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Wed Sep 21st, 2011 @ 6:10pm

Lieutenant Commander Aral Aix

Name Aral Iillio Aix

Position Chief Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Trill (joined)
Age 33
Date of Birth 17 December 2353
Place of Birth Trill; Drasian Province
Nicknames/Aliases "Spots" (to Commodore Cowell)
"Spotty" (to Dr Torrna Maliya)

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 171 LBS
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Aral is a handsome man in his early thirties, with heavy eye-lids and full lips; his nose is large on his face but not oversized. His hair has a loose curl to it but kept short in accordance with StarFleet regulations. His presence is noticeable but not dominating or particularly forthright. His build is medium and physique fit but not overtly muscular; perhaps somewhat wiry. His distinguishing marks include standard purple-brown Trill spots; and a small tattoo of geometric design on his upper left shoulder-blade.


Spouse None on record
Children None on record
Father Joral Doran (noted Trill diplomat)
Mother Ezara Doran (civilian surgeon on Trill)
Brother(s) None on record
Sister(s) Ralara Pela
Other Family None on record

Personality & Traits

General Overview Aral, since joining, has developed as a tremendously warm, energetic, outgoing and socially confident character with a very strong (if esoteric) sense of humour and a brazen disregard for social conventions. Underlying this personality shift was the change in perspective that resulted from joining, the learning experiences, sensory memories and confidence of the past hosts shifted Aral’s self-perception. However he occasionally struggles to disentangle the memories of previous hosts from those of the present; his recollections can therefore be surprising often anachronistic and sometimes discussed from the perspective of the opposite gender. Furthermore, Aral has picked up several habits from past hosts including: steepling his fingers when engaged in deep thought (Janel), flirting with inappropriate people or at inappropriate moments (Zalia) and when excited talking breathlessly in long meandering sentences (Kerras).
Strengths As a StarFleet officer, Aral’s strengths lie in his ability as a scientist. At the Academy Aral excelled in theoretical physics, cosmology and warp field theory due to Aral’s mathematical abilities and the memories and experiences of Kerras, his first host. Additionally he is an able pilot and is well acquainted with out-dated and alien technology. Personal strengths lie in his social confidence, sense of humour and his ability to make friends.
Weaknesses Despite his social confidence, and acceptance of StarFleet norms, Aix is not a natural born soldier and even after intensive training he can struggle to use personal weaponry or engage in armed-combat. During a boarding incident aboard the Bonaventure during the Dominon War he narrowly escaped death as a result of hesitation to shoot a Jem Hadar. The incident triggered deeply buried memories from his second host Janel who had been an undiscovered serial killer. Since this incident Aral has developed a more ruthless streak. A number of people find his disregard for social norms quite off-putting.
Ambitions To participate in scientific research and exploration.
Hobbies & Interests Literature (Earth, Vulcan and Trill), drawing and sketching, rowing, hoverball, astrophysics/celestial navigation, 22nd / 23rd century sub-light craft; crosswords and logic puzzles.
Likes Socialising, conversation, art, architecture, antiquated technology, tea, puzzles and games.
Dislikes Bad manners, outdated social conventions, poor reasoning, French literature/culture and the Jem Hadar.
Linguistic Abilities Federation Standard, Trill, Vulcan

Personal History

Personal History Early Life:
Aral Doran’s life changed when, as a seventeen year old student, he became the fourth host of the Aix symbiont, in circumstances the Trill Symbiosis Commission described as “less than ideal”. The Commission often noted for its understatement and notorious for its secrecy was true to form. Aral had been aboard a transport en route to Earth to begin StarFleet Academy entrance assessment, when the aged Zalia, the third host of the Aix symbiont, and noted Professor of Comparative Literature, suffered a heart attack. As the only unjoined Trill aboard the transport, Aral had little choice. His elder sister Ralara, with whom he had a close relationship, at this time was undergoing assessment for joining.

Aral, prior to joining, had been a very bright yet unfocused and frustrated young man; passionate, almost wild. In civilian education his attainment was satisfactory, but not a reflection of his true potential. His parents and teachers had directed him towards Starfleet in the hope that it would help him find some direction in life and realise his full potential. The remainder of Aral’s journey to Earth was recorded by the Commission as “problematic”; Aral underwent nothing less than an identity crisis. His travelling companions included the Dr Kara Pela, a fellow joined Trill and StarFleet Counselor of some experience; she helped Aral come to terms with his new position. Three years later, his sister would be joined with the Pela symbiont, creating an element of uncertainty in the sibling relationship which has not yet been resolved. The admission tests for StarFleet Academy were a moderate success; the admissions board to account of Aral’s exceptional circumstances and he was offered a place for following academic year.

