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Posted on Sun May 22nd, 2011 @ 7:34pm by Petty Officer 2nd Class Todd Sweeney & Lieutenant JG Elizabeth Marion

Mission: Shore Leave 2; Picking Up the Pieces
Location: Bridge, USS Arizona
Timeline: Following 'Beyond the Union Gateway'

It was official. The bridge of the Arizona still looked like it had gone to hell in a hand basket. To say Petty Officer Todd Sweeney was upset would have been a huge understatement. In fact, it was safe to say the young man was nearly beside himself. Only a few days prior he had temporarily excused himself to return to his previous posting aboard the Casey in order to secure some much needed assistance. However, he expected far more to be done upon his return.

"This is... blasphemy!" he cried out in sheer horror.

"What is blasphemy, Mister Sweeney?" Lieutenant Elizabeth Marion asked from her station at Mission Ops.

Todd raced down the small steps to the center of the floor and quickly placed his hands on his hips. "This! This entire bridge is... it's... hideous!! I left to get some help and it... it looks worse than when I left! Have you not done anything? Did you at least sweep the floor?!"

The frown that graced Liz's face spoke volumes about her displeasure at the ramblings of the rather boisterous and overly dramatic Yeoman. The fact that the ship was in port and crews were working around the clock to repair the major damage all over the ship seemed to be a small concern next to something like the cleanliness of the bridge. Elizabeth wondered momentarily if the man had fallen off the deep end of a pool of insanity, never to be seen from again...

"We've been working to get the ship back into working order. Sweeping the floor wasn't part of our salvage check list as of late..." the Operations Officer muttered.

Todd rapidly shook his head - an act that might have made it fall off if it wasn't connected to his neck. "Well it should have been! The bridge is the fore center of our vessel! It must look in tip top shape at all times! It's so unbefitting of a crew in it's current state. I think we should remedy it together! You do... know how to operate a broom correct?"

If Elizabeth were any more shocked at his statement, it couldn't have been reflected any better on her face, "Excuse me? Are you... seriously... asking me... to sweep a floor... with you?"

"Of course I am! You act as if you are too high in station to perform such a simple act of housekeeping! This is our home! We need to take care of it," Todd rambled with a look of hurt. "I thought we were... friends."

Liz rubbed her forehead as if she were suffering from a migraine, "You really are annoying as hell..." Despite saying that, Elizabeth did get up and head for a locker in which several brooms and other such 'archaic' cleaning implements were stored, "Well, start pushing then, Mister Sweeney."

Taking the offered instrument from the young woman's hand, Todd began a rhythmic dance of cleaning as he bustled about the bridge - a slight hum on his lips. "See!? Isn't this wonderful!? Don't you feel better?"

Though she was sure it wouldn't have sunk in even if she'd said anything to the contrary, Liz began collecting a pile of dirt near her station, "Whatever you say, Todd..."

"You're so swell Lizzie," Todd remarked with a smile. "After we're done do you want to hang out? I hear it's what people do."

"I suppose there's no harm in..." Liz began before it registered in her brain what he'd done. 'Did this little weasel just ask me out?! No... He couldn't have... could he?' was the internal conflict raging in her head as she stared at the Yeoman, blinking in a dumbfounded state.

Todd could read the look on her face almost instantly. So... the rumors appeared true after all. He couldn't believe it! "Oh... I see. I understand."

"Understand what?" Liz ventured to ask, having a feeling she was about to regret doing so.

He threw his hands up then. "I've heard all about it! They tell me things! The little people. They've whispered that you and... and... Chet... were involved. I just... I didn't think... forgive me."

"Oh dear lord, who in the hell would be spreading around a rumor like that?! I would never be caught dead dating that... that... freak!" Elizabeth screamed a little louder than she might have wanted to, but the fact remained that she was being coupled, and without her knowledge, with the security officer that had more screws loose than the Yeoman did.

Todd perked up suddenly at the announcement. Yes! Fates love him! "Ohhhhh! So... that means you're free then. Dinner by replicator in two hours?"

Lieutenant Marion's shoulders sank slightly, but she couldn't help admiring his persistence, "Fine... Meet me in the main Mess Hall then."


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