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Not Enough Chiefs, Too Few Indians

Posted on Mon May 23rd, 2011 @ 10:49am by Captain Nathan Cowell MD & Lieutenant Xishaal Idrani

Mission: Shore Leave 2; Picking Up the Pieces
Location: Various
Timeline: Current


Xishaal had opted to stay on board the Arizona during it's repair and refit back at Starbase 900. The Commodore had offered her the Chief of Operations Position so that at the very least, the department would have an Command certified officer who although wasn't an engineer by vocation, could still manage and lead the department.

Being an Andorian gave her a number of additional abilities not normally utilized in her old position as Chief Flight Control Officer and so Xishaal had thrown herself into her work, helping to put the Arizona back together again. Unfortunately, now the ship was without a Chief Engineer, the highest level Engineer was a....Damage Control Specialist? She shook her head and wondered for the first time if she was in over her head.

Trudging down the halls carrying two tool cases, she spotted the Commodore walking ahead of her, seemingly lost in his own thoughts. She wondered if she should ask him for some clarification from him about their situation. Her antennae could barely pick out any tell-tale signs of distress emanating from the El-Aurian

"Commodore Cowell, sir, may I have a moment of your time?" Xishaal called out to him as she quickened the pace of her long strides to catch up to him.

"Hmm?" the Commodore muttered before looking back to see the Andorian hurrying toward him, "What can I do for you, Lieutenant?"

"Sir, I was wondering if... well if there was any idea as to when a replacement for Three of Seven will arrive? Don't get me wrong, I like where I am and you can be sure that I'm not looking to jump departments again but walking around, seeing all of the damage the Arizona needs a Chief Engineer like she needs her Commanding officer," Xishaal almost uncharacteristically pleaded, "There's not much for me to do here on board, I've set duty rotations for Ops to work with... engineering to get her back up and running but it seems that many have taken your offer for a shore leave as a reason to literally- duck and cover!"

Xishaal set down her three tool cases, "Not too worry sir, I'll make sure that everything is put back in its place even if I have to pull double rotations to do so... and that's looking like a possibility..."

"I believe our Engineering Officer is arriving later today, actually, and I've already ordered everyone... including you... on a rotating shift of twelve on and thirty-six off whether you like it or not. We're in port now and we can afford to let other people do some work for a while. These station rats don't get much action so I say we give them a broken ship and a time-table. Besides, we could all use the R and R..." Nathan explained.

Bowing her head to the Commodore "..I of course will defer to your wise and experience sir.." Xishaal knelt down to retrieve her tool kits, "..In the mean time, I will make it a priority that the bridge is at the very least, put back in working order if I have to put a phaser on every engineer on this station to ensure it gets done! I look forward to working with this new Engineer as well!"

Turning on heel, the tall Andorian left as quickly as she'd arrived more determined than ever to put her house back in order.



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