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Thu Jun 2nd, 2011 @ 3:46pm

Captain Bastion Castillo

Name Bastion Castillo

Position Strategic Operations Officer

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 37
Date of Birth 2350
Place of Birth Earth
Nicknames/Aliases Classified

Physical Appearance

Height 6
Weight 180
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description


Spouse None
Children None
Father Captain Bill Castillo (Deceased)
Mother Jennifer Levin (Deceased)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Cousins - Commander Shade Castillo, USS-Frontier, Executive Officer
Lieutenant Commander Marche Castillo, Tactical Fighter Specialist and Fighter Development, The Committee, Lead Pilot
Lieutenant Commander Marcus Castillo, Retired
Marine Major Devon Castillo, KIA

Personality & Traits

General Overview
Hobbies & Interests
Linguistic Abilities

Personal History

Personal History Born in 2350 to retired Captain Bill Castillo and Jennifer Levin, Bastion was for all intensive purposes an early blessing, on Earth. Bill and Jennifer had meet in a bar by accident, Jennifer the happy yet shy waitress and Bill the overly eager retired captain. It was dumb luck that landed Jennifer as the waitress to the man she would eventually share her life with. A drunken Bill slipped sly coy words to Jennifer as she brought him more drinks, eventually leading to a long night in Bill’s house. When the two had awoken the next day they had realized the mistake and tried to make amends and started anew. Little did they know they’d have a serious problem on their hands. 9 months later Bastion was born to an unmarried couple, making him Bill illegitimate child. Bill would never get the chance to marry Jennifer for she would be killed in a tragic mugging incident several months after Bastion’s birth. Bill asked a lady known as “Strawberry” to be the child’s nanny.

When Bastion was 2 he asked his father where his mother was. Young Bastion was devastated to learn of the accident that had taken his mother from him. He hated his father for not having married her, which would have given him a complete mother, not just a biological mother. The hatred would later cause an overly zealot Bastion to join Starfleet to spite his father.

At the age of 4 Bastion witnessed his father marry Jessica, his mother’s best friend; His father wanted Bastion to accept as her as his mother. Bastion, however, would spite his father by calling her Jessica. In an attempt to tell his father that he wouldn’t accept her as his mother.

At the age of 6 Bastion began his studies in the New York educational system. Bastion tried as much to be unlike his father as he could. Where his father excelled, Bastion surpassed him. Where his father failed, Bastion excelled. School was going to be no exception for Young Bastion, never getting anything less then perfect in all of his classes; eventually he would be hated for his drive to surpass everyone. Bastion made no friends in his school; most kids simply couldn’t keep up with the young man.

At the age of 7 Bastion was told he had a cousin named Cesar Castillo who lived on the other side of the universe and was in Fleet. Bastion decided he’d join the fleet as well, wanting to get away from his father.

At the age of 8 Bastion bid “good ridden” to Jessica, who was killed in a traffic accident. Bill was outraged that Bastion cared so little about a women who tried her best to raise Bastion in the stead of his mother. Bastion cared little about what his father though of his attitude toward Jessica, more intent on getting perfect marks all the way through school.

At the age of 9 Bastion bumped into a person who would become Bastion’s only friend throughout his school education, a 5th grade bully by the name of Jack. The older bully though Bastion easy picking, as bullies always though smart kids were. Jack thought different when he awoke in the hospital the next day with a broken nose and cracked wrist. Jack returned to school a few months later amazed to find that his reputation as the biggest bully in the school had been smashed by a smarty pants 3rd grader. When Jack asked Bastion where he had learned how to fight all Bastion said was “I taught myself.” Jack decided he’d turn a new leaf and asked Bastion if he’d help him. Bastion shrugged and agreed.

At the age of 11 Bill received news that his father’s sister, Rain Castillo, had given birth to Shade Castillo, giving Bastion a cousin younger then him. Little did either of them know that his cousin would come to live with Bill just months after he would leave for the academy.

At the age of 13 Bastion received mail that a second cousin had been born to Rain, young Steven Jr. Bastion would eventually leave Earth wondering when he’d get a chance to meet his faraway cousins.

