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Mon Feb 7th, 2011 @ 11:31am

Yuven Tovsh

Name Yuven Tovsh

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Kobheerian
Age 46
Date of Birth Day 5, Second Cycle, 2340
Place of Birth Havon IV
Nicknames/Aliases Javas Cor, "The Maverick"

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10
Weight 190 lbs
Hair Color Bald
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Of average height among low gravity humanoids in the Alpha Quadrant, and he bears no remarkable features, though some small scars do mark his face. His Kobheerian skin is a light shade of creamy grey, and his cranial ridges, with two large head bones marking the skull on the left and right side above the ears, clearly mark him as Kobheerian. His nose is more of a small snout then the Ferengi-like nose of his cousin species, the Dopterian's, and his lips are paper thin and of a darker shade of grey.

He also bears a stocky build for his height, but by no means is he in prime physical condition. Among low gravity humanoids, he is of a semi-fit build, relying more on his wits and brains then his body to stay strong.


Spouse None
Children None that he knows of.
Father Unknown
Mother Unknown
Brother(s) Unknown
Sister(s) Unknown
Other Family Unknown

Personality & Traits

General Overview Some could say heartless, others could say cruel. It all boils down to absolute ruthlessness. Yuven is a man driven by hate and who enjoys instilling fear. He is, by no means, brave. Just as he enjoys instilling fear and pain into his subordinates or easy predators, he is just as easily intimidated by those who are his superior. However, he has a sharp mind and he's a quick thinker, allowing him to get through any tight situations.

His nickname, "The Maverick", came from his absolute dedication to being a true pirate. He will take deals similar to a mercenary, or he may form a momentary alliance with those who share his 'profession' (though it can barely be called that), he always tends to work alone for his own cause.

His largest downfall is his inability to react. He has to have a plan at all times, and a back up plan, and another back up plan. He tends to over think situations, and that can also land him into trouble when he lies. He tends to overlie and create so many webs of lies he can barely see his own truth.
Strengths + Quick on his feet
+ Able to instill authority over his subordinates through fear and pain
+ Accomplished pirate, confident in abilities

Weaknesses - Can't react to the 'moment' or unexpected events
- Tends to overlie, or lie until the truth is hidden
- Over-thinks situations.
Ambitions To stay alive until the very end.
Hobbies & Interests Collecting new and unique weapons, souvenirs from each of his looting assignments, junk collection.
Likes Women, profuse alcohol or effective substance intake, weapons of any and all kinds, his ship, subordinates who know he's the Boss.
Dislikes Insubordination, people who can get over his pain, people who can cause him pain, and people with a bigger gun then him.
Linguistic Abilities Kobheerian, Federation Standard, Romulan, some Klingon

Personal History

Personal History Not much is known about Yuven Tovsh. He was born on Havon IV, left for dead by parents caught up in a civil war and thrown in a children's orphanage. He escaped at the age of seven with a passing mercenary group and from there he dropped off the map.

At the age of sixteen, Yuven was found on the SS Carphanige surrounded by sixteen dead mercenaries of the loathed "Dark Star" cell. He had killed their senior most members and had taken personal control of the organization. His ultimate goal wasn't to control it, but to run it into the ground so he didn't have any competition. Before dropping off the map once again, he stole a customized vessel outfitted with illegal engines and stolen military technology from the Cardassian Empire and vanished into the abyss.

In the years that followed, he was suspected to be behind over nine planetary bank robberies just outside of Federation space, as well as being the middle man in at least eighteen illegal trade operations between high level government officials, or perhaps governments themselves. Yuven has a track record of cleanliness. Along the way he also garnered the death sentence in ten star systems inside and outside the Federation for bar fights and a handful of ruthless murders. Though a pirate by trade, he seemed to still have the mercenary-aspect within him, killing for money when he had too.

Suffice it to say, Yuven is usually a ghost. His actions between assignments usually go unnoticed, and the only way that someone can figure out where is is when his crew cracks under his rage and want a way out. It isn't any surprise that those crew members are later found dead. He keeps tight control over his ship, the Torvanka, and its crew.

He's been quiet for the past few years. Who know's what he's up too.
Education No formal education received. Trained for 10 years as a child soldier and eventually regular soldier with the "Dark Stars" in combat and illegal commerce.

Professional History

Service Chronology No professional experience in any field.
Service Record N/A

Medical Information

Medical Profile - Bears heavy scarring across his body. No residual shrapnel left from wounds that have been treated by professionals.
- Limps on his right leg from time to time. Addicted to various pain medications which ceases the limp.
- High cardiovascular functions paired with his excessive substance intake leave him with a high chance of immediate heart failure which would lead to immediate death.
Psychological Profile - Child soldier, to start. Immense psychological implications. Most likely abused as a child, made to perform terrible acts which caused permanent mental scarring.
- Lacks compassion. He is a Psychopath by all standards as his brain chemistry was altered to such an extent that, though he can feel compassion, his mind doesn't let him.
- Ruthless commander. Time spent with "Dark Stars" made him hard and merciless.

