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A loose end tied

Posted on Wed Feb 9th, 2011 @ 6:47pm by Captain Nathan Cowell MD & Lieutenant JG Susan Barret

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Science Labs, USS Arizona
Timeline: Immediately following 'Advanced Planning'

Captain Nathan Cowell entered the Science Labs, a place he had yet to visit since taking command of the ship. He'd meant to, but time constraints being what they were had prevented such. He wasn't there for a social visit, however, since there was the whole matter of the impending away mission. The lab itself was almost a ghost compartment, however the one body he was looking for was still aboard.

"Lieutenant Barret," Nathan called out to the woman from across the room, "Come talk to me."

Susan was acclimating herself to the science labs on the Arizona when she heard a voice across the room. She didn't know the CO, but the rank insignia told her everything she needed to know. Unsure of the Captain's intentions, Susan briskly closed the distance between the two officers.

"What can I do for you Sir?"

"Got a question for you, kiddo," Nathan said as he folded his arms across his chest, "How much exposure have you had with mercenary groups?"

Kiddo seemed like an odd term to use, but at least it told her she wasn't in trouble.

"Depending on how you identify mercenary groups, I've had some exposure. Sigma Volantis VI & New Iapetus were both recovering from civil wars while we were there. There were still pockets of resistance from the losing side. For the most part, the embassy grounds were safe but the resistance made their presence known."

"Right... I mean how much exposure do you have to any slang and buzz words they use? You're a linguist aren't you? Do you know enough about the lingo to go in there and talk shop with 'em?" Nathan asked.

Susan's interest was peaked, but she needed more information.

"Yes I am a linguist, but like many fields it's a life long process of learning. No offense sir, but if you have a specific group of mercenaries you wish me to converse with, I'd prefer to study past conversations beforehand. "

"I don't have a lot of information myself," Nathan said before lowering his arms, "But if you get with Commander Halsey, he might be able to send you in the right direction. You'll be going with Major DeVries and her away team shortly anyway, so you best get cracking. Can you handle it?"

Honestly, Susan wasn't sure if she was up for another away mission. She was still processing the events of her last away mission. But the fact the team was led by a Marine gave her some confidence. Regardless, she wasn't about to admit that to her new CO.

"In that case, you've got yourself a linguist sir."

"Good deal, get with Halsey for details and DeVries for whatever mission details she has for you. Good luck," Nathan said before disappearing back into the corridor.



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