At the age of 15 Bastion had kept up his perfect marks record and was still going strong. Being a freshman in high school didn’t daunt Bastion in the least; Jack was a junior and made sure the upper classmen knew that messing with Bastion would land them in the hospital. Bastion walked onto campus the first day and felt a strange emotion, elation. His years of hard work had landed him in a better position then it had his father. Where his father had spent an extra 2 years in high school, Bastion would graduate a year early.

At the age of 16 Bastion had shown a greater affinity for math then science, but the two were still his best subjects, not that it mattered to the student who aced every class he enrolled in. Bastion watched as his friend, and student, Jack graduated with his class despite the previous, “bully” attitude the man had shown at a young age.

The following year Bastion would follow suit and graduate high school, choosing the Academy over College. Bastion decided that he’d go for a career in Tactics. He would bid farewell to Jack who would start his studies as a Marine. The two made a vow to meet up the year Bastion graduated from Academy.

When Bastion turned 18 he bid his final farewell to his father as he left for the Academy and vowed that he’d never return home. 4 months later Bill received a knock on his door by young Shade.

Bastion continued his perfect marks record throughout his stay in the Academy, which would catch the eyes of both his instructors and Fleet Intel. When Bastion graduated at the top of his class he returned to New York and found Jack packing up for his first assignment. Bastion asked if he could join but Jack said that it was training for a special forces. Bastion received a notice that the Fleet Intel High Council wished to speak with Bastion. Bastion didn’t refuse the invitation; He would then start his 12 year journey into the depths of Fleet Intel.

TOP SECRET (Known only to Command Staff and his Superiors in Fleet Intelligence)

After joining Fleet Intel he was sent away to Intel academy. It would take him two years of hard work and dedication to complete the rigorous training they required of him before letting him learn in the field. Having spent his Fleet Academy days in Tactics and Security he lacked the proper Intelligence training. That didn’t stop him from acing the material and becoming the best in his class.

His first assignment would come the month after he completed the required training; he was to follow a man, Lieutenant Jonathon Winthrop, who would act as his field instructor. Unlike all of his classes in both Academy’s the material didn’t come with an attached grade or text book, it was all learned in the field and had to be mastered on the spot in order to survive to the next lesson. Failure was not an option. The first month on assignment was rather difficult for the relatively young trainee. Most of the conversations were carried on in code, something it took Bastion a while to pick up on but once he did things went smoothly. Despite catching on and getting accused to speaking in code the first mission ended in failure, the only failure Bastion would ever have on his record.

Mission Records - TOP SECRET (Known only to Command Staff and his Superiors in Fleet Intelligence)

Mission 1 – Training Assignment (2374-2376)

Beginning a month after his graduation from Fleet Intelligence Academy Bastion was assigned to Lieutenant Jonathon Winthrop on a planet on the edge of Federation space. The mission’s objective was to prevent civil war from breaking out on the planet. The reason Intel had sent two operatives to ensure such a task instead of sending the usual Diplomatic convoy was that there was word of anti-Federation groups staging the civil war for profit to fund their own war against Federation forces. The group rumored to be on this planet was classified as a high risk group. Lieutenant Winthrop had experience dealing with this particular type of anti-Federation group and so he had been dispatched. Bastion had been assigned because of his high marks in Intelligence Academy and Intel High Council felt the best way to make the best operative out of Bastion was to throw him into a mess his book studies hadn’t prepared him for. And they were on the ball in that regard. Nothing Bastion could have learned from reading books could have prepared him for that first mission.

He arrived on the planet a few weeks after receiving the dispatch orders; the journey from his station to the planet was quite a long one, even through irregular channels. When he arrived on the planet he was immediately arrested. As it would turn out Fleet Officer’s were not welcomed on the planet in any manner. It took Jonathan two days to get the man released and into is custody, upon which he scowled Bastion thoroughly for having shown up in his Fleet Uniform. After a change of clothes the two set off. The first part of the training was to teach Bastion the language used by Intel Operative, Federation English. The only between normal English and Intel English was that you never asked direct questions, everything was in code, yet always appeared to be a genuine conversation. It took Bastion all of two months, the same amount of time it took any Intel Academy Graduate to learn. After those two months Bastion become proficient in the “code English” and the next part of the training began. This part entitled building contacts that both resided on the planet and travelled to various planets, for one could never learn anything if they didn’t have sources on the planet. Having been station on this planet before Jonathan had a long list of people for Bastion to work on. His first few ended in failure, as Jonathan had told the men to. But when Bastion finally understood why they had failed he made contacts out of every person on the list, even those who had rejected the idea the first time around.

