
  • 9 Mission Posts

Last Post

Sun Aug 14th, 2011 @ 7:02am

Major Jake Harper

Name Jake Benjamin Harper

Position Marine Commanding Officer

Rank Major

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 34
Date of Birth
Place of Birth Meridian, Tennesse - Earth
Nicknames/Aliases Jake, Harper, Ghost

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0
Weight 230 lbs
Hair Color Bald
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Jake is a product of Starfleet Marine Corp training and conditioning. His athletic build matched with his height and size make him out to be a force to be reckoned with. His head is always shaved, and he has several tattoos on his arms, back, and chest.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Rear Admrial Benjamin Harper, Ret.
Mother Elizabeth Harper
Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview Jake is a stern individual who those under his command. He demands the best from those he is responsible for, and often shows his respect for others in unconventional ways. He is extremely loyal to his people, and defends their actions as though they were his own. He can be loud and demanding, and often has a temper to match his poker face appearance. He has an affinity for non-commissioned officers, and often shows them a small tidbit of favoritism. However, for those he is close with and considers friends, Jake can be something of a practical joker.
Strengths -Skilled Pilot and Intelligence Operative
-Ambitious and Motivated
-Team Oriented at times
Weaknesses -Stubborn
-Extremely Critical of others
Hobbies & Interests Gambling, Holonovels, Boxing, Swimming, Running, Chess, Orbital Skydiving
Likes Alcohol.
Linguistic Abilities Federation Standard, Klingon, Bajoran, Romulan, Bolian

Personal History

Personal History

Professional History

Service Chronology
Service Record

Medical Information

Medical Profile
Psychological Profile

