspective and calm in demeanor. Always formal when on duty and mostly formal when off duty, though he can be informal at times. Does follow the teachings of Surak so logic, for the most part, rules his way of thinking and does attempt to adhere to a lifestyle of non-violence, though he has an understanding of what may be required of him in Star Fleet. Honorable and loyal, almost to a fault. Speaks his mind when asked or when he feels it is necessary.
Strengths Has interacted with humans for a long time so he understands the nuances of their emotions. Has a clinical, almost computer-like mind capable of processing information at a high rate. Excellent problem-solving abilities. Strongly developed Vulcan mental abilities. Has a typical Vulcan's physical strength and endurance. Is capable of performing mind-melds.
Weaknesses Does tend to stay within the rules and regulations as stated in within Federation and Starfleet charters and laws.
Ambitions Has not expressed any particular ambitions as of yet.
Hobbies & Interests Meditation. Expanding his medical knowledge at every opportunity.
Linguistic Abilities Vulcan, Romulan and Federation Standard

Personal History

Personal History Serran was born on 2242. He was raised in the traditional Vulcan way. Both of his parents, accomplished scientists in their own time, had a strong influence in Serran attending the Vulcan Science Academy. During his time there, Serran achieved degrees - major and minor - in Biology, Chemistry and Biophysics. Ultimately, his time at the VSA and its medical college allowed Serran to attain a Doctorate of Medicine.

Curious to expand his medical knowledge in an academical and practical manner, Serran enrolled in Starfleet Academy at the age of 32. He believed he could drastically increase his knowledge base by exposing himself to the opportunity of learning from various species and cultures, given Starfleet's exploration mandate. Upon graduating from the academy, Serran was assigned to serve on the USS Bozeman as a Medical Officer in 2278. Three weeks out of dock, the ship encountered a temporal anomaly in the Typhon Expanse that transported them to the year 2368.

Serran and the crew of the Bozeman spent months trying to re-integrate their lives in the 24th century. Starleet and the Federation had changed, expanded and grown in the intervening 90 years the Bozeman had jumped ahead in time. Starfleet did everything they could to help the crew of the Bozeman adjust to their new situation.

Serran, once fully debriefed by Starfleet, returned to Vulcan to learn the extent that his life had changed. Like many of his crew mates, his situation was difficult to process at first. His parents, once vibrant scientists within the Vulcan community, had passed on. His father, Volar, of a shuttle accident in 2298. His mother, Valaran, survived into her late 180's before succumbing to natural causes. His then younger sister, N'Tal, is still alive and the two keep in reasonably regular contact.

The vulcan had also been married for six years before the incident with the Bozeman had catapulted him into the 24th century. His wife at the time, T'Sen, believing Serran had died remarried after some time. Their 5-year-old daugther, T'Sola, was now more than twice his age. Though he does keep in limited contact with his daughter, Serran knows that the time he'd lost to her could not be readily recaptured.

Eventually the Bozeman and its crew would return to active duty and Serran rejoined his crew mates in Starfleet service. Serran served with the Bozeman until 2385, eventually requesting a transfer to Deep Space 14. The posting would prove to be a unique learning experience considering it's location in the Gamma Quadrant. Plus his second wife, Suliah, and his son N'Reth would be able to live with Serran - as the Bozeman was not suited for family life.

Professional History

Service Chronology 2274 - 2278 - Starfleet Academy
2278 - Ensign, Medical Officer, USS Bozeman
2278 - 2368 - Transported to 24th century via a temporal anomaly
2369 - 2371 - Ensign, Medical Officer, USS Bozeman
2371 - 2375 - Lieutenant(jg), Assistant Medical Officer, USS Bozeman
2375 - 2385 - Lieutenant, Assistant Medical Officer, USS Bozeman
Service Record

Medical Information

Medical Profile
Psychological Profile

