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Mon Jan 10th, 2011 @ 2:34pm

1st Lieutenant Mike North

Name Mike David North

Position Infiltration Specialist

Rank 1st Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 39
Date of Birth
Place of Birth San Antonio, Texas
Nicknames/Aliases Mike, Ghost, Archangel-7, Mr. Bum

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8"
Weight 160 lbs.
Hair Color brown
Eye Color hazel
Physical Description Mike is not an imposing figure, standing only 5'8" tall and weighing in at 145 lbs., but his hazel eyes hold a cold edge that's almost frightening at times. He wears his brown hair short, in a ranger-cut he often shaves himself. He has a long scar stretching from his right cheek, across his right eye, ending about in the center of his forehead. The wound took the eye, and it was replaced with a high-end bionic; the thumb, index and middle finger of his right hand are a similiar story. He has faded shrapnel pockmarks on right-side of face and right arm, as well as a round, quarter-sized shrapnel scar on his right butt cheek. Mike's back is a mass of criss-crossing scars, a leftover from his time in a Jem'Hadar POW camp. Mike is known to grow out his facial hair, sometimes going a week or more without shaving.

On duty he wears the standard marine fatigues, along with the black beret he earned years ago, and always has a phaser at his side and a knife on his belt. Off duty, he usually wears running shoes, denim pants and t-shirts, usually still carrying a small phaser concealed upon his person.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Lieutenant Frederick Ryan North (deceased)
Mother Jessica Elizabeth North (deceased)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family None to whom North is close.

Personality & Traits

General Overview North cares little for commanders who attempt to micromanage his operations, as well as for red tape that prevents him from doing his job. He takes his job seriously, since lives depend on his decisions, but also knows when to relax. North can also be extremely sarcastic, especially with people he views as in the way or annoying. He lacks a shred of self-preservation, and is completely willing to die for the Federation. Mike has never felt remorse for any of the enemies he has killed, although he suffers from PTSD on occassion.

Mike is a very patient and vengeful man, a dangerous combination. Mike will wait weeks or even months for the perfect time to take his revenge upon someone he feels has wronged him.
Strengths North maintains himself in peak physical condition. He is an expert in the usage of almost all Starfleet (and many foreign) weapons systems and combat equipment. Highly trained in guerrilla and small unit operations, hand-to-hand combat and melee combat, and most marine skills (including demolitions). His most honed skill however, is stealth. North can move silent and unnoticed through almost any terrain, a skill he has used time and time again to gain the advantage over his enemies. North is also an expert marksman, having graduated from the Marine Corps Sniper program.
Weaknesses North does suffer from some PTSD; he's refused treatment for it so far, prefering the old military method of 'suck it up and drive on' as treatment. North can be extremely stubborn, and has a chivalic streak that has, on occassion, landed him in trouble. North tends to be independant and insular; working best alone.
Ambitions North is perfectly happy with where he is; high enough to run his own ops with minimal interferance, but not so high that he's stuck behind a desk. His only real ambition is to keep working in the field.
Hobbies & Interests While not really hobbies, North spends much of his time maintaining his physical fitness and marine skills. In his down time, he likes to read, hike and backpack, play strategy games, and catch up on sleep.
Likes being turned loose to complete his mission how ever he feels in necessary, cheap vodka, Mexican food, corned-beef hash, root beer, a warm bed, the outdoors, offensive jokes, women, taking revenge (often with a practical joke)

Dislikes pogues, anyone who tries to tell him how to do his job, Jem'Hadar, shrinks
Linguistic Abilities English, Romulan, Jem'Hadar, a loose understanding of some basic Breen 'phrases'

