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Aftermath and the Admin that follows...

Posted on Mon Apr 18th, 2011 @ 5:46pm by Captain Nathan Cowell MD & Lieutenant Commander Aiden Roberts (KIA)

Mission: Renegades
Location: Various
Timeline: Directly after 'Pawns and Precursors'

=Deck Three, USS Arizona=

Having only just departed the company of one First Lieutenant Lukas DeVries, Commodore Nathan Cowell couldn't help but get the feeling that the reunion taking place in that transporter room would be far more chaotic and likely dangerous than anything going on around him. That being said, there was plenty enough chaos to go around, what with conduits and bulkheads being exposed at intervals all along the corridor he was walking along. There were damage control teams roaming the corridors, but much of the damage he'd passed by was more aesthetic than critical, which meant it would likely go by the wayside until they returned to a starbase for more in depth repairs. Nathan boarded the turbolift and ordered it back up to the bridge.

=Bridge, USS Arizona=

Cdre. Cowell stepped off the lift and found the bridge to be in a much less disheveled state than it had been before. While there were still broken consoles and a bit of debris still lurking about, the bridge had been brought somewhat back to life... At least the view screen worked again. Nathan caught sight of Lieutenant Roberts and decided it was time to have a chat with his Second Officer.

"Joker, my Ready Room, now!" Nathan bellowed before disappearing into the compartment he'd specified.

Aiden gave a curt nod to the Andorian Lieutenant he was standing beside before following in tow of the newly dressed Commodore. It was a long story he was sure, but his gut told him that wasn't what his Commanding Officer wanted to discuss. As the doors closed behind him, Aiden opted to stand this time around.

"What's up Boss?"

"We've got a problem..." Nathan said, drumming his fingers against the desk he was sitting behind, "I got word from Starfleet Command not long ago that our little First Officer isn't coming back. Seeing as how you're the Second Officer and we're not getting any new people any time soon... How would you like the job?"

Aiden's mouth dropped open slightly at first. He had always wondered what he would say when the moment came while serving on Starbase 98, and when it didn't come he 'stowed' away his acceptance speeches in the back of his mind. However, at the moment he was drawing a blank with the exception of one inappropriate response 'Let's party?'. Still he shook his head and said the only other thing he could come up with. "Uhh. Yes Sir."

Nathan nodded, "Good... Now the only other thing I have for you..."

The Commodore produced a small box from his desk and tossed it at the man, "I can't have you running around this ship being outranked by other Senior Staff. And hell, maybe you even deserve it... who knows..."

Aiden gave yet another confused looked, which was became absent in a moment of clarity as he opened the box. Enclosed a small, gold empty circle. Again, speechless and somewhat shocked for once. "Thank you and congratulations, Commodore ."

"Feh... I didn't want this promotion, believe me... I've fought it for almost fifteen years... Now I don't have a choice. But we'll discuss that when my ship isn't in shambles. Where are we at so far with repairs?" Nathan asked.

Aiden shook his head slightly, still wondering if he had to change into a red shirt now or later. The Lieutenant Commander handed his PADD across the desk, a detailed damage report from all departments.

"Three hours to get us back on our toes, but if we get ganged up on again like that we won't last long. I'd say five to be fully battle ready. Long range sensors should be back up and running within the hour though. I'm still waiting on a response from Engineering on some our sub system problems in the lower decks. We've had some power issues since we had to lock down some of the deuteriem tanks before they became unstable. Someone could have rocked the boat the wrong way and we'd have been lit up like a birthday cake - errr like yours..."

Nathan didn't miss the joke, but he didn't really pay it any attention either, "Fine, get back out there and get to work. You'll still be running double duty until we can get the lag time to appoint a new Operations Officer, so don't worry about an outfit change just yet. Just focus on getting us ready to kick those Romulans' asses."

"Gladly, Sir... Gladly.."


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