
New Description: New Diggs

Posted on Wed Dec 14th, 2011 @ 3:08am by Lieutenant Xishaal Idrani

It had taken very little time to get back into my normal routine since my arrival back on Earth. Having been the Prometheus class Arizona's first Chief Conn Officer, it's Chief of Operations and now Deputy of Security and Tactical officer. Though the tittles may have changed, what is expected of me and what I expect of those with whom I serve for, with and command, do not.

I have spent so much time among the pink skins that I almost do not feel comfortable around other Andorians. It sounds strange, even as I dictate this personal log but my feelings towards my decision to return to the Arizona have not changed. To be honest, I am looking forward to serving in this department rather than worrying about whether or not this system has exceeded it's allotted power requisition points for the month or trying to get someone from Engineering to enact needed repairs or upgrades.

As an added bonus, my good dear friend, Lieutenant Lischka serves as my commanding officer. Of course it is a welcome relief to serve with someone who I have a wonderful relationship with. Andorians are often seen as being cold and....stand off-ish, I believe the,. . . Humans say. I had not realized just how much my personality had changed until I had returned to Andoria and attempted to interact with old comrades.

[Pause Recording]

The final preparations on the Arizona are proceeding well, we will perform some additional live weapons tests over the next few days and hopefully, Mr Jasad will put a Transducer Coil under the backsides of his people to get the targeting coils replaced and re-installed.

Admiral Cowell hasn't been seen or heard from since my arrival a few weeks ago. I am sure that he is simply busy with other tasks and looks forward to getting back out into open space once again.

[End Recording]


