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The View from the Edge of Tomorrow...

Posted on Mon Jul 18th, 2011 @ 8:03am by Captain Nathan Cowell MD & Lieutenant JG Elizabeth Marion & Lieutenant JG Paul Akron

Mission: Tomorrow's Arizona
Location: Bridge, USS Arizona
Timeline: Mission Start

Three days in port had been more than enough. Enough time to swap out crew and get everyone settled where they needed to be. Enough time to consider what had happened and reconcile with what hadn't. Enough time to make the call of deep space a thunderous sound in the hearts and minds of the crew of the Prometheus-class USS Arizona. On the eve of their departure, there had been many a whisper filtering through the corridors that they were simply going to make it all up as they went for a while. Many more rumors had eluded to the fact that their Captain had gone rather off his nut lately, swapping people around in departments simply because he could, not for the sake of the ship but for the sake of whimsy. Darker still were the rumors that Starfleet had come to see the Arizona and her crew as something of a failure now... Yes, three days had been more than enough to distract the crew from what it was they were there to do, and that just would not stand...

Commodore Nathan Cowell entered the Bridge of his ship just as the overnight watch was leaving, something that had almost never happened the entire time he'd been in command of the Arizona. By the way he had entered, the relief watch that usually came in before the Senior Staff arrived could tell that something was about to happen. There was an energy permeating the compartment, as if the ship was just now waking up from a slumber. It was an infectious kind of energy that made people excited despite themselves, as if an adventure was waiting for them just around the corner.

"Ms. Marion," the Commodore addressed his adopted daughter, who was sitting at the forward OPS console, "Begin ship wide confirmations that all hands are aboard and accounted for."

"Aye, sir," Lieutenant Junior Grade Elizabeth Marion responded, her heart starting to quicken with anticipation for what she now knew was coming.

"Mr. Akron," Nathan turned his gaze to the young Flight Controller that had been with the Arizona since the start, "Begin your preparations to depart the system."

Ensign Paul Akron nearly jumped out of his seat upon hearing his name. His tenure with the ship not withstanding, the tone of the Commodore's voice had always inspired that sense of urgency that the Academy had sought to drill into him for so long. In his rush to carry out his orders, he neglected actually verbalize his compliance with his superior's directives.

Even without having to say it, the other members of the bridge staff began preparations of their own, taking their cues from the exchange between the Commodore and the two forward stations that generally dominated the scene during launch ops. The seconds melted into minutes as Nathan waited patiently for Lt. Marion to make all the confirmations with each department. Though everyone was silent on the bridge, the compartment itself was abuzz with the sound of consoles being worked feverishly to make the Arizona ready for independent operations once more.

"All departments report one hundred percent accountability, sir. Standing by for your orders," the Operations Officer announced.

Commodore Cowell leaned back in his chair, "Very well..." He didn't have a plan to speak of, and he had no idea what they would do once they were out among the stars again. It was bothersome, to be sure, but the fact remained that they needed to be away from the Archadian star system... away from the stigma of failure that was threatening to fester in the crew's hearts. Nathan sucked in a breath as if to solidify in his mind the need for action, and set about making shit happen.

"Ms. Marion, free the ship of all moorings and umbilical supports," the Commodore ordered.

"Aye!" Liz replied as she made the the appropriate inputs into the control panel in front of her. As her fingers swept over the control board, various chirps, chimes, warbles and inquiries could be heard. As various actions were confirmed accomplished, Lt. Marion voiced aloud for the benefit of all what was finished until finally there was nothing left to report.

"The ship is free of all moorings and we're under our own power once more," the woman reported.

"Outstanding, Lieutenant," Nathan said, his eyes floating from Elizabeth to Paul, "Ensign Akron, get us clear of the station, set your speed to 25,000 kph until we're clear."

"25,000 kph, aye," the Ensign parroted his superior's request. Paul set about the business of maneuvering the mid-size starship from the berth in which she had been moored out into open space. The entire ordeal took about three minutes given the enormity of the Immense-class space station. While it hadn't taxed the young Flight Controller in any way to pilot the craft out of dock, it did somehow give the man a sense of pride for having done so.

"We've cleared the station and have entered open space, sir," Ens. Akron reported.

"Very well, set your course for Safe Passage and open space beyond. Set your speed to cruising Warp velocity," the Commodore ordered.

Before his eyes, the stars on the screen made the transition from static to streaking forever toward them... The Arizona was finally taking the leap from yesterday into the unknown that was tomorrow...


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