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To Be Remembered

Posted on Wed May 25th, 2011 @ 12:04pm by

Mission: Shore Leave 2; Picking Up the Pieces
Location: Various
Timeline: Twelve Hours After "The Improvised Counselor"

=Intel Office; U.S.S. Arizona=

Finishing up the last of his work in the Intel Office, Ensign Schenk input a series of new authorization codes into the computer and gave his command authorization for the change. Maybe Mr. Halsey would be pissed, but that wasn't the point. It was something that he had meant to do the moment he took the office.

Getting up, Marc stretched and debated what to do; the Commodore had specifically ordered that the entire crew do thirty-six hours off duty for every twelve hours on. It wasn't exactly shore leave, but it was better than nothing and he planned on getting back to Starbase 900 before the Arizona was under way again.

Securing his office with the new codes, the Ensign went back to his quarters to take a sonic shower, shave, and put on his new civillian clothes that he had gotten on his last trip there. Feeling better, but deciding against drinking or fighting Klingons this time, he left the Arizona.

=Starbase 900=

Taking his time and finding a kiosk with all the public locations on the starbase, Marc found himself wandering a promenade where various races came and went on their daily business. He paused at a storefront of electronic items, some of which he couldn't identify, he tried to figure out what he was going to do.

He didn't have to wait long as a shadow fell over his own on the storefront. The reflection in the glass appeared to be female and he smiled as he turned around. " I in your way?"

The woman smiled when Marc turned. "Actually, I was looking at you, not the merchandise. Unless you're on offer as well." She had pure black pupils and a pale complexion, her eyes knowing with a seductive smile on her full lips. She wore a diaphanous light green dress that was opaque in all the right places.

"I'm not for sale if that's what you mean," Marc said. The woman was attractive and if he wasn't mistaken, she was a Betazoid. He looked around before looking back to her. "Why me out of all the choices around here?" He couldn't believe that he was questioning her, but his natural curiousity got the better of him.

"You are troubled," she said, her eyes knowing. "You have a desire to release those troubles and do not know who to talk to. It is not talk that you need." She reached and caressed his cheek.

He licked his lips; perhaps she was right and so far things were looking in the right direction. He had heard that Betazoid women often used their men as toys, and right now that was sounding pretty good to him. It would take his mind off of things and he had to admit, it had been a while.

"You're right. I'm Mar..." He started to say before her hand pressed lightly against his lips.

"It does not matter...come with me." She took her hand off his mouth and smiled before turning and walked down the promenade with a sway to her ample hips.

Making sure that he had his combadge on and within easy reach in the event of a trap, Marc smiled and went with her. Perhaps this would be a shore leave to remember after all.


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