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Thu Jun 9th, 2011 @ 1:54pm

Lieutenant JG Matthew April

Name Matthew R. April

Position Assistant Chief Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 24
Date of Birth April 16, 2362
Place of Birth Rigel IV
Nicknames/Aliases Matt

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 0"
Weight 180 lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Matt is a tall young man with blonde hair and green eyes. Due to Matt's love of sports and obsession with exercise, he is built quite well. He has broad shoulders, strong arms and a defined chest. Much of this stems from his childhood experiences on Rigel. Matt has a slight tan to his skin tone, this is due to the amount of time he spends outside. Sometimes after a long duty shift, Matt has some pain in his leg due to repeated injuries to his left thigh. He has a tattoo on his left shoulder blade, a spartan helmet which was the mascot of his high school, something he received during the end of his senior year of high school. After the completion of Star Fleet Academy, he added a Starfleet chevron to the helmet.


Spouse none
Children none
Father Jeffrey T. April
Mother Carol B. April
Brother(s) none
Sister(s) none
Other Family Aunt: Alice Hamilton
Uncle: Joseph A. Hamilton

Personality & Traits

General Overview Matt has a fairly jovial personality, he enjoys the finer things in life, this is due to his youth. Due to his upbringing on Rigel IV, Matt can survive in areas with lower atmosphere than Earth. This is due to the lower oxygen content on Rigel. After spending much of his teenage years and early academy years as a brawler, Matt has a slight mean streak. He's mellowed out since then, which allowed him to nurture a medium temperament.
Strengths Commanding Tone
Work Ethic
Higher Red Blood Cell count that the average human.
Weaknesses Loner, if not around friends he generally goes into a deep depression.

Ambitions Matt's main ambition is to eventually command a starship. If he were to have a family down the road, he vows never to let what happened to him happen to his children.
Hobbies & Interests While off duty, Matt enjoys several activities during his off hours including biking, swimming and para-sailing. He also enjoys reading up upon the history of space travel, and interest of his for awhile.
Likes Matt likes the outdoors and wide open spaces. He enjoys vacationing on the beach, although sometimes he enjoys going to a large city to see the sights.
Dislikes Matt dislikes most cities, growing up in one he has developed the dislike of the smell and the crowds. Matt has a fear of shuttles, and opts to use the transporter rather than shuttles unless absolutely necessary.
Linguistic Abilities English, Rigellian.

Personal History

Personal History Matt was born Matthew Robert April on April 16th, 2362 on Rigel IV. He was born to Commander Jeffrey T. April and Carol B. April. His father, Jeff was the executive officer of the U.S.S. Excalibur, an Ambassador class starship. Growing up was challenging for Matt, as humans were minorities on Rigel IV, he faced prejudice. Once when he was walking to school he was viciously attacked by a group of aliens. The attack landed him in the hospital with three cracked ribs and a broken arm. This taught him a lesson, he needed to learn how to defend himself. With his father's absences, Matt spent most of his early years living with his mother in the capital city on Rigel.

On June 15th, 2370, tragedy struck. While returning home from a theatre show, Matt and his mother were involved in a shuttle crash. The crash left Matt with third degree plasma burns to his back, a broken leg and a fractured collar bone, but his mother had not fared so well. A long piece of metal had lodged itself into her skull, Matt saw the whole incident first hand. The relationship between Matt and his father had always been distant, but the death of his mother only made the situation worse. Tension had grown between him and his father. After the death of his mother, his father poured himself deeper into his work. He hauled Matt around starship to starship. Matt found it difficult to adapt to his changes in environment, he began to slack off in school, he had trouble making friends and to make it worse he was suffering from several mental problems. For years Matt had been suffering from nightmares of the accident. In order to compensate, he threw himself into sports. Soon he was biking, and running on a daily basis.

In 2374, four years after the death of his mother, Matt needed a change of pace. For the first time since the accident, Jeff finally stopped ignoring the issue. With the outbreak of the Dominion War a year prior, Jeff knew that he could not have Matt with him on the front lines. After a discussion with his sister, Jeff agreed to let Matt live with her on Earth. Matt was ecstatic, he had never been to Earth, and he could not wait to leave the confined space of his father's ship, the U.S.S. Monitor. Matt traveled to Earth and met his aunt, Alice. From the first time he met his aunt he knew that he was at home. He and his aunt seemed always to be on the same page on everything, a refreshing thing to Matt after his clashes with his father. Matt moved in with his aunt and his uncle in Princeton, Indiana.