Following his joining Aral underwent a personality shift as is common with Trill after joining as the mental capacity and memories of the symbiont fuse with those of the host. The first host Kerras was a well known aviator, pilot and amateur engineer. He designed one of the most efficient forerunners of the impulse engine and was a well-known stunt-pilot well into his retirement. He died following a shuttle crash. Janel, the second host, had been a noted architect and civil engineer; his buildings included the Singing Towers of Arcadia, the Library of Betazed and Final Bridge over the Tiber. He died an old man leaving a widow half his age. His obituary, written by a noted colleague described Janel’s work as “the unique creations of a tortured genius.” Years later it was revealed that Janel had been responsible for a string of murders. By this time the Aix symbiont had been joined with Zalia, the third host, a quiet intellectual woman who went on to become one of the United Federation of Planet’s most respected academics, holding the prestigious Thosa Chair of Comparative Literature at the University of Alasia. Her cultural interests and linguistic abilities were expansive and her output of publications generally considered unsurpassed. Her life was interesting, if somewhat amoral. It was said she would mark the passing of time by the graduation of her lovers. Aral would later realise that Zalia had spent several hours admiring him from afar.

Education and Maturity:
Aix spent a year on Trill undergoing intensive treatment and receiving training at the Symbiosis Commission on Trill and resumed his place at Starfleet Academy the following year. At Starfleet Academy Aral took the first formative steps as Aral Aix, exploring himself as a new individual and coming to terms with his new personality, memories and skills. He continued sessions with Dr Pela throughout his time at the Academy. Aral was always mentally able and had proven himself a talented mathematician and physicist in school after joining he found himself fascinated with the astrophysics, cosmology and the practical application of these concepts particularly in terms of engineering and navigation, something Aral attributed to the influence of the first host, Kerras. As such, Aral chose to major as a scientist with several engineering courses.

His studies aside, Aral found he was looking at the world in a new way, able to appreciate the beauty of his surroundings and found himself more finely tuned to behaviour. Towards his third year at the Academy he had began to read and draw for pleasure. However the influences of his previous hosts were not limited to solitary pursuits. Aral found himself more open to emotional and physical intimacy which he pursued with a frightening determination. As such, Aral had a string of liaisons at the Academy including two female classmates, one of the Campus librarians, Lieutenant Commander Eva Hart (who was enjoying shore leave in San Francisco that autumn) and a first-year cadet from Arkansas named David. These relationships were typically short and emotionally intense; Aral was a difficult partner to connect with possessed, as he was, with all vigour of youth and all the contempt of age.

Starfleet Service:
Following his graduation from Starfleet Academy Aix was assigned to the USS Bonaventure, an Ambassador Class vessel which was serving on the front lines in the closing months of the Dominion War. Aix therefore gained considerable experience in combat situations. However he also suffered a traumatic episode during a boarding incident, as a young inexperienced officer he hesitated to shoot a Jem'Hadar soldier. As a result he suffered a disruptor blast to his left shoulder which hospitalised him for two weeks; the trauma of the incident caused long-suppressed memories of the second host, Janel, to surface. Janel, aside from a gifted architect had been a serial killer, Aral struggled for some months to come to terms with the vivid memories of these murders that surfaced during his recovery; he has since displayed a greater pragmatism and ruthlessness in combat training.

Following the mothballing of the Bonaventure in 2377 Aix was reassigned to the USS Lancelot, where he spent a relatively uneventful three years. As a junior officer Aix developed emotionally and certainly calmed down. He avoided romantic encounters of the type he had had in the Academy, partially as a result of counselling and partially due to a particularly harsh rejection from Lieutenant Mraz aboard the Bonaventure. Following reassignment in 2380 to the USS Proteus, Aral went on to establish a lasting romantic relationship with the vessel’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr Elizabeth Hyde. This relationship, difficult at the best of times, persisted over four years but broke down following an incident on an away mission. Since, Aral has generally (but not always) avoided romantic involvement.

As a personality Aral has gained much stability and discipline from his service in StarFleet and although he still attends regular counselling sessions, he has a clean bill of mental health.
Education StarFleet Academy

Professional History

Service Chronology
2371 - 2372Cadet 1st YearGeneral Studies CadetStarFleet Academy
2372 - 2373Cadet 2nd YearScience CadetStarFleet Academy
2373 - 2374Cadet 3rd YearScience CadetStarFleet Academy
2374 - 2375Cadet 4th YearScience CadetStarFleet Academy
2375 - 2377EnsignScience Officer (Stellar Cartography)U.S.S. Bonaventure NCC-26138
2377 - 2378EnsignScience Officer (Astrophysics)U.S.S. Lancelot NCC-74410
2378 - 2380Lieutenant (junior grade)Assistant Chief Science OfficerU.S.S. Lancelot NCC-74410
2380 - 2382Lieutenant (junior grade)Assistant Chief Science OfficerU.S.S. Proteus NCC-78359
2382 - 2385LieutenantChief Science OfficerU.S.S. Proteus NCC-78359
2385 - 2386Lieutenant CommanderVisiting Research FellowStarFleet Academy
2386 -Lieutenant CommanderChief Science OfficerU.S.S. Arizona NCC-77021
Service Record Aix enrolled in StarFleet Academy in 2371 at the age of 18, following his joining with the Aix symbiont. Adjusting to StarFleet Academy and the personality shift induced by joining posed a considerable challenge in which Aix was assisted by Dr Karla Pela, a StarFleet Academy Counselor and academic. The therapeutic relationship lasted for some four years, and Aix became the subject of several research papers in Trill psychology. Academically Aix’s strong background in mathematics and the sciences caused him to excel in the physical sciences. As such he specialised as an astrophysicist and cosmologist with a minor in engineering.

