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Mental Rambling

Posted on Sat Jul 2nd, 2011 @ 2:45pm by

Mission: Too Close for Comfort...
Location: Containment Facility, Archadia III
Timeline: Concurent with "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"

Ensign Schenk sat in the cell next to Lieutenant Lischka attempting to work on a plan that seemed feasible. To him, this entire thing was a set-up, and those responsible were in a position to know who, when, and where the Away Team were. Those people were at Starbase 900 and if that were the case, they could likely be onboard the Arizona as well. They had taken on new people, after all.

"Who watches the watchers?" He murmured, more to himself than anyone else. He looked around the cell, watching each person for a moment. Lieutenant Commander Aix, Commodore Cowell, Lieutenant Lischka, Lieutenant Idrani, and PO2 Eldon Solus. The only ones that he didn't really know was Solus. Could he be the inside guy? Lieutenant Idrani seemed to have taken a hell of a beating, but that could have been for show. Aix was new, and a Trill. They always seemed to have the inside scoop on anything and everything under the stars.

Three potential spies, but he ruled out Idrani. She had served on the Arizona for longer than he had, even though she could have been planted there. He didn't know. All he knew right now was that the entire Away Team had been captured with ease and it smelled like a set-up. He shook his head as a migraine started coming on like they always did when he thought too hard on something. Forcing himself to take a deep breath, he backtracked to the start of the mission and what he knew. A few minutes later, he shook his head again; it was no use, the migraine had decided to turn his head into a battlefield.

Looking at Lieutenant Lischka, he wondered what was going through her mind. The look on her face was nearly murderous and he couldn't blame her; they had all been taken like rookies. Who was against them and why was the Delta Quadrant so important to someone that they were willing to kill every member of the Away Team? As far as he knew, the Delta Quadrant was a huge cluster of unknown space dotted with hostile species and that if the Archadian Confederacy fell, the Federation foothold in the Delta Quadrant would cease to exist.

From his and Lieutenant Lischka's scouting of the city, they had found that ignorance was bliss and that nothing seemed out of place on the Archadian world. Well, other than the need for resource production and there had been no time for his suggestion to Lieutenant Commander Aix to consider looking into that problem before the explosions had started going off. They had been captured soon after by a team of Archadian warrior women before they had enough time to even formulate a plan.

He stopped and shook his head again; he was going in circles and it was doing him no good. He was almost tempted to try to jump one of the guards and take a prisoner the moment an opportunity presented itself, and he was relatively sure that Lieutenant Lischka would be quick to follow the moment he jumped. If it succeeded, would the other guards simply kill the prisoner and then him and whoever chose to help him? He didn't know. Briefly, he wondered where the other Away Team was and how they were doing. If they had fallen into the same mess, who would come then? Surely not anyone from Starbase 900 - they had no way of knowing the Away Teams were in danger, and even if someone there did know it was more than likely the people who wanted the Away team in danger to begin with. Sighing, he settled down with his back against the wall and closed his eyes, willing his migraine to go away. It would happen or it wouldn't happen.


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