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There Are a Lot of Pieces

Posted on Thu Jun 9th, 2011 @ 3:04pm by Lieutenant JG Toshie Minamoto

Mission: Shore Leave 2; Picking Up the Pieces
Location: Main Engineering
Timeline: Shortly before 'What theories may come...'

Having come from the bridge just now, Toshie was quite anxious to start work repairing the ship. All through the corridors she saw panels still down, replacement parts being installed, all sorts of debris on the deck, and even faulty climate controls in one section. She knew she had a lot of work to do when she got to engineering. She sighed as she stood in the turbolift, her arms crossed and her mind going over the data she had been given over and over again. "Warp engines, shields. Those are most critical and most in need of repair," her voice a mumble as the turbolift stopped, the doors opened, and she stepped out into a hectic, noisy Main Engineering.

Right in the middle of Engineering stood a 5'6" human man with dark hair, a goatee that barely met Starfleet requirements, and he had a cup of coffee in one hand and a tricorder in his other hand. Mumbling to himself as he sipped his coffee, he failed to notice the new Chief enter the department. "That's horse hockey pucks. I disagree that the entire nacelle had to be replaced. Could have made do with a quick fix, saved on time and replacements and no one would have known."

The shorter young woman strode up to the man with the coffee and watched quietly for a moment a few feet away with her arms on her hips. "From what I saw, we won't need to replace any of the nacelles, but the conduits for all four will have to be replaced. Get a guy in an EVA suit out there and patch up the structural damage to the nacelle and she'll be fine until our next proper refit."

Caught unsuspecting talking to himself, PO2 Devereux nearly jumped a few feet in the air. "Huh? Oh crap! Chief on deck!" He barked as he came to attention, saluting her with his coffee cup. "Uh...hey. PO2 Zander Devereux, ready and able." He looked for a place to set his coffee cup down, choosing the edge of a console and looked around. "Corvack! Benson! O'Toole! Suit up, we're going space swimming!"

The other members of Engineering came when he called them, getting the details of what was needed and offering their own input. Meanwhile, Zander went and grabbed his carefully prepared toolkit and came back to the tiny woman. "What else, Boss Lady?"

Toshie smirked a little for a moment as the Petty Officer realized who he was talking to. She laughed and pointed at his coffee cup, "Find me a cup of that and at-ease, Devereux. I'm Lieutenant Minamoto, pleased to meet you. We don't have much time for pleasantries, we have a ship to put back together. I have a conference with the Commodore and senior staff soon and we need to have progress and an ETA by then." She waited for him and the others to return, giving them a rundown of what needed to be done.

"Okay, we have replacement conduits and additional repair teams already coming from the Starbase. They will use the shuttlebay deck as a temporary storage area. Our job will be to get the warp drive back up and running. I believe we should focus on the upper nacelles first, since we can run at warp 5 easily with them, then get the lower ones back up. The Commodore wants us to replace the damaged shield generators as well in case we run into trouble." Her eyes moved around the small staff gathered around her. "Give me a status report on the other systems."

PO2 Devereux spent a good ten minutes filling the new Chief in on all the changes and repairs that had been happening in Engineering. After a detailed analysis of the repairs, he went on to make a few suggestions about the EPS conduits in the replicators which would use less energy and a bit faster. " 'course, those aren't really important. They're at sub-par right now. Coffee tastes like dirty socks were steeped in hot water." Reminding himself that he still had coffee in his cup, he went over to drain it before setting it down on another console. "I'll meet the other team from the Starbase and we'll commence Operation Humpty Dumpty. This beauty," He patted a wall. "will be flying like a dream in no time."

Toshie nodded as she listened to the report. "Replicators can wait until we have engines and shields working again. That's further down the list." She looked over a PADD, scrolling down it, "Those two systems are priority one, but if we have time before we launch I want to run a check on the auxiliary and emergency power systems. It's the last thing we need breaking down on us if something happens." She pointed at Devereux, "I'm putting the upper nacelle refit under your supervision. Strip down the pylons, replace the conduits, and put the pylons back together, as well as repairing any damage the nacelle sustained. We will get some of the Starbase staff working on the lower pylons once we get the parts for them. With any luck, we'll have warp speed before the Commodore needs it and we can finish refitting the lower nacelles after we undock."

"I'll be on it like stink on a pile of Romulan poo, Boss Lady. Already ran diagnostics on the auxillary power systems. They're running at ninety-six percent. Emergency back-up is at fifty-nine percent. We took a beating there. Anything else before I get started?" PO2 Devereux asked as he ran down his mental checklist of everything he'd need.

"Okay, we will have to get the emergency backups up to at least 75 percent for me to be comfortable with them," Toshie replied to him before holding the PADD down by her side and taking on a more serious tone with her people for a moment. "I know I haven't gotten a chance to really meet any of you yet, but we are operating under a very tight deadline here. You are all Starfleet Engineers and I know that we can get this done. I have every confidence in that and in all of you. Now, let's get to work." The briefest of pauses. "Dismissed." Then another, "Could someone please tell me where my office is?"

Zander chuckled and pointed off towards the back of Main Engineering. "Right in there, Boss Lady. Watch out that there's no spare parts in there. We had to shift a lot of stuff around. I'm going to get started on the nacelle. Corvack, you're with me. Get a couple of enlisted assembled and meet me at Junction thirty-seven in ten minutes." Grabbing his toolkit, he gave the Chief a half-salute and marched off to get started on repairs.

Toshie turned to look where he was pointing and could already see some parts stacked on the floor in there, which led to a sigh, "Oh, I see. That's fine. I'll make due. When I was the Assistant Chief Engineer on the Endurance I had barely a closet as my workspace." She looked back at him and nodded, "Carry on then. Once I get settled and get a good handle on things, I will move up to deck 5 with a team and work on the shield generators. We should be done by the time you finish and we will reactivate the warp core." She stepped off to her office, PADD in hand, mumbling a little under her breath as she planned the work that would be needed. "Looks like none of us are getting any sleep tonight."


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