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Shell Shock

Posted on Tue May 3rd, 2011 @ 4:23pm by Lieutenant JG Evanim Chall

Mission: Renegades
Location: Primary Hull


The ringing in the Bolian's ears was finally starting to fade. The thunderous claps of weapons fire, explosions, and all other sorts of battle noise had given the Engineer quite a headache. A headache though, was nothing compared to what he was now witnessing. During the fight, an EPS line ruptured a few decks above Main Engineering. This was causing weapons power to drop, so Chall was sent to manually re-route the power away from the damaged line. His frustration was already at a high level, he didn't become an Engineer to do menial repairs. Still though, he followed through on his task. After re-routing the EPS line, a deafening crack was heard, followed by an instantaneous constriction on his lungs. He was lucky enough to hit the close button with his foot as he body was lifted into the air, or else he might have joined the fate of those who were sucked out into space from the breach in the hull. The impact of hitting the now closed door caused Call to black out for the rest of the fight.

Upon his awakening, he opened the door to the smell of functioning, but charred air. The breach was sealed, but at a high cost. Many bodies lay lifeless in the corridor either from asphyxiation or blunt force trauma. The indicator on the Bolian Engineer's tricorder showed only a few weak lifesigns around the corner, but he could not make his legs move. The sound of muffled life ringing through his ears made him disoriented, and the shock of so much death caused Chall to simply shut down. He sat outside of the room he had been working in and simply stared blankly at the wall. 'Just wait...someone will be by here eventually...eventually.'



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