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The New Chief

Posted on Wed May 11th, 2011 @ 4:27pm by
Edited on on Thu May 12th, 2011 @ 1:07pm

Mission: Shore Leave 2; Picking Up the Pieces
Location: Various
Timeline: After "Beware the Listener"

=Crew Quarters, U.S.S. Arizona=

The new Acting Chief of Intelligence, Ensign Marcus Schenk stopped by his former quarters and grabbed his personal possessions. It was a big change from Security, but he was already and Investigator and now his job was going to be just a little bit easier, so he thought. Actually having access to the information that he needed to perform an investigation was something that he was going to relish.

Instructing the replicator to create him a new uniform for Intelligence, he took his Ensign bars off his old uniform and his communicator and went to enjoy a nice sonic shower. He wanted to be fresh and alert when he took over his new post and secure in the knowledge that he would aid the Arizona greatly in his new position. Or at least he hoped.

Getting out of the shower, he donned his new uniform and checked out his reflection in the mirrorl Grey did suit him better than gold. Checking his hair, he attached his Ensign bars to the collar and then put the Combadge on his chest before heading out with his few belongings.

Stopping by the Senior Staff quarters, he found his assigned room and dropped off his possession. The room was bigger than what he was used to, but he didn't take the time to check it out. Going to the replicator, he waited for a second, debating if he even wanted a replicated stimulant, then decided to go for it.

"Coffee, Columbian, black, two sugars."

The result that the machine put out tasted almost but not quite unlike dirty dish water. Making a face, he emptied the mug out and set it in the recycler, then left to head to Intelligence department.

=Intelligence Office, U.S.S. Arizona=

Going into his new offices, he looked at the mess that had been left in the wake of the attack. Grunting, he started cleaning up the debris that hadn't been gotten new, clearing off a space at his new desk. The Commodore was correct in one thing, though. The desk wasn't that impressive. Calling up the console, he reviewed the recent activity and began to familiarize himself with the department.

Dirty little secrets
Dirty little lies
We got our dirty little fingers in everybody's pie
We love to cut you down to size
We love dirty laundry

The old song "Dirty Laundry" went through his mind as he caught himself up to speed, then he saw the name Lukas DeVries as one of his officers. He knew the man was, Colonel DeVries' son, but wondered how much he acted like her. Moving on down the list, he checked the other members of Intelligence, making notes as he went along. Finally, he made a note to introduce himself to as many in the department as he could, but in the meantime, he had a department to pull back together.


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