Following his graduation from StarFleet Academy Aix was assigned to the USS Bonaventure, an Ambassador Class vessel which was serving on the front lines in the closing months of the Dominion War. Aix therefore gained considerable experience in combat situations. However he also suffered a traumatic episode during a boarding incident, as a young inexperienced officer he hesitated to shoot a Jem Hadar soldier. As a result he suffered a disruptor blast to his left shoulder which hospitalised him for two weeks following which he has displayed a greater pragmatism and ruthlessness in combat training.

Aboard the USS Lancelot Aix was involved in several first contact situations and a number of combat experiences. He was able to publish several well received papers on stellar phenomena encountered by that vessel. Following which Aix served as Chief Science Officer aboard the Proteus where he continued to publish in scientific journals with some frequency. Aboard the Proteus he reignited his interest in propulsion systems and took part in the design of engine modifications which lead to an increased efficiency in the Prometheus Class warp assembly. This lead to a one year secondment to StarFleet Academy where he lead a research group on this question. At the end of the secondment, Aix was assigned to the Arizona.

Medical Information

Medical Profile '... Cadet Aix is a physically healthy male Trill; as a result of the recent joining procedure his isoboramine levels appear slightly erratic but within normal parameters. He is fit for duty ...'

' ... During a Jem'Hadar boarding incident Ensign Aix sustained a third degree burn to the shoulder and suffered associated trauma. Following treatment and respite care he was returned to duty ...'
Psychological Profile 'To be anesthetized as an angry young man of seventeen and to wake up an entirely new person possessed of the experiences, personalities, habits and prejudices of two other men and one woman is a traumatic psychological episode incomprehensible to most sentient species. It is almost unheard of for Trill. Joining traditionally takes place following a highly selective application and vetting procedure and then only after several years of intense physical and mental training and always at an age where the host has developed considerable life experience. Aral has had none of these luxuries. He was lucky to survive the initial medical procedure; the fact that he has emerged from joining without developing a long-term debilitative mental disorder is remarkable. It is my submission that this can be attributed to a range of factors: the intelligence of the host, the host’s prior physical and emotional health, the inherent malleability of the adolescent psyche and the relative youth of the symbiont.

Aral’s initial reaction to joining was predictable, after an initial euphoria he entered an intense psychotic episode; displaying symptoms analogous to those of dissociative identity disorder, schizophrenia and bi-polar personality disorder. It was feared at the time that this was a state from which Aral would not recover. However, intense treatment at the Symbiosis Commission enabled Aral to begin the long process of integrating the fractured parts of his psyche and process the new nature of his existence. By the end Aral Aix had emerged as a distinctive, new personality although it take him several years to fully develop.

In 2371 I had to decide whether Aral was psychologically fit to enter the Academy. It was the most difficult question of clinical judgment I have faced. At that time Aral had markedly recovered from his psychotic episode and was able to function as an adequate individual; I was more than satisfied that he would be able to function independently. I was – and remain – concerned that his mental state may be susceptible to set-backs with the event of any major trauma. However, this is common of numerous individuals. I decided that a Starfleet Academy education would be a suitable undertaking for Aix, as it had been a long-term ambition of Aral’s and would help the host-identity maintain balance against a strong symbiont as well as provide occupation, structure, support and purpose to his life.

Throughout his time at the Academy, I have regularly met with Cadet Aix and it is my firm decision that he is ready for service in the field. Whilst his psyche is considerably atypical (even by the eccentric standards of joined Trill) he is able (and does) conform to the accepted standards of behavior for Starfleet Officers and has internalized the discipline and social norms of StarFleet culture. As a person he has developed remarkably in intellectual and emotional terms and does at times show perceptiveness that belies his youth. The incident aboard the Bonaventure has shaken Aral but his response to this trauma was reassuringly adaptive.

For these reasons Ensign Aix is fit for duty but must report to the Lancelot's Counsellor at the first opportunity upon arrival.'

Commander Kara Pela MD PhD
Senior Research Fellow
Starfleet Medical Academy


Notes Aral has a deeply ambivalent relationship with his sister Ralara who was joined with the Pela symbiont, the former host of whom had been his counsellor since joining.

At some point Aix lost track of how old he was as a symbiont, therefore when Aral states his age in conversation he tends to pick a random number between two-hundred and sixty and three hundred.

Due to the atypical nature of his joining Aral has difficulty separating the memories of previous hosts from his own. Therefore when discussing previous hosts’ experiences he often phrases them in the first-person, he has been known to refer to ‘when I was a girl’ more than once.