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Sat Jun 11th, 2011 @ 3:44pm

Lieutenant JG Tristan Harrington

Name Tristan Alexander Harrington

Position Chief Flight Control Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 25
Date of Birth Oct 31 2361
Place of Birth Albert, Canada, Earth

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 9"
Weight 175 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Light Blue
Physical Description Tristan's physical build is of average proportions. Starfleet conditioning requires a certain athletic standard that varies depending on species. Though certainly not the physical apex of the human race, Tristan manages to maintain proper starfleet expectations.


Father Alexander Harrington
Mother Jhenna Harrington
Brother(s) Lt. William Harrington (U.S.S. Hood)
Sister(s) Chief Petty Officer Morgan Harrington (U.S.S. Olympus)

Elizabeth Harrington
Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview Tristan carries himself with a certain air of over-confidence and calmness. This however tends to culminate in a sense of superiority and in most cases a feeling of having few around to provide him a challenge when it comes to his abilities at the helm.
Strengths -More then confident in his own abilities to handle most any situation be it piloting or otherwise.
-Excellent situational awareness.
-Always open to new challenges.
Weaknesses -Over-confidence that has proven more then once that he can (and will) bite off more then he can chew.
-Constantly tackling with team dynamic. Something he has striven to work on but will at times feel that the only way to get things done right is to do it himself.
-Has a tendency to enjoy leisure social situations a bit too much.
Ambitions Having started his starfleet career by "taking the bull by the horns" he believes that there is no limit to what he can achieve at his chosen profession.
Hobbies & Interests -Horseback riding
-Wilderness Survival
-Rock Climbing
Likes -Obviously a healthy fascination with flight.
-Spending off duty hours at the local "watering hole".
Dislikes -Lack of control.
-Arid climates.
Linguistic Abilities -English and French.
-No xenolinguistic ability whatsoever.

Personal History

Personal History Spending the greater part of his life on his parents ranch near the beginning foothills leading to the Rocky Mountains his close tight knit family spent vast amounts of time outdoors. The four Harrington children became notorious in the local areas, causing more then their fair share of headaches for both their parents and the local authorities. It wasn't until the eldest (William) joined Starfleet that the other three began to calm down.

It was William who lead the group in their misadventures on earth, and when he enrolled at Starfleet academy the other three began to look at the path that they were currently on. Not wanting to cause further problems for their parents both Tristan and his twin sister Morgan followed in Williams steps not long after. Only Elizabeth stayed behind to help tend to the family ranch.

Thankfully not all of Tristan's early youth was spent hell razing. Many days were spent riding horseback trekking out onto open land, exploring the large open swaths of Alberta prairies or disappearing for a week at a time climbing higher into the Rockies. It was there, thousands of feet up that Tristan came to the decision that not only would he join his brother at Starfleet but also the career he would choose for himself.
Education -Civilian Educational System
-Starfleet Academy
-Starfleet Officer Academy
-Starfleet Flight School

Professional History

Service Chronology
Service Record -2382 Graduated from Starfleet Flight School
-2382 Assigned to Combat Fighter Academy on Mars.
-2383 Assigned to 301st Fighter Squadron aboard U.S.S. Paragon
-2385 Promoted to Helm officer aboard U.S.S. Paragon
-2386 Assigned to U.S.S. Arizona

Medical Information

Medical Profile
Psychological Profile

