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"Damage Control"

Posted on Mon Apr 18th, 2011 @ 4:29pm by Lieutenant Three of Seven

Mission: Renegades
Location: Tertiary Engineering, Deck 13
Timeline: During "Sneak Attack"

It hadn't taken long after the ship had started rocking for engineering's population to triple as technicians from every ship descended upon the arteries of the ship from out of the lounges and beds. Three quickly found itself at the head of the D&D Rapid Repair Team, as they'd dubbed themselves. The role-playing engineers were still tugging their way into the hazard suits when the group arrived through the dark and haze to the outermost force field maintaining the ship's pressurized atmosphere.

Interfacing with a console along the wall with merely a wave of its hand, Three was slowed only by the time in which it took to vocalize its desires. Communication in this matter was inefficient, but apparently necessary to safeguard individuality. Still the drone would have been negligent to not note that all that would be required was a simple cognitive implant in order to greatly improve on humanoid reaction time. "Reroute plasma from junction 12-A to the thermal exhaust port," Three ordered simply, even as it began to restructure the location of the force fields remotely. "Then close the manifold at 12-J when the pressure has fallen to tolerable standards," the drone added, expanding on its earlier command.

"Environmental controls are off-line on this deck," Dungeon Master noted, looking up from his tricorder.

The drone nodded its head in a sign of acknowledgment. "Secure your masks. Take Fighter with you and see if you can manually vent some of the gas," Three directed. The Borg waited until the members of its team had donned their protective gear and then erected a force field behind them. With that done, Three removed the one in front of them, waves of intense heat blasting the group as they pressed through.

Through the optical HUD that constituted Three's normal vision, it recorded a variety of variables of concern in the area. Rising levels of radiation, though within tolerances for both itself and the crew in their hazard suits. Thermal readings in the room attracted Three's notice next. In particular a white-hot heat bloom that rested to either side of the lower warp core. "The plasma coolant tank is increasing in temperature," the drone noted aloud, even as it made its way toward the warp core to access the maintenance panel along the railing.

"The cooling system is off-line," Ranger announced, having taken up residence at one of the consoles along the wall of engineering. "We have to restore power to this deck."

Now the man was just stating the obvious.

Fingers moving in a blur, Three accessed a variety of databases linked to engineering and operations. "The dorsal phaser array is off-line. I am re-routing power from that system to the tertiary plasma containment system," the drone announced, already tracing out a new circuit path necessary to re-energize the cooling system for the plasma storage tank. Pausing, the drone's hands hovered an inch off the console as the Borg glanced up. The thermal readings were already beginning to visibly decrease...

A hard impact a second later sent a new serious of alarms and red lights coursing through the systems panel. Three's fingers once again engaging in a blur as the drone worked to rapidly assess and prioritize the newest casualties.

"It appears that our port nacelles have sustained damage," Three noted aloud, itself working to install a temporary patch to the electro-plasma distribution network in order to alleviate the buildup of pressure relative to the rupture on Deck 13 and 14. "Reinforce the port interlinks," the Borg instructed over its shoulder to Ranger.

"We've been able to vent most of the affected sections of Deck 13."

The drone turned its head the opposite direction. "Noted," the Borg replied, acknowledging the report from Fighter. "Continue working to exhaust the gas on Deck 14. I will go inspect the location of the rupture," Three added, stooping down to pick up an engineering field kit as the Borg walked out of the tertiary engineering and, literally, into the fire.

When it completed its examination of the EPS rupture, perhaps the fire suppression system would be the next item that got looked at.


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