
  • 5 Mission Posts

Last Post

Sat May 7th, 2011 @ 4:02pm

Commodore Amanda Pike

Name Amanda Kathryn Pike

Position Commanding Officer

Rank Commodore

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Terran
Age 39
Date of Birth 05 June 2347
Place of Birth Olympia Archeology; Mars
Nicknames/Aliases Manda

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7"
Weight 140 LBS
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Green
Physical Description


Spouse Darius Blake
Father Alexander Pike
Mother Elizabeth Dawson
Brother(s) Robert Pike
Sister(s) Elena Pike
Charlene Pike
Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview Often described as sarcastic and snooty to those who do not know her better, Amanda has the ability to become a generally outgoing and warm person. One who loves to laugh but is still quick to anger, Amanda can flip her stubbornness and her flexibility back and forth like a switch.
Hobbies & Interests
Linguistic Abilities Federation Standard - Klingon - Vulcan - Romulan - Cardassian - Bajoran

Personal History

Personal History

Professional History

Service Chronology 2365 - Cadet 1st Year - General Studies Cadet - StarFleet Academy
2366 - Cadet 2nd Year - Engineering Cadet - StarFleet Academy
2367 - Cadet 3rd Year - Engineering Cadet - StarFleet Academy
2368 - Cadet 4th Year - Engineering Cadet - StarFleet Academy
2369 - Ensign - Engineer - USS Aegis
2370 - Lieutenant JG - Assistant Chief Engineer - USS Condor
2372 - Lieutenant - Chief Engineer - USS Blackhawk
2375 - Lieutenant Commander - Classified - Classified
2377 - Lieutenant Commander - Executive Officer - USS Casey
2377 - Commander - Commanding Officer - USS Casey
2378 - Captain - Commanding Officer - USS Casey
2383 - Captain - Division Commander - Rexious Sector
2386 - Commodore - Commanding Officer - USS Casey
Service Record

Medical Information

Medical Profile
Psychological Profile

