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Working it Out

Posted on Thu Apr 14th, 2011 @ 3:19pm by

Mission: Renegades
Location: Holodeck One
Timeline: Following "Trading Faces"

Marc activated the holodeck program JKD III and took a deep breath as the scene changed from the blankness of the holodeck to a martial arts studio. A moment later, his Master, the legendary Bruce Lee materialized and looked at him.

"So, young student," Lee said, looking him over. "You have come back for more." It said, not making it a question.

"Yes, Master," Marc said humbly.

"Tell me how to obtain enlightenment," Lee demanded of him.

Marc took a breath. He had programmed everything that he could find into the program to aid him both physically and mentally. "To obtain enlightenment in martial art means the extinction of everything which obscures the 'true knowledge,' the 'real life.' At the same time, it implies boundless expansion and, indeed, emphasis should fall not on the cultivation of the particular department which merges into the totality, but rather on the totality that enters and unites that particular department."

"Very good, student. Stand and approach me." The hologram instructed him.

Marc got up from his lotus position and approached, keeping silent but prepared. Diversity was critical when dealing with the ancient Master.

Lee circled around him before coming face-to-face with him again. "Why is Jeet Kune Do formless?"

"Jeet Kune Do favors formlessness so that it can assume all forms and since Jeet Kune Do has no style, it can fit in with all styles. As a result, Jeet Kune Do utilizes all ways and is bound by none and, likewise, uses any techniques or means which serve its end." Marc answered. He wanted to shift as Lee circled him, but dared not.

Once more the hologram nodded. "If you want to understand the truth in marital arts, to see any opponent clearly, you must throw away the notion of styles or schools, prejudices, likes and dislikes, and so forth. Then, your mind will cease all conflict and come to rest. In this silence, you will see totally and freshly."

"Yes, Master." Marc responded. He waited for the attack to come, but it seemed the Master had something else in store for him.

"You seek the truth through your investigations, but you do not see your opponent clearly. You have told me of your headaches which block your goals. You push yourself and by doing so, you restrict yourself. Think on what I have said. Now show me Pendulum Step."

Marc immediately moved forward, his legs sliding along the floor and back again in a quick arc, barely touching down . It was a deceptive move which allowed the person to close ground quickly against an opponent.

Lee moved faster, coming in with a Finger Jab to his throat and a Oblique Kick to his groin.

Marc deftly avoided the kick to his groin, but he coughed hard when the hologram's fingers jabbed him in the throat. The dual moves had thrown him off guard, but he quickly regained his composure with a Step and Slide, followed by a Hammer Fist to the holograms midsection.

Back and forth, faster and slower, the two opponents circled, jabbed, kicked and punched at each other for the next thirty minutes before Lee called a break.

"You are learning quickly, student, but yet you allow something to block you from the flow of Jeet Kune Do. If you do not open it, you will never advance."

Marc thought on what the Master told him. "To express yourself in freedom, you must die to everything of yesterday. From the 'old', you derive security; from the 'new', you gain the flow." He took a moment to compose himself, facing Lee. "I must be a combination of the two. I am Security in regards to my job. In order to gain in my position, I must prove myself to gain the flow, Master."

Lee nodded "So you are learning, but yet you are holding yourself back. Think on what you have said, student. I will expect an answer when next we meet."

"Answer, Master? Should it not be a question?" Marc wanted to know.

The hologram merely looked at him, then went into dormant mode.

Marc had programmed it to be interactive, but now it seemed that the hologram had said all it was going to say. He bowed to the Master. "Yes, Master. Computer, end program."

Grabbing his towel, he wiped the sweat from his body as the holodeck returned to normal and walked out, heading to his quarters to think on what he had been told to do.


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