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Nothing left...

Posted on Wed Apr 6th, 2011 @ 9:35am by Captain Nathan Cowell MD

Mission: Renegades
Location: Various
Timeline: An hour after 'A voice in the dark...'

The USS Arizona slid out of warp not far from the point of origin of the distress call that had been transmitted by the USS Temperance roughly an hour earlier. The shards of debris that greeted the Prometheus-class vessel were proof enough that even the Arizona hadn't been fast enough to prevent the tragic demise of the ship and her crew at the hands of unknown assailants...

=Bridge, USS Arizona=

Captain Nathan Cowell surveyed the wreckage that the ship had happened upon when they entered the area of space that the Temperance had transmitted their distress call from. the sheer brutality of the attack was evident in that not a single life pod, or even intact portion of the ship had been left behind. This was a new development in the area, no vessel to date had been destroyed, and even the ones that had been damaged had still be able to limp back to sovereign space. This kind of malice wasn't the usual fare, which made it all the more disturbing.

"Mister Roberts, begin a sweep of the area for any possible life signs. I don't expect there to be any, but scan anyway..." Nathan began after taking a moment to process what he was seeing.

Nathan turned toward Lieutenant Idrani, "Take us close enough to the debris field to beam some of the larger chunks aboard."

The Andorian nodded silently and did as she was asked. Meanwhile, Nathan turned toward the occupied Science console, "Get with Lieutenant Beliard and have him fire up the astrometrics lab. I want a comprehensive scan of the debris field and any possible warp signatures that might be leading away from this wreckage. Also, have him task someone out to help engineering go over the wreckage we're going to beam aboard. I want someone looking for traces of Thalaron radiation."

The Captain swiveled around to the Tactical Officer, "I want someone from your department to assist the investigation as well. I want to know if there's any evidence to point us toward a specific culprit, and if nothing else give us some idea as to how many it took to do this kind of damage in so short a time that we didn't get anything more than a blurb from the ship before it went up."

Nathan hit the call command on his chair, "Bridge to Engineering, I need a team to investigate the remains of the USS Temperance. We're going to be beaming them into the main shuttle bay. I want a full report in two hours..."

The Captain didn't bother to wait for a reply, closing the link in favor of turning back to Lieutenant Roberts, "Make sure we bring aboard a good smattering of scrap. I want at least one bit from every distinguishable subsystem you can identify, and anything else that might be important. Make it happen, Joker."


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