In 2377, Matt entered high school. For the first time in his life, Matt developed some lasting friendships including his best friend, Edward or Eddy. The two met quite by accident during the fall of their freshman year. Matt was turning a corner in the hallway at the same time Eddy was. The two literally smacked heads, an argument insued. Twenty minutes later, the two of them were standing in the principal's office bruised and bleeding. Ironically the two became good friends. In high school, Matt played several sports including Rugby, and Swimming. Matt rose to become State Champion in both sports during the fall of his senior year. In 2381, Matt was accepted to Star Fleet Academy.
Education 2367 - 2368 - Kindergarten, Eastwood Public School, Rigel IV.
2368 - 2369 - First Grade, Eastwood Public School, Rigel IV.
2370 - Second Grade, Eastwood Public School, Rigel IV.
2370 - 2371 - Second Grade, Starfleet Correspondence School, U.S.S. Indiana.
2371 - 2372 - Third Grade, Starfleet Correspondence School, U.S.S. Indiana.
2372 - 2373 - Fourth Grade, Starfleet Correspondence School, U.S.S. Indiana.
2373 - 2374 - Fifth Grade, Star Fleet Correspondence School, U.S.S. Monitor.
2374 - 2375 - Sixth Grade, Fletcher Junior High School, Princeton, Indiana.
2375 - 2376 - Seventh Grade, Fletcher Junior High School, Princeton, Indiana.
2376 - 2377 - Eighth Grade, Fletcher Junior High School, Princeton, Indiana.
2377 - 2378 - Nine Grade, Princeton Area High School, Princeton, Indiana.
2378 - 2379 - Tenth Grade, Princeton Area High School, Princeton, Indiana.
2379 - 2380 - Eleventh Grade, Princeton Area High School, Princeton, Indiana.
2380 - 2381 - Twelfth Grade, Princeton Area High School, Princeton, Indiana.

Professional History

Service Chronology Starfleet Chronology
2380-2381 - Cadet Freshman, Star Fleet Academy.
2381-2382 - Cadet Sophomore, Basic Starship Operations, Star Fleet Academy.
2382-2383 - Cadet Junior, Advanced Starship Operations, Star Fleet Academy.
2383-2384 - Cadet Midshipman, Advanced Starship Operations (II), Star Fleet Academy.
- Starship Training - Assignment: U.S.S. Victory, Chief Operations Officer.
2385-2386 - U.S.S. Orion, Operations Officer: Ensign.
2385-Present - U.S.S. Arizona, Assistant Chief Operations Officer: Lieutenant Junior Grade.
Service Record On September 7th, 2380, Matt entered Star Fleet Academy as a Freshman Cadet. He choose to follow a different path than his father, rather than flight control he choose operations, this was due to a love of science and engineering. On his first day at the academy, Matt was subject to a pleasant surprise. When he entered his room he found out who his roommate was, Eddy his partner in crime. During their academy years they participated with no less than five barroom brawls, and three drunk escapades. Of course this led to some problems at school. Matt was suspended for each one of the barroom brawls leading to him to fail several courses. After particularly violent brawl, leaving Matt and Eddy with multiple injuries, they both agreed that they should hang up their party hats and concentrate more on their careers. Matt and Eddy began to spend more of their energy in the areas that had taken them through high school, sports. Matt limited himself to swimming but on the weekends he and Eddy enjoyed para-sailing.

During his senior year, Matt was selected to serve on board the U.S.S. Victory, an old constellation class starship, for a training cruise. For years the academy built their senior program based on experience and it was no different for Matt. He served as the ship's Chief Operations Officer. Matt soon graduated from the Academy on June 19th, 2384. For the first time in eight years, the two comrades in arms, Matt and Eddy said goodbye. They still manage to meet up every year at a bar in San Francisco.

After graduation, Matt was assigned to the U.S.S. Orion as an Operations Officer. The Orion was assigned to patrol the Romulan Neutral Zone. Since the fall of Shinzon's regime, the Romulan Star Empire was in political turmoil. By this point it had been split into two major areas, the Romulan Star Empire and the Imperial Romulan State. The two empires had been engaged in a bloody civil war for nearly five years. The Orion was sent to make sure that the war did not spill into Federation territory. After spending a year on the Orion, Matt was promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade. He put in for a transfer to the U.S.S. Arizona, a member of Bravo Fleet, which was stationed near the Romulan border.

Medical Information

Medical Profile 2367 - Treated for three cracked ribs, and broken arm.
2370 - Treated for third degree plasma burns, a broken leg and a fractured collar bone.
2378 - Treated for a compound fracture to the femur.
2382 - Treated for a second compound fracture to the femur, left femur still causes Matt some discomfort.
2384 - Treated for broken nose.
Psychological Profile Matt has recieved psychological therapy on several occasions, for disorders from bereavement to major depressive disorder. For these conditions he's been given everything from drugs to talk therapy.


Notes After a long duty shift, one may see Matt limping slightly on his left side due to the repeated injuries to his left femur.