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Gotta start somewhere

Posted on Sat Jul 30th, 2011 @ 2:33pm by Lieutenant JG Reittan Ral & Lieutenant JG Caesonia Kirsgaard

Mission: Tomorrow's Arizona
Location: Counselor's Office
Timeline: Before and during "Ominous Awakening"

Counselor Ral had just gotten out of sickbay after his Physical and running into Dr. Callali. He was eager to start his work as the counselor onboard, but knew that he had to meet his staff first off. So, he headed down to the Counselor's office, or what he could find of one. He walked down the corridors of the ship to find it, finally, after about twenty minutes. When he got there, the doors swooshed open and he saw a young lady sitting at the desk. She was working on some PADDs for a moment, before looking up at him and smiling. She got up and walked over to Ral and began to introduce herself.

"You must be the new ship's Counselor, Lt. Ral, I hope? I'm Counselor Caesonia Kirsgaard, one of the other ship counselors. It's nice to finally meet you. I hope that noone onboard has given you too much problems," she said with a sly smile on her face. Then, she extended her hand to introduce herself and shake his hand.

He took a firm hold of hers and shook it and said, "Why, yes, I am the new Chief Counselor onboard. Reittan Ral at your service. So, how's the crew doing? Anything I should know before I go out in search of new victims?" When he said the last bit, he did so with a smirk on his face, trying to make the first impressions as good as he could.

She shook her head and said, "Nothing out of the ordinary. Everyone's got their own problems that we help deal with and maybe a few other ones have something extra, like the Bajorans and the occupation or a Trill with a unusual joining or such. But, nothing we can't handle or anything. The ship has had its fair share of adventure, even for us though."

Reit thought about everything for a minute before saying, "Yeah, I know what you mean. I've had my fair share of things, even on the Budapest. We were defending against the Borg invasion back in 2381 and the ship was badly damanged and half the crew was either injured or killed and it affected a lot of people. Good thing that the Borg didn't do any more than they did. Got to be grateful for something, right?" He said with a smile before going on. "Well, are all the crew's psych evaluations on record for me to look over?"

"Yeah, you should be able to find them on LCARS and everything, within the Counselor's Database. Would you li...." As she was speaking, Ral and Kirsgaard felt the ship shudder, like being dragged by a tractor beam. Ral could hear and feel the people aboard the Arizona. The emotions were ranging from fear to a slight bit of curiosity, as to what was going on. He then felt some of the people onboard feeling a little uneasy and could sense a presense onboard that wasn't a ship's personnel, but he couldn't quite make it out with all the voices in his mind that were chattering at once. Then, after a minute, the ship gave a big shudder before everything went black.


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