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Posted on Mon Feb 7th, 2011 @ 10:38am by Ambassador Spock

Mission: Visions from Romulus
Location: Various

=Subterranean Cave Network, Somewhere near the Krocton Segment, Romulus=

The echo of dripping water could be heard in the dark and silent cave network around him. The only source of light in the small antechamber was a small lamp near the writing table where he sat, barely enough light to do what he was doing. He'd gotten used to the lack of illumination over the years, and viewed it as a comfort rather than a hindrance these days. Many times that same darkness had saved him from discovery and worse. However, times had changed; the focus had shifted from his small corner of the Senate agenda to matters of much greater import. He'd only heard whispers, but even whispers of trouble carried merit when they had enough momentum to reach his ears.

The sound of echoing footsteps drew his attention. Another consequence to living as he had was that the slightest sounds were enough to jar him from even the most engrossing of thoughts. He set the writing utensil he'd been using aside and reached over to the small disruptor that normally sat just within reach, and had become his constant companion for a long while now. As the footfalls grew closer, he reached over and doused his light. He wasn't expecting visitors at this hour, and despite the footfalls approached with leisurely strides, there was nothing saying that the person was indeed a friend.

He rose and backed away from the small table he'd been sitting at, favoring a position close to the hidden exit near the rear of the room just in case something entered the room that he was not immediately able to handle. The figure that entered the room paused at the entrance and began looking around, seeking out the figure that normally inhabited. The figure's head turned from one side to the other, seeking. The darkness obscured the face, which made identifying the intruder nearly impossible.

"Ambassador..." an immediately recognizable voice called out into the darkness. The voice belonged to one of his long time friends and pupils, Joran. He had been a young man when they had met, but he had matured rapidly given the circumstances surrounding their purpose.

"What is it, my friend?" was the response.

"I have some news from the Senate," Jaron replied.

"Come in," he said, moving back toward the table, "Have a seat."

Joran did as he was asked and took a seat opposite his mentor, "There have been many rumblings in the Senate lately regarding the Federation..."

"Such as?" he asked.

"They say a ship... a war ship... has been dispatched to the border. It has put several of the more... extremist personalities are calling for a dispatch of forces to counter this perceived threat. It was all our agent in the Senate could do to put that fire out. It's going to be hard to keep them calm with the other issues coming across the Senate agenda," Joran reported.

"Indeed..." he nodded.

"There are other matters that I felt might be important that I've included in this," Joran pulled a data tablet out and surrendered it to his mentor.

"I will look over it soon..." he commented, setting it down.

"I should go," Joran rose from his seat and began to walk back out of the antechamber, "I will see you soon, Ambassador Spock."

"I look forward to it," his mentor replied.


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