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Posted on Tue May 3rd, 2011 @ 4:06am by

Mission: Renegades
Location: Various
Timeline: Immediately after Carus Triumphus

Immediate after watching the Commodore stepped into the turbolift with Lieutenant Marion, Ensign Schenk finished the rest of his communication with the other reconnected parts of the ship, getting damage reports. The reports on injuries and deaths were still coming in, but the Primary Hull had taken a severe beating during the battle. He still couldn't believe it, and he was at a loss of what to do first but it was obvious that the Commodore was in no mood to get anything vague at this point in time.

Getting up, he tapped his combadge and assembled a small crew of Security personnel and grabbed a PaDD. There was work to be done and he wasn't going to waste any time getting it done. Leaving the bridge via the turbolift, he met with the Security team and headed for the nearest damaged deck. The alarms had been silenced, but the sounds of sputtering consoles and the moaning of the wounded filled the vacuum and the smells which assaulted his nostrils was less than pleasant.

Arriving at Deck 3 (A) he parted with half of the Security personnel, advising caution as well as haste. Any wounded were to be sent to Medical, and any of the dead...were going to have to wait. "It comes with the job" echoed in his head, Lieutenant JG Xylia Lischka's voice from when he had found his friend Ensign Tadesco. He saw an enlisted man staring at him with the same expression that he had had when he was told that. "We can't do anything for the dead, but the living need us now!" He bellowed at the man. "Grieve now!"

Storming off with the rest of the team, he went to Deck 4 (B) and issued the same set of orders. He wanted to break down when the saw several bodies of enlisted personnel immediately but he fought it down. There was nothing that he could do with them other than report their locations as he went from body to body. Seven casualties was the total with fourteen others who were wounded. Several of them had to be aided in getting to Medical, the rest going by themselves. He still didn't know how many of the ones who couldn't convey themselves were going to survive, let alone how many had died from the search that he, Lieutenant Lischka and McChet had found on their last search.

Heading off to Deck 4 (B), he was grateful that most of the senior officers had been at their assigned posts when the Arizona had engaged in the battle with the Romulan scum. The area was clear except some smoke and blasted consoles, but he and his small team went from room to room checking to see if anyone was present. Luckily, there were no fatal casualties in that area and he made notes on the PaDD in his hand.

Meeting up with the team from Deck 3 (A) with the remainder of his team, Marc learned that there were nine more casualties and three wounded. He instructed four of them to note the inaccessible areas and report those to Engineering. He took the rest of them to Deck 5 (A) through the Jeffries Tubes when an area became impassable, heading for the crew quarters there. The entire ship showed signs of distress and he knew that it would be a hard time getting to DS10 for repairs.

Searching room to room, covered in soot, blood, and grime, Marc paused to wipe his eyes, smudging his face even more. He didn't look anything like the fresh young man who had started the day proudly engaging the MVAM. If anything, he looked like he had aged ten years in a matter of hours and he felt it; Serving in Starfleet came with the good and the bad, and he figured that he had seen the worst of the bad. The good came to those who were assigned to research vessels, and he was on a deep space tactical cruiser - one of the first to arrive at a bad situation. Sucking it up, he turned his attention fully to the search once more.

Gathering his remaining strength and team, he continued on his search...


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