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Wed Jun 29th, 2011 @ 12:07pm

Ensign Jennifer Russo

Name Jennifer Denise Russo

Position Assistant Chief Engineering Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 21
Date of Birth 18 APR
Place of Birth New York, NY
Nicknames/Aliases Jenn

Physical Appearance

Height 5'4"
Weight 107lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Jennifer is a petite girl with shoulder length brown hair, and a bright smile. From the looks of her you'd never guess what sort of past that she had, in her young life. She has a scar from a knife wound on the inside of her upper right thigh, and also has a tattoo of a heart just on her waist line over her right leg, inside of the heart in purple letters (calligraphy) it has the letters KLLR.


Spouse N/A - Single
Children N/A - No Children
Father Inspector Victor Russo, NYPD
Mother Kerry-lynn Lewis-Russo, Deceassed
Brother(s) Officer Donald "Donnie" Russo, NYPD
Sister(s) N/A - No female siblings.
Other Family N/A - None recorded in file.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Loud, Opinionated, and Blunt are all words that could be used to describe Jenn Russo. Though she has learned in her time in Starfleet to become quieter with her opinions when in the presence of senior personnel. Jennifer has never been known to lie, even in regards to her criminal history. Jennifer because of her blunt honesty does not believe in things like being politically correct, and sometimes lacks in the ability of censoring herself.

Otherwise Jennifer is a very organized individual and has shown great skill in leadership and communications ability. When her mind is put to something Jennifer is very diligent in accomplishing the mission, her newest changing for the better and progressing her career within Starfleet. Jennifer despite her being a strong and independent individual is afraid of the dark.
Strengths + Leadership Ability
+ Strong Communicator
+ Diligence
+ Honesty
Weaknesses - Bluntness
- Unable to censor herself when appropriate at times.
- Criminal History
- Afraid of the Dark
- Difficulty with Dependence
Ambitions Further her career with Starfleet, perhaps become a Commissioned Officer, change her life to be a productive member of society.
Hobbies & Interests Horses, Running, Hiking
Likes Flowers, Pasta, Seafood, Purple, Cats
Dislikes The Dark, Dogs, The Color Orange (it annoys her), Milk
Linguistic Abilities Federation Standard

Personal History

Personal History Jennifer Russo was born to her parents in Columbia Hospital in New York, NY. Her father Victor Russo was a Police Officer when she was born, and was working hard on making detective. Her mother Kerry-Lynn Lewis-Russo was a nurse at the hospital of her birth. The Russo's lived in Manhattan in a nice apartment, her father's family relatively wealthy, in a trade business running throughout the Galaxy. Her father however believing in public service, and following in the foot steps of his mother's father, and his uncles became a Police Officer to the disappointment of his father.

Victor and Kerry-Lynn were very support of both of their children and put education first and foremost, followed by strong personal and family values. They wanted the best for their children and the choice to do whatever they wanted to do with their life providing that they succeed in whatever they did. And likewise Jennifer excelled in school, her clubs, sports, and was a well rounded child.

As Jennifer got older her mother died, she was killed walking into the hospital by a gang member that her father's unit was looking on. Her father being a senior member of the organized crime unit of the New York City Police Department. After the death of her mother shortly after graduation of High School Jennifer was highly distraught and fell into a bad crowd of friends, deciding not to go to college at the last minute in depression.

Jennifer had runway, her father not being attentive to her needs or her depression after the death of her mother. She ended up involved with members of a gang on the streets of New York, and was eventually found by Police when she was stabbed and unable to run from the scene of a raid. Jennifer being recognized by the Police was transported to the hospital, and her father notified.

As part of the deal in getting Jennifer clear of charges her father required that Jennifer enter some sort of service, and she choose Starfleet and enlisted after healing. Jennifer taking aptitude exams upon joining for selection of rating, and career path scored high enough to be accepted to Direct Warrant Officer Candidate School where she choose to follow the Boatswain career path, hoping to eventually become a Commissioned Officer and possibly even the career track.

Jennifer's personal mission was to turn her life around and make up for the life that she had for the year after her mother's death.

Education Graduated From Manhattan Business Academy, New York, NY - High School Diploma

Professional History

Service Chronology 2384 - Enlisted Starfleet - Crewman Recruit
2385 - Basic Enlisted Training, Starfleet Training Center Cape May, NJ
2385 - Graduated Basic Enlisted Training, With Honors - Crewman Apprentice
2385 - Assigned Direct Warrant Officer Candidate School
2385 - Graduated Direct Warrant Officer Candidate School, With Honors - Warrant Officer 1 (WO1)
2385 - Assigned Boatswain Advanced Warrant Officer Training
2386 - Graduated Boatswain Advanced Warrant Officer Training - Warrant Officer-Boatswain 1 (BOSN1)
2386 - Assigned USS Arizona, Boatswain (BOSN1)
Service Record

Medical Information

Medical Profile Jennifer Russo has no outstanding medical conditions, does not take any medications regularly. Jennifer does have a scar on the inside of her right upper thigh that is approximately 1 to 1 1/2 inches in length, from a deep stab wound received prior to enlistment in Starfleet.

Jennifer suffered greatly during Mission 2, where she was almost killed in the line of duty. She had multi-systems trauma and nerve damage causing her to have great pain walking. Jenn also had been in a coma subsequent to brain swelling, however has recovered mostly however at times she becomes frustrated when overwhelmed. Seizures in the future are also of concern however at this time she has not suffered from one. Physical Therapy has given her much improvement and should prove to be the key to a full recovery.
Psychological Profile Russo tends to be over critical of herself, however she uses this positively in a manner in which to improve herself. Follow ups regarding her progress in her personal image should be done at every required psychological check up. Russo also has issues coping with the loss of her mother which occurred prior to her enlistment.

