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Posted on Thu Feb 24th, 2011 @ 7:40pm by Petty Officer 3rd Class Loren Sora & Lieutenant Commander Aiden Roberts (KIA) & Lieutenant JG Thomas Beliard

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Makeshift Science Lab, Braken III
Timeline: Before Experimenting With People

Kaci moved around the makeshift lab from one specimen to the next trying to make quick work of getting things analyzed without messing up the results in the process. Something was making these people sick, and it was up to her and the team to figure out what it was, then attempt to fix it. She cast a glance over to Lieutenant Beliard.

"Have you found anything worth mentioning?"

" Tests on the water, blood, plants, everything so far has been negative. The last test is running now, on the replicator material. We should have those results any moment." Thomas said as he watched the progress indicator on his PADD. "Prepare the subspace relay for transmission of the results to the Arizona. I want them sent as soon as this is complete."

"Yes, sir." Kaci said, turning to do as she was asked. "Are you going to report the findings to the Commander?"

"Indeed. At least he will know that we haven't just been playing games down here." Thomas said with a grunt, as he watched the progress indicator move closer to complete.

Thomas contemplated his place, if even only for a moment. He felt helpless to solve this problem with the colonists, and even more helpless within his own department. Medical, he was not. He would run whatever tests were asked of him, and proudly. He truly wished he had been with the ship. According to the logs, they were having quite the mission.

Kaci turned her attention back to Beliard. "Everything is prepared and ready to go, sir."

Just then, the PADD chirped its warning. The tests on the replicator material were done. He studied them for a moment, All seemed negative until...

" Baxter, please look these results over and make sure that Im not seeing things." Thomas said as he dropped the PADD, astonished.

Kaci picked up the discarded PADD and looked things over. She glanced at Beliard. "You're definitely not seeing things, sir."

Aiden entered the after compartment of the runabout, still chewing the remains of his early dinner, a pair of tacos from the replicator in the forward section. He wasn't much for the sciences, except for time he would spend in stellar cartography or the astrometrics lab. No, he preferred to leave the science to the professionals. He found himself, however, poking his head in from time to time simply because their work would be what would finish their business here.

"Good news, the Arizona is just making orbit, they have the supplies we need..." He said out loud.

Kaci looked to the entrance and blinked at the head poking through. It was a face she wasn't familiar with, but she had yet to meet everyone on board. "That's good news. Thank you for the heads up." Despite not recognizing him, not wasn't the time for introductions. The required results were in, and they needed to be shared with the Captain and Commander. She surely didn't want to leave the safety of the lab and walk amongst the sick people to track the XO down, but she didn't have a choice. "Lieutenant Beliard, I'm going to get these results to the Commander. They're ready to be sent to the Arizona as well."

After a few buttons to push, she was on her way.


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