Personal History

Personal History Michael 'Mike' North comes from a long line of combat arms personnel stretching back to the 18th century. North was the only child born to civilian Jessica and then Cadet Frederick North on 21May aboard the USS San Antonio where his father was finishing his mandatory cadet service. His father eventually earned his dream assignment, a fighter slot on a Federation starship. His father's job as a pilot meant that he was seldom home. Mike was closest to his mother, who later died of an unknown illness when he was twelve.
Around age nine, Mike's attention was captured by one of the many movies about the defeat of the Xindi. What captivated him were the MACOs. Upon finding out that his lineage contained a MACO who participated in those actions, he was estatic, which quickly turned to dissappointment when he was told that the MACOs no longer exist. To help combat his dissappointment, his father decided to introduce his to several of his marine buddies. Young Mike was in awe of them. He continued to visit them, becoming almost a sort of surrogate little brother to many of the younger marines. His father was killed in action while flying against pirates when he was fifteen, leaving him on his own. He managed to obtain 'emancipated minor' status, living by himself with occassional help from the marines or his father's fellow pilots.
When he enlisted, he allegedly lied about his age, stating he was seventeen, although he was likely atleast a year younger. He is also suspected to have falsified a guardian's signature. North enlisted in the SFMC as an infantryman and attended Infantry School at Ft. Benning. In an environment where many others floundered, North flourished amid the harsh discipline and physical hardships, fitting into military life as though he had always been there. North excelled in basic, especially in the field and on the ranges, as well as discovering that he had a gift for running, finishing his two-mile run in just over eleven minutes on his last PT test, graduating as 'Marine of the Cycle' with a PT score of 329.
From basic, North was assigned to the USS Mililani, where he was first bloodied against pirates, performing well in combat. It was also during this time that he received the first of several wounds. Mike was wounded on a planetside engagement by a several fragments from an enemy grenade, scarring right side. Although cosmetic surgery was available to correct the scarring, Mike opted not to under-go the procedure, proudly wearing his scars as a badge of honor. After completing the manditory twelve months time-in-service, North volunteered for SpecOps school as a lance corporal and was accepted.
The SFMC Special Operations and Warfare School located on the small planet Hell's Breach was the greatest challenge North had faced yet. It pushed him past his limits, 30 and 40 klick movements with no food and little water carrying excess of 100 pounds, monstrous PT sessions lasting all night immediately followed by grueling exams and the alike caused fifty percent of the class to drop out in the first two weeks of the fifteen week course. At graduation, only 18 of the 93 who had enrolled would still be there. By the time graduated, North had lost 30 pounds and five inches off his waist. When they finished their final event, a fifty klick movement with full gear and stood on the stage to graduate, every one of the marines, sixteen men and two women, were leaning on each other to avoid falling to the ground. North himself had a fractured ankle and a severe case of spin splints, and had to be carried on stageat graduationwhich happened to be his ninteenth birthday. Upon completion of the course, North was given thirty days of convalescent leave before reporting to the NCC 55645 Robin Sage, a vessel dedicated solely to the support and deployment of Special Operations marines. North again made a name for himself as a fearless and proficient, if not slightly crazy soldier. North began classified engagements while stationed aboard the Robin Sage, assigned to the 2-75th Marine SpecOps Regiment which specialized in deep penetration operations. North gained vast amounts of experience against many different races, Borg, pirates, rogue Klingons, and others, but that all changed when the Dominion War broke out. The Special Operations community, which had previously been viewed only as an at best elite infantry unit and at worst a waste of resources, was suddenly given their chance to do what they were assembled for. In the early days on the war, North lost his eye to a Jem'Hadar bayonet while on a POW rescue mission. For the entirety of the war, North's unit was shuffled from battlefield to battlefield, the only allowed rest their transit time. The 1st SOG 'Stalkers' were assigned a multitude of missions, everthing from infiltrations, raiding and sabotage, to POW/aircrew rescues and operating as spearhead infantry. Due to the heavy losses incured by all branches of Starfleet, include SpecOps, North rose quickly through the ranks, it was never a matter of earning the rank, North had earned them all ten times over, it was more a matter of waiting for the position to open.
As a sergeant, one of North's ops went bad, his squad was killed around him, and he was captured. Mike spent twenty-three days in captivity, during which he was tortured constantly, having several fingers removed and the skin flayed from his back. Mike finally managed to escape, just over two hours before the unit designated to rescue him struck. The rescue squad became bogged down in a firefight nearby with a Jem'Hadar platoon, one during which North's timely arrival and flanking maneuver helped them escape from, contributing to the rumor that he once rescued his own rescue party.
Once the war ended, his unit finally recieved their long overdue rest. North then recieved his last promotion in the enlisted ranks when he was promoted to Gunnery Sergeant. During this time, North was one of only 38 operators to recieve clearance for solo operations. He stayed with the unit for nearly another year, serving as a platoon sergeant, before he was offered a commission. The exact details of his operations are classified, but it is believed that he extensively participated in guerrilla support and 'wetwork' operations during this time.
Michael attended the SFMC Academy at Camp Penelton, where he graduated at the top of his class, scoring high on both field exercises and written tests, although he was reprimanded several times for altercations with fellow students who he called 'incompetant, out-of-touch, self-absorbed, imbiciles'.
Since after his commission, North served as a platoon leader before being transfered to be an instructor at the Marine Corp LRRP school. A few years ago he dropped off the grid, reappearing about a year ago, being brought up on court martial charges, of which he was later found not guilty.
Education Schools attended:
Starfleet Marine Corp School of Infantry
Special Operations and Warfare School (Weapons Specialist)
Orbital Drop School
Jungle, Mountain, and Desert Survival School
Long-Range Reconnaissance School
Level III Combatives School
Sniper School
Basic and Advanced Non-Commissioned Officer's School
Combat Engineer School
Starfleet Marine Corp Officer's Academy