The last part of his training began, completing the mission assigned. This would be the tricky part for both Jonathan and Bastion. In the year it had taken Bastion to master the field arts of Intelligence work Jonathan had been gathering intelligence on the civil war and trying to weed through the truths and lies sent his way by his contacts and other locals he spoke to. Eventually Jonathan got confirmation that the anti-Federation group was on this planet trying to start this war for their own profits. In many of his conversations about the group one message had rung clear, “stay away”. Jonathan, however, could not as it was his mission to remove the group from the planet and prevent the war. As he continued to ask questions related to the origins of the war and who was funding both sides eyebrows were raised and eventually word reached the groups ears about “a man with strange speak asking too many questions about the war.” After compiling a report for Intel Jonathan was killed in a bar fight, one that he wasn’t involved in. Intel High Council pulled Bastion out of there and brought him before them. Deeming the mission a failure, but Bastion’s training a success; High Council assigned Bastion his first solo mission. The report from Jonathan stated to send a full equipped Marine unit to deal with the group on the plant, and they did just that; Sending the team lead by Bastion’s old friend, Special Division’s Marine Major Jake.

Mission 2 – Solo Outing (2375-2379)

Bastion first Solo assignment was an unusually long first mission. He was to be stationed on a starship for 3 years, were he would get his first true Fleet experience and his first true Intel experience, he was given the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade for this assignment. The captain of the ship was in need of an intelligence officer and a tactical officer. The mission assigned to the ship was one that Fleet Intel found personally important. They were going to act as the diplomatic escort for an Ambassador who cared about his personal well being more then his diplomatic mission. Ambassador Coeval was a Human Ambassador with the task of making first contact with new civilizations with at least space flight capability. Bastion was sent to wait for the USS-Calvin at the dry dock the USS-Calvin was going to for refit. While he waited for the USS-Calvin to arrive he was to meet up with the ship’s intelligence officer, a Lieutenant being transferred from another ship. Bastion’s goal in meeting with the man was to convince him to bring all reports to Bastion for “proper revision” before they were brought to the Captain.

Lieutenant Matthew Anderson was shocked by Bastion request. After all it’s not often a Lieutenant Junior Grade asks a Lieutenant to see his reports before the captain does. However Bastion pulled the “Security Measure’s” card on the Intelligence officer and Matthew agreed, not that he had a choice when Bastion brought up the security measure’s provision. The second part of Bastion mission had begun, to make sure that any Fleet Intel sensitive material didn’t make its way to the Captain but directly to Fleet Intel High Council, and to eliminate all copies of it on the Calvin. Not an easy task considering that it was possible Matthew could make a hand written copy of it, but at least he’d be able to eliminate all electronic copies of it.

The Lieutenant Anderson arrived a week after Bastion did and the Calvin a week after that. By that time Bastion had already set up contacts and travel plans for his reports that wouldn’t find its way into unwanted hands. When the Captain and XO of the Calvin meet Bastion and Matthew he was surprised. While Bastion had been setting up contacts and getting channels ready, Matthew had been gathering information and compile reports, reports that were already old news. Matthew had all major events on the ship’s travel route up to a month ago, claiming that was the most accurate and up-to-date information available. Bastion’s report contained that information, and more. Bastion’s had all the major, and minor, events up to the last arrived ship logged and recorded.

The ship took off a few months after the refitting was complete, with still more accurate information coming from Bastion then Matthew. By the time they did leave Captain Cornwell took great precautions to speak with Bastion rather then Matthew. Painting a target on Bastion’s head; this would begin the period in Bastion’s life were he had more enemies then friends. The entirety of the Calvin’s Intelligence team had been ordered by Lieutenant Anderson to avoid contact with Bastion; eventually it would turn into any of Bastion’s men as well.

