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New Responsibilities

Posted on Mon Apr 18th, 2011 @ 5:56am by Rear Admiral Ricky Wegener & Captain Nathan Cowell MD

Mission: Renegades
Location: Cowell's Ready Room
Timeline: BACKPOST: Shortly after 'Sniffing out tracks'

Commodore Wegener had spent a few hours with Captain Marcus O'Connell going over the ins and outs of the task force as a whole, since Marcus had been the TFXO when Ricky had become the TFCO. It had been pertinent to remove him from the position, with high marks, however, due to Rick choosing the Berkeley to be his flagship. It just wouldn't do to have the TFCO & XO on the same ship should something go awry. They had covered quite a bit of information and Rick had finally gotten word of who his new XO was to be.

One bit of good news for him also included in the communique from 4th Fleet Command was that he had been promoted to Rear Admiral. Admiral Ramar, the 4th Fleet XO, had conveyed his condolences for not being able to promote him in person but they were proud of the work he had done nonetheless.

In person or no, it made little difference to Ricky. He relayed the communique through the main computer which then upgraded his rank and clearances in the Starfleet database, including the Berkeley's computer. Next order of business, however, was to contact the new TFXO, one Captain Nathan Cowell, an El-Aurian from way back, from the looks of things. Born in the late 1800's and residing primarily on Earth. Being half El-Aurian himself, Ricky thought that he and Cowell might be able to relate somewhat. Then again, most pure humans or other species often had problems relating with their own kind. Playing it by ear seemed to be the best course of action.

"Computer, open a secure comm to the USS Arizona, Task Force 47, Captain Nathan Cowell."

=Captain's Ready Room, USS Arizona=

Captain Nathan Cowell sat in his chair behind the desk of his Ready Room reading over reports that would normally be handled by the First Officer. Given that his First Officer wasn't aboard ship and his Second Officer didn't have the required administrative authority to review them, it had sadly fallen to Nathan to actually do some work for a change. Doc was not at all thrilled with the prospect given the sheer volume of already insurmountable tasks laid out before the Arizona with everything going on... But it was one of the burdens of having to sit in the chair he was in, doing what he had been doing for close to 25 years now. The rising of the small communications panel normally imbedded in his desk surface didn't immediately register with the old man as he glanced through the thousands of lines of text in the reports that were being filtered to him. Even the sudden illumination from the screen as it flickered to life and displayed the Federation Seal had gone unnoticed. It wasn't until there was a face on the screen and the sound of someone impatiently clearing their throats that Nathan bothered to look down and see the face of a Rear Admiral staring at him.

"Huh... didn't know you were there. What can I do for you, Admiral?" the Captain asked almost apathetically as he tossed the PADD he was holding unceremoniously to the desktop.

"I take it I'm interrupting something important?" Ricky asked.

"Probably, but who really keeps track of those sorts of things these days... I'm sure I'll be able to go right back to it once you've said your peace. Who are you, by the way, I don't recall ever meeting you..." Nathan commented.

"My name is Rear Admiral Ricky Wegener, I'm the recently appointed commanding officer of Task Force 38. The reason I am contact you is actually two-fold. First, I have reassigned you from your current position in Task Force 47 to 38 where you will be taking the position of Task Force Exec." He paused then continued. "You don't have to rush to the Delta Quadrant by any means. Complete your current mission and then make a bee-line to the DQ."

"Oh good, for a second there, I didn't think we would have time to wrap things up around here..." Nathan replied to the comment dryly.

"The second matter is your current rank. You have been an exemplary Captain, however, I cannot have a Captain as my XO. It would potentially be difficult for you to carry out your duties with the same rank as most other commanding officers in the task force. You are promoted to the rank of Commodore, effectively immediately. On behalf of the Fourth Fleet senior staff and myself, I offer you congratulations."

That was the one thing Nathan had been dreading. He'd side stepped it for years... Now it seemed that he was going to have to finally break down and put that uniform on...

Nathan sighed, "Well, I suppose if it has to be, it has to be... thanks for your call, Admiral... I'm sure I'll see you eventually on the other side of the galaxy."


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