Professional History

Service Chronology Service Record
SFMC Infantry School
Assigned for Training.

NCC 74463 Mililani
Rifleman; AR Gunner
Attached to MarDet Mililani for peacekeeping/anti-pirate operations.

SFMC Special Operations and Warfare School
Assigned for Training.

NCC 55645 Robin Sage
Scout; Rifle Team Leader, Squad Leader, Platoon Sergeant

SFMC Academy, Camp Penelton
Officer Candidate
Assigned for Training.

NCC 77367 Peregrine
MarDet Platoon Leader
Actions in support of Starfleet operations.

Starfleet Marine Corp LRRP School
Instructor Position


USS Arizona
Intelligence - Infiltration Specialist
Actions in support of Starfleet operations.
Service Record Purple Heart (with four oak leaf clusters)
Special Operations Tab and Black Beret
Sniper Tab
Orbital Drop Tab
Expert Rifle, Pistol, Grenade, and Bayonet Qualification Badges
Combat Infantryman's Badge (with three stars)
POW Medal
SFMC Commendation Ribbon
Silver Star (with V device)

Medical Information

Medical Profile - Numerous scars
- Severe scaring to back
- Loss of right thumb, index and middle finger (cybernetic replacements implanted)
- Loss of right eye (cybernetic replacement implanted)
- Numerous esposure-related injuries
Psychological Profile Michael Rogers is a man fully capable of instances of calculated, brutal, violence. Further more, he possessed the ability to act as such without guilt or remorse. Rogers possesses an extreme ability to seperate himself from his emotions, something that has served him well in the Marine Corps, but will make his integration into civilian life difficult at best. Whether this ability is due to extreme self-control, a lack of emotions, or possibly some sort or anti-social personality disorder is unclear at this time. Despite, or perhaps because of his emotional detachment, he keeps a stringent set of priorities; mission first, friendlies second, civilians third and himself last.

Rogers is completely dedicated to Starfleet and it's objectives, and will not hesitate to lay down his life for the mission or fellow service members.

Rogers prefers to work alone or in a small, close group, believing that the ability to be lethal, fast and agile outweighs the advantages of numbers.

My professional opinion is that M. Rogers is currently cleared for duty, although he will require observation and routine sessions with the ship's counselor.

