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Thu Jun 30th, 2011 @ 1:21pm

Petty Officer 2nd Class Eldon Solus

Name Eldon Solus

Position Medical Officer

Rank Petty Officer 2nd Class

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Salarian
Age 16
Date of Birth 16 years ago (long time on Salarian scale)
Place of Birth Planet Sur'Kesh
Nicknames/Aliases none complimentary

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 145 lbs
Hair Color none
Eye Color black
Physical Description Physiology - Salarians are of amphibian root and have unusually high metabolisms. The price for this, unfortunately, is a relatively short lifespan of about forty years. Their breathing tends to be deeper and less regular than humans. Eldon can also breathe water, as long as it is reasonably clean. Salarian physiology is very thin with wiry musculature.
{Concept credit: inspired by Mass Effect}


Spouse No no no. No time for spouse.
Children Strange creatures, indeed.
Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview Overview - Eldon, like many Salarians, has a hyperactive brain which tends to think faster than the mouth can speak. As a result, verbal communications usually come out as quick, fragmented sentences.

Specialization - Parasitology & Symbiology:
'Alternative Medicine' doesn't begin to capture Eldon's unorthodox art. Most of this Salarian's experience hasn't yet been cataloged by Federation science, let alone approved. Blood amoeba, sinus spores, thyroid leeches, intestinal larva, and brain fungus are but a few of his trade tools.
Strengths Fast, multitasking photographic mind.
High level technical, scientific education.
Never gives up on unsolved problems.
Weaknesses Eldon is emotionally impatient with slow talking humans.
Political correctness is of no, repeat no interest to him.
Dislikes being bothered by mundane issues... too busy.
Ambitions Own ship, own labs, own projects.
No oversight by Federation or Alliance.
Ahhh, freedom to create.
Hobbies & Interests Any and all science and technology, for about ten seconds.
After he understands it, file it away and move on to something new.
Likes Learning and Inventing.
Dislikes Bureaucracy, bureaucrats, organizations, regulations, supervision, imposed duties.
Linguistic Abilities Phenomenal. He might not physically be able to articulate languages, but he learns new languages quickly.

Personal History

Personal History {to be determined}

Professional History

Service Chronology
Service Record

Medical Information

Medical Profile Physiology - Salarians are of amphibian root and have unusually high metabolisms. The price for this, unfortunately, is a relatively short lifespan of about forty years. Their breathing tends to be deeper and less regular than humans. Eldon can also breathe water, as long as it is reasonably clean. Salarian physiology is very thin with wiry musculature.
{Concept credit: inspired by Mass Effect}
Psychological Profile