The ship had two stops before reaching there destination. A total of a year spent going from one stop, ding the required assignment, and travelling to the next for each. The ship departed early 2376 and wouldn’t return to its assigned Starbase for 3 years.

The First Leg of the mission brought them to a planet inhabited by two warring Klingon Factions. The Klingon High Council had requested that a senior human Ambassador meet with the one of their own Ambassador’s and that the two should resolve to the conflict with as little violence as possible. The Klingon Ambassador’s escort was much larger in number and strength then Ambassador Coeval’s own; comprised of 2 warbirds and 4 birds of prey.

The peace talks the two Ambassador’s engaged in with the warring factions only made matters worse and before long they had more important issues to worry about then getting the two factions to stop killing each other. Bastion would spend the duration of this mission making Klingon contacts in the event he was ever sent on a Klingon related mission to give him a base from which he could operate. The arrival of the two Ambassadors’ and their escorts had given the warring factions something else to focus on and allowed them to find common grounds. After a series of fights that destroyed both warbirds and one of the birds of prey, the two warring factions united under one banner and the fight between them and the Ambassador’s ended. The Calvin hadn’t sustained as heavy injuries as the Klingon Ambassador’s ships had and so after a few days of repairs she set out for the next part of her mission.

This leg of their mission proved to be the hardest. They had to travel outside of Federation space and deep into anti-Federation activist space to reach the second planet. Their destination, a penile colony, was request that a political prisoner be removed from the planet and returned to his homeworld for his execution under his planets regulations. The prisoner in question, however, held important information regarding a high profile Mercenary group wanted for stealing a starship and refused to give the information unless he was allowed to live. Ambassador Coeval would spend months talking to the prisoner, offering him a chance of parole and other life extension none of which guaranteed he wouldn’t be killed by his planet’s government afterwards. While in orbit around the penile colony Bastion secured a message on a convoy headed to one of his contacts in order to get his first report to Fleet Intel.

When they first arrived at the planet the government was unwilling to make any kind of deal with the prisoner regardless of the circumstances. Ambassador Coeval ensued in talks trying to get the prisoner more time hoping to still be able to get the information Fleet wanted. The government refused any extensions beyond the already granted ones. That would chance two days before the execution day when the stolen starship in question would attack the planet searching for the prisoner. After the Calvin and her Marine’s fended off the attack the government gave the prisoner his life back in exchange for giving Starfleet information on the Mercenary group that attacked and ravished their planet. With his life back in his hands he willing and freely gave the information. Bastion listened in on the unraveling and sent a second report to Fleet Intel detailing all that had been said and what was going to be reported to Fleet Command.

The final leg, the real reason they had set out, of the mission began. It took them three weeks to get to their destination from the planet they were at. Three weeks in which The Ambassador would question Bastion on the nature of his character. Never really having friends on the ship Bastion didn’t speak to Coeval at first, but eventually, towards the end of the journey to the planet, told the man what he wanted to hear leaving out everything related to Fleet Intel. This last mission was what Bastion had been put on the ship for. To make sure that Coeval didn’t ruin the chance of establishing this planet as a Federation world, and to setup grounds for future Fleet Intel operatives sent out to that region of space.

Bastion worked hard at setting up contacts, but not many of the locals were interested in being a part of Fleet Intel, and those that were didn’t see any benefits for themselves. By the time the talks between Ambassador Coeval and the government of the planet got serious Bastion was running out of patience. His only way out was one he didn’t like thinking of, he returned to all the locals that wanted to know what was their reward and promised them priority on outbound cargo ships or other vessels headed for Federation space. Liking the sound of that Bastion set up a fairly large network on the planet and focused on the talks. Things weren’t looking good for Ambassador Coeval so Bastion used a few of his contacts to get a meeting with the government leaders. He spoke with them at length about the true purpose of the Federation and showed them of the things that were in store for them when they were ready, something Ambassador Coeval refused to do. Impressed by the display the next time they met with Coeval they were more willing and open to the idea of joining Federation and soon after Coeval’s mission was complete.

Upon returning to Fleet Intel Bastion was reward with a partner and a new mission.

Mission 3 – Rookie Mistake (2379-2380)

Bastion partner was someone who like him had completed the training mission, but unlike him had failed her First Solo Mission. Intel High Council thought it best for the man to be partnered with someone they trusted to get the mission done. And so Ensign Sara Thompson would work under Bastion for the next mission. Considering Sara’s track record Intel High Council gave them a simple task, one in which Bastion would get some needed R&R and in which Sara could learn what she needed to. This would also be the last mission Bastion would be on a ship for, for a while.

The Calvin was going to retrieve an Admiral who had lost his fleet and only had a few shuttlecrafts left. This Admiral had information that was to be delivered to Fleet Intel. Bastion and Sara’s mission was to help retrieve the Admiral and the information. Captain Cornwell had been informed that Ensign Sara was to be the one the information was to be given too, and only on her authority was it to be revealed to anyone else. Intel had given Sara the order to give it to Bastion. He had been given the order to read it through and judge it’s worth and who could be allowed to see such information.

The journey to the section in question wasn’t a very far one, only a few days out at hyper speed. When they arrived and picked up the Admiral, Sara was questioned about her position, after all if it was such important data why send a mere Ensign for the task? Her response was “I’m not alone here; Lieutenant Junior Grade Castillo is here as well.” And so the rookie would ruin Bastion’s cover as a Fleet Intel Operative to defend her title.

Bastion found the information too sensitive to be disclosed to anyone with Fleet Intel’s approval. The Admiral ordered Bastion to disclose to the information, since after all the Admiral had lost his fleet procuring it. Bastion simply recited his orders to the Admiral. “Under no circumstance are you to disclose this information with anyone beyond High Council if you deem it to be sensitive.” The Admiral then proceeded to question Bastion about his credentials. What he heard from Bastion stunned him and impressed him. “My Credentials have nothing to do with this Admiral, I was sent here to complete an objective, and if that objective entails me telling a Fleet Admiral he can not read what I’m holding then he can not read what I am holding under any circumstance.” This would gain Bastion the respect of the Admiral, and his recommendation for promotion to Lieutenant.

When Bastion and Sara reported to High Council Sara was dismissed from Fleet Intelligence for negligence to follow proper protocol. Bastion would be promoted, but not to Lieutenant. His promotion would be to the position of trainer, as Lieutenant Winthrop had been.

Assignment 1 – Training Rookies (2380-2383)

Bastion would have to attend a special academy for this new position. It was only a few months long, but there would be no leisure time expect for eating, sleeping, and showering. The training he underwent for his position was arduous, being more physical then mental. But Bastion persisted and excelled at this too. His training had been to whip him into shape for being on overly hot planets for months at a time and working in difficult terrains. After his training was complete he was promoted to Lieutenant and giving the position of Fleet Intelligence Trainer.

His first rookie was a woman by the name of Jessica. Unfortunately for her she wasn’t cut out for the task. The mission was to inform a planet’s local government that there was going to be a coup staged to replace the current national government. Jessica’s training went the exact same as Bastion’s did, only it took her longer each step of the way. By the time she had mastered the code language Bastion had completed his mission of informing the government through covert channels and Jessica’s training was deemed a failure and she was released from Fleet Intelligence service.

His second rookie faired better. The son of a retired Fleet Intelligence officer he came in with knowledge of the code language and how to properly use it. That wouldn’t save Jack; however, as the second part was one that no one could explain to you, one that you had to experience. Despite multiple attempts at gaining the trust of known contacts Jack simple couldn’t convince the men that his deal was any better then the current governments, and on the basis of his failure Jack was sent to service as a normal Intelligence Officer on board a starship.

His next rookie faired better then his predecessors. He was a quicker learner and managed to get a few local contacts on the planet he was to be stationed. His mission however wouldn’t go as smoothly. He was to find a piece of technology rumored to be on this planet. What his investigations showed up were, however, not what was expected. The piece of technology had been moved to another planet, indicting that either it was being used for some greater purpose or that it had never been on this planet to begin with. Bastion’s information showed that it was being used for a greater purpose and so the two went to the planet it was on. Bastion didn’t want to waste time so he set the rookie up with some of his contacts and went on the hunt a different method. The two arrived to the same conclusion. The piece of technology was in fact a stolen modified shuttlecraft and it was quite easy to find after that.

Bastion second to last rookie died. The assigned planet was a Klingon world and the new rookie was a Vulcan. Thing’s didn’t go well when the rookie refused to speak in code and simple asked he wanted. The Klingon instead challenged the rookie to a batleth battle of honor and ended the Vulcan’s life.

Bastion last rookie was Bastion’s prized pupil. He maneuvered through the steps as quickly as he had and easily as he had. He learned the same lessons Bastion did and committed the same mistakes he did. When it came time to complete the mission Bastion challenged the youngster and found that he had met his equal. The two arrived at the location of the meeting at the same time and delivered the message to evacuate together. Mission success and time to move on.

Bastion’s next assignment would place him on the USS-Xelisa.

Assignment 2 – Retrieve Lost Technologies (DECLASSIFIED FROM NOW ON)

Bastion’s assignment to the Xelisa would come with new technologies given to him. A nice set of clothes that could conceal one’s biometrics from scanners, nifty little thing when you want to hide something. And two devices that would disable all listening devices within a range of about the size of living quarters; they would come in hand for the man.

His mission was to retrieve something the Crew of the Xelisa was going to pick up, a certain piece of technology was hidden among it, it’s nature so classified not even Bastion was allowed to know it’s true nature unless he stumbled upon it. He also was given the added privilege of being able to override his captain on matters deemed Fleet Intelligence sensitive, a directive he wouldn’t put into effect ever.

He was assigned to the ship as it’s Chief Tactical/Security Officer and Second Officer. After the successful competition of this mission he and the ship were to check out a station under the control of mercenaries. By the time they arrived at the station Bastion had made up his mind to leave Fleet Intelligence and spend the rest of his career on the Xelisa, or whatever other starship he was assigned too. He was given the rank of Lieutenant Commander at this time and then promoted to Executive Officer when the Captain feel ill, died, and was replaced by then Commander Fellows.

Bastion would make a friend among the station’s mercenaries named Stingray. With Stingray’s help the Xelisa was able to regain control of the Station and help a stranded trans-dimensional being return home. Bastion would then send Stingray with his recommendation for entering Fleet Academy in hopes that the man would turn over a new leaf.

The next mission of the Xelisa took them to a planet close to the station for a little archeological research. Some ancient ruins where found on the planets surface and Captain Fellows decided to check it out. It turned out that the planet housed two warring kingdom/governments. Bastion would take a team and speak with one of the governments while Captain Fellows took another team and spoke to the other. The result was the end of a falsified war and the joining of two nations as one.

After this they headed to a Starbase for a little R&R, a Starbase where Bastion would official put up his Fleet Intelligence mantle and make a new life for himself. A new member had joined the crew on route to the station that replaced him as the ships Chief Tactical/Security Officer, one Lieutenant Darla Andrews. Through the course of the retaking of the station and the “Dig Site” mission the two become close. The ship’s new Chief Medical Officer Lieutenant Junior Grade Thomas Pierce also took a liking to Lieutenant Andrews.

After some verbal jousting on the station Lieutenant Andrews chose Bastion over Thomas and the ship made head way to the outer edges of space. Shortly after leaving the captain contracted Arethian flu requiring him to be in bed for a long period of time and under medication, with the sanctioning and approval of the Chief Medical Officer Bastion assumed temporary command of the Xelisa and continued with her mission to reach the outer edge of her patrol region.
Education New York up to High School
Fleet Academy 2370-2374
Fleet Intelligence 2373-2374
Special Operative Academy 2380-2381
Command Academy 2383-2384

Professional History

Service Chronology Ensign 2374-2375
Lieutenant Junior Grade 2375-2379
Lieutenant 2379-2383
Lieutenant Commander 2383-2384
Commander 2384-2385
Captain 2385-Current
Service Record Intelligence Field Operative 2374-2380
Intelligence Field Operative Trainer 2380-2383
Executive Officer/Chief Tactical/Security Officer, USS-Xelisa 2383-2384
Commanding Officer, USS-Xelisa, 2384-2385
Strategic Operations Officer, USS-Arizona, 2385-current

Medical Information

Medical Profile
Psychological Profile


Notes I'll update this to be more accurate once I figure out what year we're in.